Ok, so a few days ago, I had an email conversation with a friend from High school, and I was convinced that she had lost her sanity. That somehow, she had been brainwashed with enough hate and fear, that she totally abandoned her moral center.
Here's a video that explains why she wrote some of what she wrote:
You can see the original conversation here. PLEASE comment!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
This is just plain frightening....
Ok, so a few days ago, I had an email conversation with a friend from High school, and I was convinced that she had lost her sanity. That somehow, she had been brainwashed with enough hate and fear, that she totally abandoned her moral center.
Here's a video that explains why she wrote some of what she wrote:
You can see the original conversation here. PLEASE comment!
Here's a video that explains why she wrote some of what she wrote:
You can see the original conversation here. PLEASE comment!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Zoe Saldana- Uhura-Worthy?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I kissed a Girl- and I liked it!
Ok, this isn't my usual for Captain Kirk, but.... I couldn't resist....
Great work J/7!
Great work J/7!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Is this some crazy shit?
Ok, so I have a friend from High School, whom I now think has lost it.
I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:
and she sent me this email:
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:
Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.
I still love you.
Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.
Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff. Exactly what they said about Hitler. Enough said!!!
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love". Truthfully there is not one drop of hypocracy of Christs love; just misinformation and false teachings. That does not make Christ imperfect but man pathetic!
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you. My faith is not dictated by my politics but my politics are dictated by my faith. If we have to go out to the end result and vote for the "lesser evil" McCain wins by a long shot. Obama is walking, talking evil, he's the most liberal democrat in the history of the US, is caught in more lies than your standard lying politician, his vote does not agree with his words (see voting record on line) as he's voted opposite of vitually every point he's made in this campaign. If you want facts John that will talk you out of this turkey just look at his voting record; that may be enough to convince you he's so full of it he can't be trusted anyway. Not to mention, Obama get's 8 minutes free news reporting in favor of him versus the one minute to McCain. So, even with all the positive Obama gets that McCain doesn't get there's still this "giant fear" going on... That's because it's true and Obama did it himself, not because of the media who is decidingly liberal anyway. Also, his budget is what, 4 times the amount the republicans have and still this "sensationalism" continues to spread??? Come now John, open up and see this turkey for who and what he is.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him. Plan on it, nuff said!
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are. John, he walks like, talks like, looks like and smells like a duck... He's a duck! Nobody dictates to me what to think, I know truth and regardless of my opinion that's what I follow, truth. I'm in a position as are you of having to choose the lesser evil here, not the one who will do the best but the one who will do the least damage and at least protect us and not tax us out of our homes. This muslim can not be trusted.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing. So is everything else the dems do. Pelosi is the equivlent of human garbage and Obama is her pony!!! I don't know what else to say other than this; the dems are wrong on just about every issue, most importantly taxes and security and the war.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love in the way you see fit is not really where my head is. Nothing I can do about that and I'm not trying to. Your quote is biblical, both Matthew and Mark. Maybe your head should be in what you're quoting. Just my opinion.
I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.******************************************************
Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?
I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:
and she sent me this email:
Be very careful with what you want to believe and what is truth...Out of his own mouth...Your e-mails are always signed "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men" so you are a professed Christian. Be careful with what you advocate because you are representing Christ to many.
In Christ's love,
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:
Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.
I still love you.
Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.
Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
I have a few comments for you as well; I guess since you felt at liberty to elaborate I will share in that right along with you. There's nothing wrong with a good debate between friends.
Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it? Yes, it is. Regardless of our opinions it is irrelevant as to what we think. You can think that the sky is green all day but it's blue, what you believe does not make it true, truth makes it true. Now, if you're going to attack my interpretation of truth don't bother old friend, I believe the bible is the inerrent word of God without exception. So, you can offer any excuse or reason or psychology you want but to me that's just words on a page, the only words that are alive are the one's in the bible. If I weren't totally convicted to that what's the point?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything? John, do you remember that time in school where you told everyone you were born in Denmark? That was so funny... What, you don't remember that? That's because you weren't born in Denmak and never "accidently" said you were. I never accidently said I was muslim at any point in my life, or of spanish decent or that I speak russian. There's so much evidence out there that he is muslim I find it incredible that anyone even thinks he's christian. Here's the crux of it, you are of spanish decent, you can live in china for 50 years and you'll be no less spanish an no more chinese regardless of what you say. He's muslim and masquerading as a christian, that does not make him christian. That's the secular perspective. The spiritual evidence is that christians don't kill babies nor promote laws that do, they don't promote abortion or laws that do and they certainly don't create and legislate the outright murder of a failed abortion that brings out a living viable baby who, if given care that any just born child received would live. There is no excuse in this world or the next that can possibly convince me otherwise; it is grotesque in the extreme and in my humble opinion Obama should be imprisoned for it and so should every doctor who participated in one. Finally, I ask that you keep this on task and not extrapolate this to the war or any war in the middle east. The US soldiers do not do this to them, these are the sons and daughters of the people next door, those you and I went to school with, friends, relatives and those we'll some day share a meal with during the holidays. Please don't make a baseless accusation against our government or military that we're doing something "illegal" over there and/or compare it to the murder of an unborn/just born infant here in the US. Let's face it John, there's no lawful order given that would support that and regardless of the training you or I would receive, if we were in the military would we do such an abominable thing. Do you think our sons and daughters of this country would. Of course not, regarless of what Katie Couric (a total idiot) would say!!!And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.
Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?
Is this some crazy shit?
Ok, so I have a friend from High School, whom I now think has lost it.
I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:
and she sent me this email:
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:
Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.
I still love you.
Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.
Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff. Exactly what they said about Hitler. Enough said!!!
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love". Truthfully there is not one drop of hypocracy of Christs love; just misinformation and false teachings. That does not make Christ imperfect but man pathetic!
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you. My faith is not dictated by my politics but my politics are dictated by my faith. If we have to go out to the end result and vote for the "lesser evil" McCain wins by a long shot. Obama is walking, talking evil, he's the most liberal democrat in the history of the US, is caught in more lies than your standard lying politician, his vote does not agree with his words (see voting record on line) as he's voted opposite of vitually every point he's made in this campaign. If you want facts John that will talk you out of this turkey just look at his voting record; that may be enough to convince you he's so full of it he can't be trusted anyway. Not to mention, Obama get's 8 minutes free news reporting in favor of him versus the one minute to McCain. So, even with all the positive Obama gets that McCain doesn't get there's still this "giant fear" going on... That's because it's true and Obama did it himself, not because of the media who is decidingly liberal anyway. Also, his budget is what, 4 times the amount the republicans have and still this "sensationalism" continues to spread??? Come now John, open up and see this turkey for who and what he is.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him. Plan on it, nuff said!
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are. John, he walks like, talks like, looks like and smells like a duck... He's a duck! Nobody dictates to me what to think, I know truth and regardless of my opinion that's what I follow, truth. I'm in a position as are you of having to choose the lesser evil here, not the one who will do the best but the one who will do the least damage and at least protect us and not tax us out of our homes. This muslim can not be trusted.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing. So is everything else the dems do. Pelosi is the equivlent of human garbage and Obama is her pony!!! I don't know what else to say other than this; the dems are wrong on just about every issue, most importantly taxes and security and the war.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love in the way you see fit is not really where my head is. Nothing I can do about that and I'm not trying to. Your quote is biblical, both Matthew and Mark. Maybe your head should be in what you're quoting. Just my opinion.
I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.******************************************************
Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?
I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:
and she sent me this email:
Be very careful with what you want to believe and what is truth...Out of his own mouth...Your e-mails are always signed "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men" so you are a professed Christian. Be careful with what you advocate because you are representing Christ to many.
In Christ's love,
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:
Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.
I still love you.
Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.
Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
I have a few comments for you as well; I guess since you felt at liberty to elaborate I will share in that right along with you. There's nothing wrong with a good debate between friends.
Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.
So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it? Yes, it is. Regardless of our opinions it is irrelevant as to what we think. You can think that the sky is green all day but it's blue, what you believe does not make it true, truth makes it true. Now, if you're going to attack my interpretation of truth don't bother old friend, I believe the bible is the inerrent word of God without exception. So, you can offer any excuse or reason or psychology you want but to me that's just words on a page, the only words that are alive are the one's in the bible. If I weren't totally convicted to that what's the point?
And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything? John, do you remember that time in school where you told everyone you were born in Denmark? That was so funny... What, you don't remember that? That's because you weren't born in Denmak and never "accidently" said you were. I never accidently said I was muslim at any point in my life, or of spanish decent or that I speak russian. There's so much evidence out there that he is muslim I find it incredible that anyone even thinks he's christian. Here's the crux of it, you are of spanish decent, you can live in china for 50 years and you'll be no less spanish an no more chinese regardless of what you say. He's muslim and masquerading as a christian, that does not make him christian. That's the secular perspective. The spiritual evidence is that christians don't kill babies nor promote laws that do, they don't promote abortion or laws that do and they certainly don't create and legislate the outright murder of a failed abortion that brings out a living viable baby who, if given care that any just born child received would live. There is no excuse in this world or the next that can possibly convince me otherwise; it is grotesque in the extreme and in my humble opinion Obama should be imprisoned for it and so should every doctor who participated in one. Finally, I ask that you keep this on task and not extrapolate this to the war or any war in the middle east. The US soldiers do not do this to them, these are the sons and daughters of the people next door, those you and I went to school with, friends, relatives and those we'll some day share a meal with during the holidays. Please don't make a baseless accusation against our government or military that we're doing something "illegal" over there and/or compare it to the murder of an unborn/just born infant here in the US. Let's face it John, there's no lawful order given that would support that and regardless of the training you or I would receive, if we were in the military would we do such an abominable thing. Do you think our sons and daughters of this country would. Of course not, regarless of what Katie Couric (a total idiot) would say!!!And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.
I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.
Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Captain Kirk Promotes LITERACY...
As we all know, the Captain is all about Reading and Literacy-
How else would he know MILTON so well?
Well, there's a Web Communication Specialist at a community college out in Arkansas who is known as "The Captain Kirk Celebrity Impersonator", and he used "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women" to promote Literacy:

What Great Posters!
Special Thanks to The Captain Kirk Celebrity Impersonator! Beam on over to his site:
How else would he know MILTON so well?
Well, there's a Web Communication Specialist at a community college out in Arkansas who is known as "The Captain Kirk Celebrity Impersonator", and he used "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women" to promote Literacy:

What Great Posters!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Tiger Woods, Dave Matthews, and .... Bones Rodriguez?
What do these three men have in common?

For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?
It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:
The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.
For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?
It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:
The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.
Tiger Woods, Dave Matthews, and .... Bones Rodriguez?
What do these three men have in common?

For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?
It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:
The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.
For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?
It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:
The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.
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