Monday, June 25, 2007

I am writing a book on Star Trek.

What does this have to do with you?

Well, what I learned about Internet marketing is being used here.

The way I got my Agent? Marketing.
The way we got to the publisher? Marketing.

I even maed a website because I learned how to make one before,
and I made it so people could sign up early. I learned it all from
working at home- how cool is that?

I NEVER thought that I would be able to transfer any of that knowledge,
but I'm using it for TREK!!!!!

You can keep learning and growing too- go for it!

Star-Trek Book- "WARP-SPEED AHEAD!!!"

I found out that my STAR TREK book is due a LOT sooner than I was originally told-

It was SUPPOSED to come out along with the new Star Trek Movie in December of 2008,
(and by the way, I REALLY want Shatner to be in it)
but APPARENTLY, they want it to come out 10 MONTHS Earlier- Valentines' Day, 2008!!!

So, I am gettin' cranking, and writing my Star Trek Book like Mad!!

Oh- wanna know all about it?

Well, here goes: "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women- How to Romance Any Woman In The Galaxy"

And here's the new webpage:
or just for short.

This is a made-up version of the cover:

Star-Trek Book- "WARP-SPEED AHEAD!!!"

I found out that my STAR TREK book is due a LOT sooner than I was originally told-

It was SUPPOSED to come out along with the new Star Trek Movie in December of 2008,
(and by the way, I REALLY want Shatner to be in it)
but APPARENTLY, they want it to come out 10 MONTHS Earlier- Valentines' Day, 2008!!!

So, I am gettin' cranking, and writing my Star Trek Book like Mad!!

Oh- wanna know all about it?

Well, here goes: "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women- How to Romance Any Woman In The Galaxy"

And here's the new webpage:
or just for short.

This is a made-up version of the cover:

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Progressive Commercial...

I had some people ask me to chronicle some of my acting adventures, so I thought I would talk about the commercial auditions I go on, and discuss their marketing.

Today I auditioned for "Progressive Auto Insurance"- They had me hold up a picture of a tow truck :"This represents the number of accidents in Florida", then I held up a Dollar sign next to it. "This represents Progressive's Rates".

"When number of accidents go down" I lowered the tow truck, "Then your insurance rates go down" I lowered the Dollar sign. "That means more money in your pocket".

Good commercial.


Well, I like that they were making their point visually (As I understand it, they want the signs to be lowered on an automatic car window), and it was to the point. It's also a great concept for insurance rates.

However, since I'm a know-it-all, I added at the last line "That means more money in your pocket FOR NEON LIGHTS AND FLAMINGOES"- that's a Florida joke. Not great, but I was adding specificity to the ad.

Will I get it? Who knows- they were looking for a "Zach Branth" or whatever his name is from Scrubs. Do I look like him?

Ah- this is ALSO a crazy business!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

DOA: Dead or Alive

What the hell is everyone's problem?

This movie was AWESOME.

Very stupid, with awful dialogue, an I've-seen-worse plot, but AWESOME.

Look, here's how I rate movies:

How much did I enjoy watching it?


I enjoyed watching this quite a bit. Hot chicks fighting. What on EARTH else are you looking for?

This is MILES better than Daredevil
LEAGUES better than Elektra
ZILLION times better than the Hulk.

As far as THIS summer goes, it's better than Spider-man 3, better than Pirates 3, and better than Fantastic Four 2.

People keep comparing it to Charlies' Angels 2, and I LOVE that movie!
Maybe I'm just a sucker for hot chicks.

Not that "I've seen worse" is a great endorsement, but DOA was fun, it tried to be funny, and it tried to have a sensible plot. I laughed an AWFUL lot (not necessarily at things that were supposed to be funny), and now I have Eric Roberts in my mind saying:

"Our Nanobots were working OVERTIME with that one"

And by the way, I am now IN LOVE with Jaime Pressly.

DOA= Diggin' Obvious Assets.

DOA= Don't Obfuscate Awesomeness.

DOA= Do Outfits Attract?

Add some more!

DOA: Dead or Alive

What the hell is everyone's problem?

This movie was AWESOME.

Very stupid, with awful dialogue, an I've-seen-worse plot, but AWESOME.

Look, here's how I rate movies:

How much did I enjoy watching it?


I enjoyed watching this quite a bit. Hot chicks fighting. What on EARTH else are you looking for?

This is MILES better than Daredevil
LEAGUES better than Elektra
ZILLION times better than the Hulk.

As far as THIS summer goes, it's better than Spider-man 3, better than Pirates 3, and better than Fantastic Four 2.

People keep comparing it to Charlies' Angels 2, and I LOVE that movie!
Maybe I'm just a sucker for hot chicks.

Not that "I've seen worse" is a great endorsement, but DOA was fun, it tried to be funny, and it tried to have a sensible plot. I laughed an AWFUL lot (not necessarily at things that were supposed to be funny), and now I have Eric Roberts in my mind saying:

"Our Nanobots were working OVERTIME with that one"

And by the way, I am now IN LOVE with Jaime Pressly.

DOA= Diggin' Obvious Assets.

DOA= Don't Obfuscate Awesomeness.

DOA= Do Outfits Attract?

Add some more!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why your palm hurts....

I LOVE my cellphone/pda the TREO 650.
This love for my device has a good lesson in it- and
it's not what you think.

It's ok to love an inanimate object.

Excuse me-

wait a second-

this message is to tell you why I now HATE
by cellphone/pda TREO 650.

I found out recently that the pictures I have been taking and saving to my
computer were actually NOT being saved to it.

I figured it was something I had done wrong, but after spending an HOUR
with 4 different people from PALMONE, found out that the software that
connects my phone to my computer ONLY does that if you use the software
FROM THE CD that came with the device.

That means that the software (of the same name) that I had to DOWNLOAD from THEIR
site- the "UPGRADED" version does NOT have that functionality.

I asked why not- as any customer would, and the answer was that they
didn't have the rights to send it online, only with a CD.


"Sure- that'll be $19.95"

HELL NO. I bought the damn thing, I used the CD, but eventually had to UPGRADE, and now they said that I have to PAY to get the functions that were supposed to be there to begin with?

That was after an hour, by the way.

So guess what? I'm going to get the CD from a friend who still has his,
and then instead of getting the NEW TREO 700, or 750, or 800,

I'll be buying an I-Phone.

I think you should too.

F*CK PalmOne.

So what's the lesson? Don't THROW your customers to your competitors
by being stupid.

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