Friday, December 23, 2016

The Kindness Virus- The Short Story Will Make Your Day, and Maybe Save A Life


This story has been read and passed around the internet, with many people really enjoying and sharing it's silly but powerful idea:

What if we became...

I initially wrote it to help a friend of mine, and this year’s version is for Beth Smith:

I hope you enjoy it, donate to help Beth, and share it with your friends and family!

The Kindness Virus
by John “Bones” Rodriguez

Beth was recently diagnosed with an aggressive and invasive form of breast cancer. She's gearing up for the fight of her life, especially as her income will be cut back while she's in treatment. Join us in supporting Beth, Riley, and their kids.

Get away!

That person didn't sneeze into their elbow like they were supposed to! That means the sickness will spread- because it's a virus!

A virus- one of the scariest things on the news:
The Bird-Flu, The Swine Flu, SARS, whatever.


A virus spreads from person to person, and infects whoever catches it. The person might get symptoms immediately, or the virus may germinate for days or weeks before the symptoms appear... but they will appear!

I'm a big Star trek fan, and in Star Trek, all viruses happen FAST- I mean, they gotta catch it, learn about it, and cure it all within 40 minutes!

If you watch the latest ZOMBIE movies, a zombie virus can spread through an entire city, state, and country within an hour or two!

And usually, it's because of some terrible accident that went WRONG…

But what if we released a virus on purpose-
a virus that spread KINDNESS?

- A virus that made people nice.

- A virus that made people thoughtful.

- A virus people enjoyed catching and spreading?

Wouldn't that be GREAT?


The thing is- a virus always has to start someplace, and with someone:

“Patient Zero.”

Someone has to be the first person infected, and the first one has to spread it to others. Without Patient Zero, the virus never even gets started.

- But what if we could control who Patient Zero is?

- What if it were an easy thing to become?

- What if YOU could just choose to start the virus?


In a pandemic virus movie, or in a zombie movie, the spreading is hard to stop. Once the virus is loosened, the heroes have to work together against the clock to save the human race before the virus spreads too far.

- But what if we were trying to spread the virus?

- What if the virus died without our help to spread?

- What if the heroes infected people on purpose?


Kindness is defined as:

“The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” also “An instance of kind behavior”.

- What if we spread KINDNESS like a virus?
- What if we could catch “Friendliness” from others?
- What if we came down with the “Considerates”

How would that affect your life, and the world?

Can you imagine it? How would that feel?

Wouldn't you like to be a HERO in that story?


Let's see how we can do that...


I've got an idea- let's play a game of “tag”, where you start out as “It” and spread the “Kindness Virus” to people all throughout the day.


You wake up, and choose to be “Patient Zero” for the day. You look at yourself in the mirror, and you choose to see the symptoms:

〉 Your eyes are wide open
〉 Your mouth is curled up at the corners
〉 Your teeth are showing
〉 And you have a pathological need to be “Friendly, Generous, and Considerate”


Like a generous zombie with a mindless, compulsive instinct, you instantly do something nice for the first person you see!

〉 You flash a big smile and a “Good morning!”
〉 You attack them with a hug!
〉 You pucker your lips, and give them a Huge Kiss- RIGHT IN THE BRAAIIINNNNN!

Maybe that's too much, and maybe you're scared your infection will kill them if they get too much at once, so you give them a smaller dose:

〉 You bring someone coffee!
〉 You buy them flowers!
〉 You pay the toll for the person behind you!
〉 You pass out dollar-bills in the street!

But that's just the beginning of your infection.

As the HERO of this pandemic disaster movie, not only are you Patient Zero, but you're also the LEADER of your pack of “Kindness Virus Zombies”!

First YOU do something nice for someone, and then that person (unbeknownst to them), is infected with good feelings... but it may not be enough to spread the virus.

They may be immune; maybe they developed a resistance to it because of how lousy their attitude is.

Perhaps they're in so much denial that it even happened, that they locked themselves up in a restaurant with a shotgun and ammunition to isolate themselves from the sickness... but we'll get them eventually.

Because you have continued to infect more people with your Kindness Virus, and some of them will be extremely susceptible.

The virus will multiply in their system, and before they realize it, they will feel COMPELLED to do something “kind” for someone else:

〉 They might hold a door open
〉 They might carry someone's bags
〉 They might let them cut in line

Who knows what kind of madness you will have started!?!?!

And then it spreads... person to person... neighbor to neighbor, parent to child... child to sibling!

Yes! That's how insidious the Kindness Virus is- it might even affect THE CHILDREN!

And sooner or later, the infection comes back around to you... but it's stronger.

It has mutated!

What started out as a simple act of Kindness has traveled the world and gone from host body to host body until it grows and becomes marches in the streets for the equality among all types of people.

Until it becomes a movement to feed the poor and heal the sick.

Until it becomes a new view on life as we finally recognize the truth:

That we are all ONE:

Created by each other, for each other, and we are all part of each other.

Soon, the Kindness Virus takes over the world, the Galaxy, and the Universe until we look back, and see that the Kindness Virus is where we all came from, where we all started, and where we will all end up.

The Kindness Virus is a Living Thing, and we are all an integral part of it's life and it's growth.

And it can start with a small, unlikely, and seemingly insignificant part of it all....


Thank You For Your Kindness!
Can I Ask A Favor- A “Kindness”?
Recently, a friend of mine was diagnosed with an extremely invasive form of breast cancer. Obviously, this is very difficult, and she could use some kindness and some support, so I'm hoping you'll help her:

If you enjoyed this short report at all, and would like to start the KINDNESS VIRUS right now, I’d like to recommend that you take a second and donate to her family as they prepare for a very tough fight:

Please feel free to email me and let me know how you enjoyed this short story. I look forward to meeting you either in person, by phone, online- or by whatever the heck they come up with next!
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men-
Bones Rodriguez
P.S.- Don't forget to visit:


Monday, December 19, 2016

Watch Out For These 7 Psychological Principles of Scam Artists (Trump Edition)

"Hey- you're not trying to hustle me, are you?"

If you are ever playing pool, and you hear this- run away.

THEY are the hustler.

They want to get you to bet on the game, and then take all of your money by accusing you first. The logic goes "If they are accusing me, they must be trustworthy"


"Hey- you're not trying to rig this election, are you?"

"Watch this election- it's rigged!"

Sound Familiar?

This is just one well-known con artist scam, but here are the seven principles that con artists use to gain your confidence (where the word "con-man" comes from), trust, and obedience.

And these seven principles evolve over time, and in today's cyber-warfare world, it's time to pay attention and proceed with caution.

1. Distraction

They use whatever loud, distracting mechanism they can to make the victim lose focus and place their attention on the thing they want you to:

  • "What's That!" And while you turn your head, they pick your pocket
  • Hot chick walk by and talk to you while they scan your credit card
  • Send out a ridiculous tweet, and you forget that he hasn't released his taxes
2. Social compliance

They exploit the tendency for people to comply with authority figures, so they might:

  • Dress up as a police officer, so they can enter your home and steal from you. 
  • Wear a suit, and yell to pretend to be an important businessman
  • Or behave like a TV star so they can grab your pussy

3. Herd principle

People are behave like a herd- they do whatever everyone around them is doing.

  • A crowd of people around a card game pretend to be excited to play, and it makes the victim excited too.
  • Creating fake profiles, "likes" and "shares" in order to fool the victim into thinking something is important or to falsify information.
  • Creating fake sound bytes and getting people to chant them like "Lock her up", or "Build a wall" even though the con man has no intention of ever doing anything like that.
  • People like us always vote Republican, no matter how terribly that has worked out for us

4. Dishonesty

Making false contradictory statements and letting the victim choose what is true, which forms trust based ion the fear of being wrong.

  • I am a wealthy Nigerian prince, but I need your $5,000 to get my millions
  • I am God, but I need a starship to escape my prison in the middle of the galaxy
  • "I love the blacks, Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization, but needs Law and Order, Your lives are a mess, What do you have to lose?"
  • I'm going to bring back those jobs, and innovation is the future

5. Deception

People go along with their expectations, and don't see the irregularities. 

  • My boyfriend is threatening to beat me up, and I just need a place to sleep tonight; I'd be so grateful if I could stay with you.
  • I'm taking over for the waitress, I'll take your credit card and run it for you now.
  • Crazy tweet after crazy tweet, racist, xenophobic, and underhanded scandals  until it becomes normal, and then expected, so you never see the real threats.

6. Need and greed

The more desperate people are, the easier they are to con.

  • I know your family is depending on you selling this cow, but I've got MAGIC BEANS for sale that will save you.
  • People who are desperate to escape their situations or countries because of war or violence often end up sex slaves on the black market from people who said they would help
  • The poor and uneducated are told that God will help them from the very peopl taking their money and preventing them from getting an education
  • "The immigrants are stealing your jobs, but I'll get rid of them"

7. Time pressure

When people are forced to decide quickly, they often skip thinking.

  • "Buy it now- I have other people waiting to move it tomorrow"
  • Jesus is coming soon- give your life to Jesus
  • Allah will judge you soon- Kill the infidels!
  • "This is your last chance to Make America Great Again!"

The thing is, all Human beings all fall for lies and scams of one sort or another, but what was interesting is that often, even after the con has been proven to be a scam, some people hold on to the belief EVEN HARDER.

For example- whenever a doomsday cult's doomsday passes without the world ending, they RECRUIT EVEN HARDER!

Also, despite Conald Trump telling lie after lie, and being a rich New York City elite snob his entire life, over 60 million people were conned into thinking that he would fight for them.

Even now, as his appointments are riddled with Washington lobbyists and personal friends who have already steered the coffers into their own pockets for decades, there are poor people in bumfuck America waiting for him to make them great.

While Conald Trump is being manipulated by Vladimir Putin, the cyber attacks on the US Government is just the beginning. Russia will be coming after our private citizens as well.

If you want to know more about the privacy war that's coming, there's a great video on this page that tells a very complicated, but scary story- CLICK HERE TO SEE.

On the positive side, aybe the Democrats will learn to fight dirty too!


Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Free Success Binaural Beats Kit- Limited Time!

Last night I sent out a video by Heather Matthews,
and she sent me a free package as a gift that you can download right now:

==> CLICK HERE for your free ‘Manifest Money & Success’ book 

She calls this her ‘Ultimate Manifestation Kit’ because
it’s more than just a book, it also comes with a 5 minute
guided meditation audio mp3 for us to listen to.

This mp3 is laced with "binaural beats", which
is a sound level that takes you to a deep meditation really fast,
and installs powerful affirmations to reprogram your brain for
more wealth, success and abundance. 

If you've never listened to "binaural beats" before, it's
kinda trippy. You might wake up a little dizzy the first time,
but then you get used to it and it feels good.

Some of us are unaware of our mental blocks that keep us from the
success and wealth and happiness that we deserve, so using tools
can help change that.

This is powerful stuff, and she was very cool to send over the link,
I’m not sure how long it’ll be free so make sure you grab yours now:

==> Click This Link - The Ultimate Manifestation Breakthrough Kit 

Enjoy and have a great day!


P.S. Make sure you download this right away while it’s still online,
and try it asap- it's pretty short, and it'll give you a boost in the day!

Monday, December 05, 2016

This Picture Of Captain America Is Pissing Off Red States

There's a picture going around on Facebook of Captain America's Chris Evans wearing a t-shirt that is pissing people off.

But it is also making a 22 year-old convenience store clerk over $13,000 a month (click to see how)!

Um... What?

But there are 3 secrets about it...

It's a picture of the electoral map of the 2016 Presidential Election:

"Blue States= The United States Of America"
"Red States= Dumb F*ckistan"

As you can imagine, it is being shared like wildfire throughout social media..


There's another picture of Kid Rock wearing the opposite t-shirt:

"Red States= The United States Of America"
"Blue States= Dumb F*ckistan"

You see, it's all because this store clerk learned that people will buy t-shirts and all sorts of things if they align with their ideas- 

Especially if they offend someone, or make them laugh!

So here's the FIRST secret: He doesn't even make the shirts!

When I heard that he was making all of this money, I figured he was making and selling the shirts- he DOESN'T.

There are companies that will make whatever you want and you never have to do anything but send them visitors they're called "Print-On-Demand" companies, and they pay millions of dollars a month- every month.

So here's the second secret: The pictures are FAKES.

Yes- all he did was add a picture of the shirt on the stars...

===>Click this link to the full story and how he does it

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Asset that even poor people can afford

I talk a lot about buying Assets instead of liabilities and doodads.

But there are ALWAYS people who INSIST that they are "too poor" to get an asset, but the truth is that they just don't know that they aren't!

If you own a bicycle, then you can rent it out to people. Boom. Asset.

If you have WI-FI, you can offer it to your neighbors for cheap, right? BOOM asset.

HOWEVER, I like the idea of small businesses, and I always talk about vending machines, but I don't own any. Who wants to deal with candy and changing it out all the time?

Instead, I buy ONLINE vending machines.

You can only do something when you KNOW ABOUT IT, right?

Well, I saw this, and bought it immediately- it's cheap, it works, and it can be an asset FOREVER, sending payments right into your bank account:

And if anyone says they can't afford it, I give up.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Why "Artsy" Women Get Their Hearts Broken Over and Over Again... Until Now


Let me ask you... I felt compelled to reprint this:

This article comes to you courtesy of Mirabelle Summers, author of Wrap Him Around Your Finger: 
Have you ever felt so deeply connected with your man … his arms around you, feeling warm and happy and giggly and safe and utterly RIGHT… 
Only to feel that WALL come down between you?
Almost out of nowhere. 
Almost without warning.
And you feel that sickening clench in your stomach as you realize…
He’s pulling away. 
And you don’t know why … or how to FIX it. 
If you’ve ever experienced anything like this for yourself… then you need to read this article, and watch the short cartoon put together for you at the end, RIGHT NOW…
Because whether YOUR man is ‘checking out’ of the relationship emotionally or not… 
You NEED to know what to do when the man you love pulls away from you BEFORE it happens…
Because trying to learn how to DRAG his love back to you when you’re already losing him is like trying to learn how to swim when you’re already drowning.
Look: I learned this myself, the hard way. 
It cost me relationship after relationship, heartbreak after heartbreak. 
And after years of seeing the men I loved walk out of my life, leaving me desperate and sobbing and bloody and broken…
…I finally got smart and decided to take back control of my lovelife. 
That’s why I made it my life’s work to uncover the secret psychology of men…
And the incredible hidden NEEDS that your man has… that all men have (but that he will never, EVER reveal to you on his own)…
And I want to share 3 of those secret, POWERFUL needs with you right now. 
So if you want to prevent any man from EVER pulling away from you again… and DRAG his desire and devotion 100% back to YOU (where it belongs), forever…
Then there are just THREE things you need to know:
1. Thing One: Understand that all men periodically NEED to pull away from ANY relationship … in exactly the same way YOU need to stop eating dinner when you’re stuffed to bursting. 
Weird but true: 
To a man, love is like food. 
Like such good food. 
But even with the BEST food in the world… even if he’s been STARVING for years…
He’s still going to get full eventually.
I’m paraphrasing from Dr John Gray here, of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (and by the way, if you haven’t already read it, you should)…
But basically, a guy’s heart can only hold so much emotional ‘food’ before he needs time to leave the table and digest. 
In other words, him ‘pulling away’ is a normal and NATURAL part of the desire cycle.
He “eats”… he gets “full”… then he leaves the table for awhile so that he can get “hungry” again.
In other words, ALL MEN periodically NEED to ‘leave the table’. Otherwise, he’ll never feel that desperate craving to get close you to again.
Which is why having a man periodically pull back from you can actually be an incredibly good thing.
Because IF you handle it right (and I’m about to tell you how), when a man pulls away, it’s a GOLDEN opportunity to snap his attention, love, and desire right back onto you again… and closer than ever before.
2. Thing Two: When a man pulls away, you must make an IMMEDIATE commitment to yourself to react in a way that most women DON’T, WON’T, OR CAN’T.
Here, I’ll paint you a little picture. 
Let’s say you’ve noticed a distance in your man’s behavior lately. 
Maybe his cute little texts are getting fewer and further between. 
Maybe he’s acting quiet, and distant, and cold, and weird. 
Or maybe he’s even told you outright that it’s not working and he ‘needs some space’. 
So, what should you DO?
Well, first I’ll tell you what you SHOULDN’T do (which is exactly what 99% of women end up doing):
Freaking out.
Most women react to a man going distant by PANICKING and saying things like:
• ‘What’s wrong?’
• ‘Is it me?’
• ‘Did I do something wrong?’
• ‘Is everything okay?’
• ‘You seem distant…’
But if you panic, freak out, or get ‘clingy’, you will QUICKLY drive him further away than ever.
And here’s why…
When it comes to love, a man’s capacity to feel love and desire for you is INCREDIBLY dependent on just TWO things:
 - His ability to make you happy, and …
- His ability to feel your TRUST in him.
 When a man perceives that he’s making you happy and that you TRUST him, his brain is flooded in a warm wash of happy chemicals.
He feels pride, ecstasy, euphoria, and a potent surge of sheer masculinity.
In other words, making you happy and earning your trust makes him feel like a MAN.
Don’t forget, most men walk around in their lives in a haze of insecurity, anxiety, and worries of being disrespected.
That’s why it’s so incredibly powerful when he feels your trust and respect in him.
It makes him stand up straight, feel ecstatic and warm and proud and strong, and ready to fight dragons for you just to feel it again.
But, if you freak out and react by trying to grab him and DRAG him back to you…
…then he (rightly) perceives that he’s NOT making you happy and you’re NOT trusting him.
Which triggers an instant and devastating surge of UNHAPPY chemicals in his brain.
The result?
Deep in his unconscious brain, he forges an unbreakable chemical link between ‘being around you’ with the unpleasant and deeply repulsive feeling of ‘being disrespected and distrusted as a man’.
And that’s when what WAS a simple, healthy, natural male instinct to ‘pull away’ in order to come CLOSER…
… ow becomes a legitimate WALL between the two of you.
So how do you make sure this NEVER happens to you?
Read on…

3. Thing Three: When a man pulls away, you need to EMBRACE it as the golden opportunity for a deeper, more incredible connection it really is.
If you feel like he’s pulling away (and he might very well be), here’s what you absolutely need to do:
- You MUST relax.
- You MUST NOT stress.
- You MUST remind yourself that all men do this, that it’s natural and healthy, that it’s literally FUELLING his ability to come closer to you…
- And most of all, you must allow him to pull back without freaking out and without trying to ‘fix’ it.
Because most of the time, there’s nothing TO fix.
It’s simply a man being a man … and getting closer to you in the only way he knows how:
By instinctively creating the DISTANCE between you that ends up driving a deeper, more connected CLOSENESS when he comes back your way again.
“But Mirabelle … I can’t just do nothing! How can you be so heartless??”
Well, first of all, understand that I’m NOT telling you to do nothing.
What I’m saying is that you must relax.
And relaxing is not ‘nothing’!
Real relaxing means taking positive action to become a stronger, more awesome version of yourself.
Whether that’s reading a novel, seeing a friend, taking a walk, playing with your puppy, cooking a meal, working out…
…anything you do that truly relaxes you is taking positive action to build a better life, a healthier body, a stronger immune system…
… and probably also stronger friendships, better self esteem, and a happier, more balanced mind.
So, relaxing is NOT nothing : )
But … hey, I get it. ‘Relaxing’ can feel downright IMPOSSIBLE when you feel like the man you love is slipping through your fingers and checking out of the relationship emotionally.
Plus, there’s the bitter truth: sometimes, a man pulling away really does spell trouble for your relationship.
But Here’s The Good News:
Right Now, Here’s Something AMAZING That’s Going To Bring All His Barriers Crumbling Down Forever, And Drag His Desire And Devotion 100% Back To You The SECOND You Use It.
Here’s the deal:
You know how I mentioned at the start of this article that there’s a cartoon I put together for you?
Well, I want you to go and watch that cartoon right now.
And here’s why:
Because, in this tooth-grittingly personal video, I tell you a raw, honest, and devastating story of how one woman came this close to driving her man away forever …
PLUS I’ll give you the EXACT eight steps I found that STOP a man from pulling away dead in his tracks …
Make him ‘hungry’ for your love … 
And honestly create a level of lasting bliss and deep emotional CONNECTION between you and your man that no-one and nothing can destroy.
And If you want him to not just ‘love’ but absolutely devote himself to you heart and soul …
Then click here and see the video  to learn the eight simple steps that give you push-button access to his deepest thoughts and feelings, and turn him into a ‘lifelong monogamy junkie’ forever:

This article comes to you courtesy of Mirabelle Summers, author of Wrap Him Around Your Finger 
If you are serious about changing your success with men, and getting men to do more of the things you WANT him to do...
If you want genuine men who will love you, shower you with attention, and give you the commitment you
Discover Mirabelle's secret mind control method and watch some pretty amazing things happen :)

Monday, September 05, 2016

This Is Step 1- What The Wealthy Buy That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!

(This video is at 500,000 views and counting on YOUTUBE!)
There Is ONE Thing That Rich People BUY That The Poor And Middle Class Don't!

(Watch to at least 7 minutes!)
To get more life-changing ideas about money and time.

If you've ever wanted to learn how to grow an internet business, then you must start here.

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich dad, Poor Dad" is responsible for a lot of the ideas in this video, along with Tim Sales' video "What The Rich Buy On Payday", along with my own spin.

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: