Saturday, December 20, 2014

People With Guns Kill People

People with guns kill people.

Depending on your point of view, that's either a pro-gun or anti-gun statement.

And it may color your view on how we should deal with the problem
of gun violence and killing in general in our country.

The entire debate seems to be about which way we can feel the most safe.

Some people say that if guns aren't allowed at all,
then we can feel safer because no one will have a gun.
Of course, there are illegal guns everywhere, and so the
"bad guys" end up with them whether they are legal or not.

Other people say that when everyone has a gun, we can feel safer
because the "good guys" will be able to stop the "bad guys" 
because he (not she so much) won't be as invincible.

And finally, some people say that only Law enforcement should have guns,
which is a kind of half-measure because it obviously makes guns more available,
but only for people who are sworn to be "good guys".

This makes them feel safer.

Whichever way makes you feel safest is the way you might look at a solution.

But let me question that assumption.

That assumption that your feelings about safety are the goal.

Maybe your feelings about which is safest shouldn't be what we create our laws around.

Maybe instead of looking at things in a "good" and "bad" or
"right" and "wrong" way, we can look at them in a
"Which way Works best, depending on what we're trying to accomplish" way.

You see, if what you're trying to accomplish is a "feeling of safety",
then any or all of these sound like good solutions.

But if instead of relying on your "feelings of safety",
maybe we should be trying to accomplish something else.

The anti-gun people feel safer because they think that less guns
means it's less likely that they'll be shot by one, and yet,
one madman with some armor and a few guns can kill an entire school
full of children without anyone to stop him.

The pro-gun people feel safer with a gun on their hip because they know
that if someone enters a theatre to do harm, that they can stand their ground,
and shoot first. But of course with guns on everyone's hips, someone's fears
can turn a child with skittles and a hoodie into a dangerous thug who must be shot.

So, if we're trying to accomplish a "feeling of safety", we can see that both sides
of the argument are totally "right". They both accomplish their objectives
(feeling safer) with their solution.

So, what about if our goal- that thing we're trying to accomplish- isn't a "feeling" at all?

What if instead what we chose to accomplish with our laws was... 


Less by "bad guys", less by "good guys", less by "accident".

How could we accomplish LESS GUN-RELATED DEATHS?

Can we look at an analogy to find our solution?

What if we wanted to accomplish LESS ABORTIONS.

That's right- I'm going there.

If what we wanted to accomplish were LESS ABORTIONS,
what would be the best way to accomplish that?

Would it be to outlaw it?
Would it be to kill any woman who tried?
Would it be to hand out contraception everywhere and anywhere?
Would it be "morning after" pills for every woman every morning?

Actually, no.

The best way to achieve LESS ABORTIONS would be to have ZERO PREGNANCIES.


You can't have an abortion without a pregnancy!

So- if what we're trying to accomplish is LESS GUN-RELATED DEATHS,
it seems that the only logical, unemotional, conclusion would be.


Can we ensure guns aren't made? Nope.
Can we ensure that the "bad guys" wouldn't get one? Nope.
Can we ensure that a madman wouldn't get illegal guns and kill a school full of kids?
Nope- just like we didn't before.

But- would disallowing them altogether make those things much harder?

Would the economy around guns take a nose-dive?

Would we accomplish LESS GUN-RELATED DEATHS?


Is there proof? Yes- look at the countries that have outlawed them. 

Don't wait for me to tell you- look it up yourself.

I started this by saying that "People with guns kill people."

So, who's to blame? The guns? The People?

And what should we do about it?

Ask another question:

What are you trying to accomplish with your answer?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I had a good idea #JarOfChange

So, I got home a little buzzed after having a few beers while seeing a Gotham City Improv show,
and looked at the jar of change I had on my table. I had a Gemini Conversation:

John: I gotta go convert this to cash

Bones:  You should donate it

John: That's a good idea

Bones: Yeah, but what if you made it fun?

John: Oh, like a game?

Bones: Yeah, we like games!

John: Ok, so what game?

Bones: Oh! I know- let's get other people to guess hw much is in there, and then who ever is closest gets us to donate the money to their charity!

John: Damn, you ARE brilliant!

Bones: I told you!

So, I posted it on Instagram and  Facebook:

So, after a few days, I closed the guessing.
There were like 25 guesses (I expected a lot more people to play)
and that's when I thought it might be a good idea for other people to do.

Anyway, we went to the bank:

So, the winner for the first "Jar Of Change" is Jenny Lando, and we donated to Newtown Action Alliance-

But then I was like "Hey- can this get bigger?"

Like what if I get the site "" and I get other people to do the same?
Maybe I can make it a fun betting sort of thing, where everyone who guesses promises to pay up to the winners charity? Or just for the heck of it.... Maybe more to come, who knows?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What I Learned With Mike Dillard's Money

I have waited long enough.

I have been wanting to tell people about this experience for a while, but Mike Dillard and Curt Maly kept saying that we should do it "sometime".

Well, I hate waiting, so I wrote it out.

I think they might get mad, but I hope not:

I wrote an 18-page report detailing the story of how I won Mike Dillard's Coaching program contest, and $1,000 of his money to test my online business.

I was super excited because along with the money came a special ad campaign created by Curt Maly, the newest facebook advertising Guru.

I learned a ton from him, but my business didn't make me a millionaire like I thought it would.

So, here's the full story:

Monday, December 08, 2014

Seth Godin Asks ME a Question

Ok, so he didn't ask me directly, but I love to read this guys books.

And I also read his blog, which he writes EVERYDAY.
Yup, Saturdays and Sundays too.

And today, he wrote something pretty much about what's on my mind these days.

I have been thinking about what kind of performing I want to do now, and basically "What's Next" as the year comes to a close. Here is what he wrote:

What's next?

What does a good day look like? A good week?
Who do you want to work with?
Who are you trying to please?
What sort of feedback brings you down?
What’s your tolerance for being misunderstood? By whom?
Is it about process or projects?
Which part of the project makes you happy?
At the end of the project, what would you like in return?
What diminishes the work?
How high do the stakes need to be?
How close to the edge do you need to dance? Risk? Resources? Failure?
What will you take? What will you give? Who will you connect?
How much freedom will you sacrifice to get what you want? How much commitment will you promise?
What are you measuring? Smiles, comments, traffic, cash, media response, friends, peers, insiders, outsiders?
Will they miss you when you're done with this?

Get on his Email list- he constantly challenges with new ideas, and perspectives!
Oh, and get his books too- TRIBES is fantastic!

Sunday, December 07, 2014

When is the right time to potty train your baby? You might be surprised!

I have a 4 month old, and wow- I can't believe I'll be changing diapers for 2 more years!
Just for the heck of it, I went looking for a way to potty train earlier.

I know, 4 months is too soon, but still...


Here's what I learned...

I dunno if it's too early to potty train my baby, but I figure if I learn now, when the time comes, it'll go easy!

Click here for the Videos- START POTTY TRAINING

If you want some more parenting tips and tricks that have saved my life, marriage and bank account, then enter your info here:

Friday, December 05, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon (To Be A Racist) "2"

I just watched Dreamwork's "How To Be A Dragon 2" and boy am I racist.

See, the sequel is about how the peaceful Vikings and their pet Dragons are being threatened to wage war with another ex-viking from long ago.

Y'know, the black viking.

The one with Dreadlocks.

Voiced by the hardly-intelligible-to-begin-with Djimon Hounsou doing a sort of african-nordic-scottish accent.

"Well, at least there's a black guy playing him!" you say; "I mean, if there were no black people in this movie about Vikings, then you'd be marching and chanting about equal opportunity and affirmative action!"

"We had America Ferrera voicing a major part, isn't that enough?"

I keep using the word "voicing" so that you realize how ridiculous it is that in this movie there really is not only ONE black guy on screen, he is also the only one voicing himself- THE BAD GUY.

So, if you're wondering why it seems we can't get justice when black kids get killed, just have a movie night and explain to your kids that this dreadlocked foreigner HAD to be killed because he was trying to conquer those oh-so peaceful VIKINGS.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Universe Asks YOU A Question

When you think about WHY you are here,
Considering WHERE you are,
and WHO you want to be...
and WHAT you want to do,
and WHEN you want to start..

Let the Universe ask you this:

Maybe you can start by getting yourself free by starting a home business here:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Is that how I fixed it last time?

"Where is the cover for the air conditioner?" I asked my ever-patient wife.
"I think it's gone" she said.
"Gone? Where could it have gone?"
"You said you think it flew off and fell down outside, remember"
"Oh.... Right. Is that why this cardboard is here? Did I fix it with this last time?"
"Ok then... I'll just fix it like this again... for now.... like last year."

Don't judge me, you know you've done it.

Like that JOB that you were supposed to have as a "TEMPORARY" thing, that is now your Career.

Why not try out something different, like THIS SOLUTION

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tony Robbins Exposes Dirty Money Secrets

Tony Robbins Makes You a Deal to Invest For You...

Tony Robbins has  new book out where he has interviewed several of the world's best investors and money people.

All so he could expose their dirty secrets!

Watch the video AFTER this graphic:

I recommend you watch this whole thing, but I started the video where he gives an example that will SHOCK most people who don't know the rules. Just watch 2 minutes, and if you're not hooked, forget it.

BUT- if those 2 minutes peak your interest, watch the whole thing:

I ordered my copy, On AMAZON of course!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Better Than Perfect?

I have a question for you-

What's BETTER than perfect?

If you are working on something being perfect
before you DO something....

Then ANYTHING is better.

"Good NOW is better than Perfect NEVER"

I have a friend who doesn't have a website AT ALL for her
acting business, and I have no idea why that is. It's been 7 years.

I have another friend who was constantly being asked for business cards.
It went on for years about how she wanted to make business cards.
She never made them... for years.
So, about 5 years ago, I made them FOR her.

-But she didn't like them.

In fact, she didn't want to hand them out when people would ask her for
them because she didn't like them enough.

But y'know what? Someone asked her for one when I had a few.
We gave them out anyway, because they were all she had.

She got calls and got business because of them.

You'd think that would prompt someone to make new ones,
but NOPE. She has yet to make new ones.

I wanted to make a spoof video of the Corona Commercials
because I hated them so much. But we were always waiting for the
perfect day to go to the beach, the perfect people, the perfect camera,
etc, and y'know what?


Also- Corona recently changed their whole campaign!

I missed the boat.

Choosing to DO SOMETHING NOW is better than being perfect never-

Make sure you've got your mind in the NOW, because that's the
only thing you have control of.

It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good!

And if you have issues with perfectionism, my friend Casey
just read the audiobook version of THIS BOOK. Get a copy!

Sunday, November 09, 2014

"Too Many Cooks" is BONKERS

"Too Many Cooks" seems like it's going to be the beginning of a sitcom parody:

And then it blows your mind for a very long time. I don't want to say too much
because... well... really, just watch it. And then ask yourself "WTF Did I just watch?"

Yeah, yeah- I know. Bonkers, right?

But if you get it, leave me a comment and SHARE THIS NOW!

Monday, November 03, 2014

Network Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing, vs High-Ticket Sales- Which is best?

Unless you're in the space of Home business and making money from home or online, you might not really understand the difference between Network Marketing, Affiliate marketing (or affiliate sales) or what's now known as "High -Ticket"sales or "GPT" as Mike Dillard called it a few years ago.

This video by Darren Hanser really does an excellent job of explaining the differences and why a system that we both use really takes the best from all three philosophies:

So, if that cleared up the differences between Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, and High Tickets sasles for you, leave a comment. If the system he described sounds like something you'd like to know more about, then CLICK HERE TO TAKE A TEST DRIVE.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I Cried Watching Jim Carrey- Here's Why.

This weekend, Jim Carrey was on SNL.

Not the greatest show, but there was a sketch where all he cast members played different Jim Carrey characters, kinda doing impressions of him:

Tarren Killam again showing that he's fantastic at most things.

It was a fun sketch, fun to watch and know the characters, but not really "funny".

But here's why I cried at the end of it.

A long time ago, I made a list of 101 life goals. No, one of them was NOT to perform with Jim Carrey (although, maybe I should!), but it was this:

"Other comedians do impressions of me to an audience's delight"

Watching it happen for someone else made me happy for him, but also really sad for myself. I hate to say it, but I don't think that's going to happen for me anymore. Well, at least I got to see it for Jim!

Actuallt, I've changed my mind. There's no need to give up on that dream, and in fact, watching it happen for Jim Carrey makes it MORE likely that it will be or me too!

All thoughts are lies people, so you might as well choose the ones that work in your favor!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Who says "no" to you?

I got this from Seth's Blog: No one to say no:

"In a world that lacks so many traditional gatekeepers, there are fewer people than ever to say no to your project, your idea, your song. If you want to put it out there, go ahead.

On the other hand, that also means that there are fewer people who can say yes. That's now your job too.
If you work in an organization, the underlying rule is simple: People are not afraid of failure, they’re afraid of blame.
Avoid looking in the mirror and saying no. More challenging: practice looking in the mirror and saying yes."

So now, when you feel like someone isn't letting you do something, remember that the person is the one in the mirror!
This is for the actors, writers, and business people of all types!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Huffington Post ENDORSES ME (sorta)

Huffington Post just spilled the beans.

See, people sometimes make fun of me for my course "No More Waiters".

I tell people that they can SELL MY COURSE and make money with it
by using a website called Clickbank.

In fact my "$50 in 24 hours" method uses Clickbank.

Very rarely did someone say "Oh, I know that!"

But now that HUFFINGTON POST wrote about the stuff I teach and Clickbank, all of a sudden I am validated:

"In recent years teenagers, 20-somethings, mid-lifers and senior citizens across the globe have explored the new era of digital commerce. This allows anyone to create a product once and resell it an infinite amount of times. Never in the history of business has an entrepreneur had so much leverage and such little risk.
One company that has been on the forefront of the evolution in digital commerce is ClickBank. ClickBank is the world leader in performance marketing of digital products, with six million clients and distribution in 190 countries. They specialize in being the go-to, easy-to-use platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses, enabling and encompassing powerful online and mobile e-commerce across a wide variety of lifestyle categories.
In the new age of digital commerce, ClickBank is helping empower people to share their knowledge with others through the creation of digital products, but it doesn't just stop there. Product developers are also empowered to make products of all kinds outside of education and how-to oriented products. Many of ClickBanks' most successful products are in the health and fitness, home and garden, parenting and families, cooking, food and wine categories."- Huffington Post

See, when you get No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business Without A Day Job, you will learn how to be an "affiliate" and how to use Clickbank so you can make money from your computer. That was for the Actors.
For everyone else, I have a blog about doing the same thing for a different website- 
So- will you be at the front, or at the back? If you're seeing the trend, you'll realize that all of this information is about to go mainstream, and you'll be too late.
It's up to you, but if you're ready to get started, go here- No More Waiters

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Do YOU Give a F*ck?

This is fantastic.
I'm adding this and spreading the word because I love what they have done here, and since it's going viral, I guess I'm not the only one:

Yes, I already have my own health book: Half Assed Health, but I really love what they're doing here, and I figure I'm helping to make people give a f*ck.

Get the book here:

Time to give a f*ck!

Monday, October 06, 2014

Shatner and Nimoy Sold Out To The Germans!

Yup- Shater and Nimoy are together again in a a futuristic..

Yeah, but it's a good one. Especially if you pay attention to the sweaters they are each wearing:

Well done Volkswagen- THANK YOU!!!

Also, that XL1 looks as Amazing as an Andorian in applesauce!
(Let's make that a saying, ok?)

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Tony Robbins's Greatest Secret

When will I learn?

My life is WAY better when I continually add positive books, videos, and audios to my daily experience. I have had this habit of crashing, then really feeding my mind with positive, and then figuring that I don't need it anymore. Silly.

This is a Tony Robbins video, and it's better than anything else you'll watch today:

Remembering to put positive and uplifting stuff into my mind has been the best decision I've made, and when I get back to it, my life is remarkably better. That's why I chose to commit to listening to this audio library I've had.

That video is another great story that reminded me how important it is to CREATE the life you want.

How do YOU do that in your own life?

Thursday, October 02, 2014

An Open Letter.... FROM GOD

Many of you know that I enjoy passing on what I've learned and who I have learned it from.

One of the many changing slogans of this blog is "Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Successful and Grateful".

It is with this idea that I pass along a great passage from one of my favorite authors, Neale Donald Walsch over at The Global Conversation:

An Open Letter to Our World:

There is a way to end war and violence by the species known as Humanity that has arisen and established itself upon the Earth, but it has not yet found a pathway into the Common Culture of the colony of sentient beings that populates this planet.
The way to end war and violence on the globe is for the species that is “us” to grapple with and struggle with and finally come to terms with a foundational truth of all of Life that humanity has simply found it impossible to even begin to comprehend, much less actually adopt, embrace, and apply in its daily dealings.
We have not found this impossible because we as a race have insufficient intelligence. We have, after all, put a man on the moon, found a cure for many diseases, and unraveled the human genome. We’ve even cloned sheep and cats and other animals…and are presumably but a generation or less from cloning humans.
No, the problem is not basic intelligence. The problem is spiritual, social, and emotional immaturity. In short, right now we are like children — very intelligent children, for certain, but children nonetheless — and we are playing with matches.
The way to bring an end to violence on the Earth (and I am not talking just about violence between people, but the violence that we are inflicting upon the planet itself…and the biggest form of violence of all: The Violence of Indifference) is to bring an end to the Cultural Story that has informed our every choice and decision for thousands of years among the largest number of our world’s inhabitants. We must write a New Cultural Story, and we must do so now. Then we must share this new Cultural Story (the “story” about Who We Are and Why We Are Here) with every adult we can reach on this planet, then teach it to our children, so that we can change our collaboratively created experience of life on the Earth in one generation.
The story we must end is our Story of Separation. It is a story that began with our earliest theologies — which in turn emerged from our earliest understandings of human life, and of what is going on here.
What we now call “self-consciousness” arose when we began to see or know ourselves individually. Perhaps it was seeing our reflection in a caveside pool that sparked this perception. We raised a hand to scratch our head and saw the “man in the pool” doing the same thing…and soon we began to conceive of “The Self.”
The next step in producing the perception of separation came, perhaps, as we sat around the campfire of our clan and found ourselves startled by a sudden flash of lightning in the night sky, followed by a booming clap of thunder. We looked anxiously around the campfire and asked, with whatever facial and verbal expressions we’d developed, “Did you do that?” When everyone in the clan shook their head in a panicked “No!,” we came to a startling awareness: There is something Other Than Us.
This Something Other also seemed, as subsequent events appeared to prove, far morepowerful than us. It could cause wind and rain and violent storms; heat and dry spells that lasted, it seemed, forever; a frightening shaking and even an opening of the very ground on which we walked. It could even start fires in the woods all by Itself.
It became clear to us that we needed to find a way to control this Something Other, or our lives would forever be at Its mercy. Yet we could not conceive of or imagine a way that we could do this. We tried everything. We knew we had to find a way to appease the gods.
We didn’t call the elements of life “gods,” of course. That word came along at a much later time. But we did think of this Something Other as an aspect of our existence that was both powerful and uncontrollable.
We knew some members of our own clan in exactly the same way. The biggest and the strongest and the most brutish ran rampant through the collective life of the clan, and efforts were continually made to appease them. They were brought offerings of every kind, from nubile virgins to plentiful food to beautiful things from the richness of the earth.
Once, when the most brutish became more sullen and angry than usual because of an unending drought and the sacrifices it imposed on them and the whole clan, we joined others in our small group to do whatever we could think of to calm them, lest they take out their anger on us—which they had done before.
We threw a campside “party” for them, sang and did dances for them. Someone in the group tore a dying branch from a nearby tree and shook it as part of his dance, its dry leaves making a rhythmic sound matching his gyrations as he twirled around the fire.
As it happened, at that exact moment the skies opened up, and a sudden hard rain drenched the site. Everyone was shocked! And, given the limited intellectual development of the clan at that time, the Dance With The Branch was credited with having produced the water from the sky.
A way had been found to please and appease Something Other! A way had been found to get that Something Other to do what we had been hoping for! All of us were so excited! The “rain man” was elevated to a position of highest status. Ritual, and a class within the clan of Those Who Performed It, was created.
The clan believed that the Dance of the Branch by the Rain Man created rain, and so itdid in the future more often than not. And this was not by coincidence. Metaphysics being was it is, the formula worked. For the metaphysical process—whether modern or ancient—produces in physicality whatever it is fervently believed it will produce.
In that first instance, it was no doubt the ongoing, fervent hope, the deeply earnest wish, of the clan that the drought would end that generated the result. But the coincidence of the rain falling at the exact moment the noisy dance was performed could not be ignored.
The narrative above is, of course, all of my imagining. It was an insight—call it an inspiration, if you choose—that I received at the time of my Conversations with God. The entire story could be inaccurate…but I believe that either this, or something very similar to this, is what occurred in the early life of human beings, and what produced our sense of separation, our sense of Something Other, and our sense that there might be, after all, a way of controlling—or at least influencing—that Something Other.
Earliest humans were dealing with the alchemy of the universe, without knowing it. Thus was born what later became known as Religion.
As Man became more sophisticated in his understandings, the species sought a more sophisticated way of seeking to “appease the gods”…and, later, the single God that humans ultimately decided must surely exist.
We were right about that.
There is the thing we now call God. Yet our idea about God—that it is “Something Other”—is what has been inaccurate. This idea is a carryover from the earliest story we told ourselves about The Power Greater Than Us. That first idea is what created what I have called our Separation Theology.
Right now most people who believe in God—and that is by far the largest number of people on this planet—still embrace a Separation Theology. This is a way of looking at God that declares that we are “over here” and God is “over there.”
This would not matter if it began and ended there, but the problem with a Separation Theology is that it produces a Separation Cosmology. That is, a way of looking at all of life that says that everything is separate from everything else.
This wouldn’t be so bad if it was just a point of view, but the problem is that a Separation Cosmology produces a Separation Psychology. That is, a psychological viewpoint that says that I am over here and you are over there.
This would also be something we could life with if that was all there was to it, but the problem is that a Separation Psychology produces a Separation Sociology. That is, a way of socializing with each other that encourages everyone within human society to act as separate entities serving their own separate interests.
Now we’ve entered into truly dangerous territory, because a Separation Sociology inevitably produces a Separation Pathology. That is, pathological behaviors of self-destruction, engaged in individually and collectively, and producing suffering, conflict, violence, and death by our own hands—evidenced everywhere on our planet throughout human history.
Only when our Separation Theology is replaced by a Oneness Theology will our pathology be healed. A Oneness Theology recognizes that we have been differentiatedfrom God, but not separated from God, even as the fingers on our hand are differentiated but not separated from the hand itself.
We are being invited to understand that all of Life is One Thing. This is the first step. It is the jumping-off point. It is the beginning of the end of how things now are. It is the start of a new creation, of a new tomorrow. It is the New Cultural Story of Humanity.
Oneness is not a characteristic of life. Life is a characteristic of oneness. This is what we have not understood about our existence on Earth, the understanding of which would change everything. Life is the expression of oneness Itself. God is the expression of Life Itself. God and Life are one. You are a part of Life. You do not and cannot stand outside of it. Therefore you are a part of God.  It is a circle. It cannot be broken.
When we begin acting in harmony with this truth, our entire experience of Life will be altered forever. There will, in fact, be war no more. Violence in all forms will disappear. Depravity and insufficiency will end. Abject suffering and poverty will vanish. We will have civilized civilization at last.
All of this has been predicted. You may recall this particularly poignant passage from the Old Testament:
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore. 
                                                                                                                  – Isaiah 2:4
Would you like to be a major “player” in bringing the world to a new place, to a new understanding, and to a new and grander way of experiencing itself? I know it doesn’t seem like it, but there is a way you can be that. On March 12, 2015 people around the world are going to rise up with One Voice in a global expression of social/spiritual activism such as will capture the attention of the entire planet. This is Movement #1 of The Evolution Revolution. If you see yourself as part of this worldwide event, click on the Evolution Revolution icon found on this website’s Home Page.
Love, Neale Donald Walsch

If you haven't seen me reading excerpts from one of his books, you can see that here:

Let me know what you think below- How would our world be different?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

(Viral) Inspiration From The Field

An interview from high school student Apollos Hester has gone viral because of its message of total positivity. My favorite part of it is that Schmoyoho has made the song-

and I've been singing it alllllll day!

Here's the original interview:

and here's the songified version
(Be prepared to sing it all day too!)

The inspiration followed later on that evening, as I plugged into a Google Hangout where John Lavenia went on to discuss the power of your mindset and how "your life and career is basically between your ears". I made that up.

If you want a GREAT 30 minute lesson on the power of your mind CLICK HERE

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Verizon FIOS Spot- Look at My Apron!

I recently shot a Verizon FIOS spot as the hapless Dad, who apparently burned the cookies he was making with his daughter.

The audition story is pretty funny, in that I was the LAST GUY at the callback, and they hadn't even called me in for the original audition.

They had us audition in Slow-Motion, and I was THRILLED to be able to play around like that.

I have to admit, I figured that since they hadn't even called me in for the priginal audition, and since I was the LAST GUY at the callback, I figured I had NO chance.

But I went balls-out crazy with it, and they laughed, and I booked it- So I guess you never know!

The spot is pretty cool, starring Tarale Wulf, who had a bunch of acrobatics to do all day.

Me? I get to make funny faces... as usual:

Also I did the first Freestyle Repertory Theatre show of the school year, and got to make even MORE funny faces :-D

My life is fun!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Graduation Inspiration

This great graduation speech is pretty inspirational.

But it has a surprise ending:

Maybe you oughtta take a look at this VIRAL BLOGGING SYSTEM again?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How I Went From Failure To Full-Time In Acting

I wrote a new book!
Why? Because it was on my mind!

So, if you wanna know how to do it too, get the book!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

When You Have No Shot At The Audition, Do This!

My wife had just had a baby.

She was still in the hospital when I was asked to go to the callback for this commercial spot. I figured, why not? She was ok, and the baby was fine. It was the callback session, which means they were only going to see me once, but what the hell, right?

I knew I wasn't going to get it, so I did this:

So, maybe next time, you'll do the same thing.
and you'll feel that feeling:

I updated the No More Waiters package recently and added 2 HOURS of extra content!

Get it here-

And start living the NO DAY JOB ACTOR Life!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

5 Steps That Top Producers Use To Make Real Money

There is a real problem in MLM.

When someone joins, they are often told "It's not selling",
so they never think they need to learn some new skills.

In a way, it's true, but in another, it's not.

In most things, you have to learn something new to grow.
But in MLM and Network Marketing, often people join
in order to hopefully make money.

But there are some skills to learn, and here is a formula
that someone can learn to be successful and make REAL MONEY:


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams is Pagliacci

I thought of this the instant I heard about Robin Williams.
I had just come out of the operating room where my wife gave birth to our first child Pike.

I just wanted to share it. I hope you pass it on.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

"Get To It Already!" she said, so I said this.

"Get To It Already!" she said.

I was kinda of surprised.

See, I have been waiting for my wife to give birth to my first son

the past few days (he's an entire WEEK late!) and to get out of

the apartment, we went to whole foods.

While my wife was waddling among the aisles it's ok, she's adorable),

a woman pointed at me as she walked over and said:

"Hey! I know you- I just got your book!"

Well, I'll let the video tell you the rest of the story...

Are you a scammer? - YouTube

Friday, August 01, 2014

Survey Results= BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!

These survey results are great.

Thanks so much for answering, because now I have a better understanding of what you need,
and they gave me a GREAT IDEA!

 You can still fill out the survey here-

 But here's a video I made going through them:

Stay tuned for an EXCITING update!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Message To Actors

I say it ALL the time; "There are two kinds of actors..."
But this time, I say it while walking...

People are digging this video on facebook, and if you're interested, follow the link!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: