Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Need Traffic? Me Too! Here's What I'm Doing.

If You're Trying To Get Traffic To Your Website or Blog, This Is For You... And Also Me.

Traffic is the Holy Grail of the Internet marketing and business crowd. It seems like just "getting people" to your website will solve all of your problems, but that's not how it works. You know how I learned that?

Through doing home parties for my MLMs.

They always said "Just get people there!", but it wasn't what worked. I had to learn some thing from someone who knew what they were doing, and I'm finally going to learn from THE Traffic guy.

Here's OUR chance:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why Is MLM So Difficult?

If MLM is too difficult,
it might just be the way you're doing it...

Date: Thursday March 13, 2014
From: Bones Rodriguez- Actor, Author, Entrepreneur


Let me tell you the "usual" MLM story...

A distributor gets a DVD on an MLM business opportunity, and after checking out the information, you are completely blown away by the presentation, and decide to join.

I mean, "3 Get 3" is a simple idea!

All they have to do is buy stuff every month, right?

Let's Go Get Rich!

You care about your friends and family, and wouldn't it be great if we could all get rich together? 

So you start calling, texting, emailing, and facebooking people like a maniac.

You start driving all over town sampling your product to friends and family ("You have to try it!"), telling them about the amazing benefits.

You tell them how the business opportunity could fix every problem they ever have!

You faithfully host 2 to 3 home parties weekly, and your vehicle is completely jammed packed with products, brochures, CDs, DVD's anything affiliated with your business.

If it exists, you own it!

Still, getting people to invest in your business is no easy task.

In fact, most people you show your MLM to love the product and the business model, but were not willing to join because of some unknown reason.

Maybe they don't want more money... or time... 


Of course they do.

Doesn't everyone?

What's wrong?

Besides, who else wants to run around all over town like you're doing, and harassing people all the time?

After about 8 months into your MLM business you find it extremely difficult to keep the people who joined your team on auto-ship...

It seems like every month at least 5 - 7 people are canceling their orders.

Your weekly checks hardly reflected how much TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY you're truly putting into your MLM Business.

Sound Familiar?

Unfortunately most people who join an MLM don't survive past 120 days, which means you've got to become a "recruiting machine" every single month just to keep momentum in your downline.

(This can become extremely exhausting.)

But... what about "3 Get 3"?

If you don't personally enroll at least 10 to 15 people into your business each month, it will be extremely difficult for you to earn any serious income working your business.

What happened to "The Dream"?

So you try again with a "New" Business...
and the cycle starts all over again.

And Again.

And Again.

So, instead of doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result, I have a suggestion for you...

How About Doing Something


Monday, March 10, 2014

Entreperformer Business Makeover- Acting Coach

Acting Coach Business Makeover

My friend Dana Daurey is an acting coach, and she has some great clients who praise her work with them. I met her doing a SEARS commercial a few years ago, and despite being super cute and pretty, she was HILARIOUS... (She's the little one):

She had created a new profile on Facebook in order to find new clients for her coaching. Her hope was that some of her friends would tell others, and she'd never have to find clients again. Well, we know that doesn't really happen, so I told her that she might be better off doing a facebook PAGE, and advertise for clients directly.

I took a look at her website, and gave her a MAKEOVER. I hope you learn from it too:

Entreperformer Business Makeover- Acting Coach - YouTube: "

Get more from Dana at http://www.DanaDaurey.com

If you learned something from this, then you'll probably get a lot out of my book: "No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business WITHOUT A Day Job". You can get that at NoMoreWaiters.com and get a free report on the ever-changing world of acting.

If you want to make money with your own "Business in a box" here- http://www.JobsStink.com

Sunday, March 09, 2014

My "I Love New York" Commercial- Baseball Hall Of Fame

My "I Love New York" Commercial- I take My Son To The Baseball Hall Of Fame

I recently shot a commercial for New York, my home state. It's for their new campaign for "I Love New York", and in this case, it features the Baseball Hall Of Fame in Cooperstown NY:

We were up there for a few days, I got to practice being Daddy with my new friend Vinicius, and he got to have Bones Rodriguez as his dad... He's still alive!

I wanted to show you that I'm out there, auditioning, and booking work- you can too!
Subscribe, share, and join me on this journey!

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Auditions Require Courage- Got Some?

Nervous Auditions- Do You Have Them?

I am extremely confident when it comes to doing improv, and auditions for commercials. Most people are terrified of just getting in front of an audience without a script, but for me, it's an opportunity to help my audience enjoy themselves... They are LUCKY to see me perform for them!

However...I'm not all that used to auditioning for TV pilots., even though my skill set is EXACTLY what TV needs (that's right, I said it), so I was a little nervous today when I went into ABC.

But I also came across a nervous 8th grader today, and here's what all of that means:

How do YOU cope with nerves?

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Entreperformer Business Makeover- Yoga Instructor!

The First Entreperformer Business Makeover: Yoga Instructor!

My friend Kelly was cooking something for me (yes, I have good friends like that), and we were talking about her Yoga classes. She told me about what she was doing, and how she'd like to have it work. I gave her a number of ideas and plans, and I thought that other people might want to apply what I told her:


She already had a website put together, but I of course told her that she must build a mailing list, and for that, she might want to use AWEBER. It is the most well-known list service out there, and many of the other services use their platform and make things speciffically for their users. I also told her to run a blog, and learn how to promote it, so she gets traffic- the RIGHT kind of traffic.

Want to learn more about Kelly and the Yoga she teaches? Click HERE: http://www.KellyScanlon.com

Anyone can start to create a real business using some strategies from the internet, and then pursue whatever life you want, because you have created assets that pay you. If that makes sense, and you want more info on how to do all of that, visit http://www.NoMoreWaiters.com/Free/

Friday, February 28, 2014

Look! The 10 Hottest Broadway Chorus Girls- 2014

The 10 Hottest Broadway Chorus Girls for 2014

Don't blame me, I didn;t make this list up. I just saw it, and like any red-blooded American Male Who's Into Chorus, and Broadway- I had to look... right?

Besides, I was kinda hoping to see someone I knew on the list.

What REALLY made me blog about this though, is that Broadway is so desperate to get people into the theatre, they'll do anything to publicize, and I have to admit it- I think this is a great idea! People who wouldn't normally take a look will, and will end up finding out about new shows.

Besides, you can even see the Boys too:

No, I'm not on the list... sorry.

The question is- what are YOU willing to do to get people in the seats?

Like my friend Bob Fraser (RIP) used to say "It's not 'show business' it's the 'butts in seats business'"

Check out the full list at Time Out, and get your butt into a seat!

The 10 hottest chorus girls opening in Broadway musicals this spring (2014):

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