Thursday, February 16, 2017

What "Survival Jobs For Actors" Says About Your Acting Career

Did you even know there was a book out there called:

And you can get it HERE ON AMAZON

I didn't think you did!

But yes- it turns out that I am not the only person trying to help actors make money instead of TAKING it like so many other "gurus" out there:

Michelle has her own business, and she began it with this book,
and she agrees that other actors should follow hers and my example!
"I actually followed his advice already in writing my book, and in building this website around it.
You see, people buy my book now without me trading time for it.
It’s already done. It’s out there, and people buy it."

How's THAT for a testimonial?

The thing is, that when you're looking for jobs for actors, most people fall into doing the usual- waiting tables, walking dogs, and watching babies.

All of these actor jobs have a fatal flaw: They require you to spend your TIME making money instead of promoting and being free to pursue your acting career.

But if you follow my advice, like Michelle did, then you can be free to make money outside of your time. 

If you'd like to "build your acting business without a day job", then click below:
You can do what you want to do!
Share this with other actors!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Actors Love To Make You Feel Good; Mostly Because We're Miserable.

"Be The Source", my favorite spiritual teacher Neale Donald Walsch says:

"If you want more money, BE THE SOURCE of more money for another"
"If you want to find love, BE THE SOURCE of love for another"
"If you want to be happy, BE THE SOURCE of happiness for another"

It sounds like backwards logic- How can I "BE THE SOURCE" when I don't have enough of it myself?

The idea is that when you find someone with even less than you, when you GIVE IT TO THEM, you will realize that you actually DO have some, and you will experience the FEELINGS of having it, and by doing that, you will attract more and more of that.

It's interesting.

It's true. I've felt it, I do it on purpose sometimes.

Actors are trying to do it for a living.

I say "trying" because most of us aren't working anywhere near the amount or at the level we'd like, and the vast majority who enter the business quit.

You know that actor who is so wonderful to be with; so full of life, and jokes and smiles for you? He'll give you a hug when you need it, and smile for your soul, and a joke to entertain you during that party?

She might hate herself.

She might be covering up, or hiding, or just trying to feel worthy for a minute by making you laugh.

He tells you a funny story about himself to make you feel like you're not so bad.

For example, right now I'm talking about "actors" as if I'm talking about someone other than myself!

Yeah- I'm a great fun to be with, but sometimes.... I just don't believe it.
I feel like I'm lying about something, hiding, and feeling shameful about.... life.

What I've learned is that it's often just a matter of the things we are saying to ourselves, or the beliefs we have that stem from some long-ago childhood incident.

They call it a "Negative Childhood Imprint", and I recently took a quiz to find out more about myself.


I was surprised by my answers along the way because I felt like I was betraying some secret out to the internet, but then I realized how ridiculous that was.

I found myself not feeling "worthy" of a bunch of very simple things that I would easily tell someone else they were worthy of.

I mean simple things like... self-improvement, or TIME to myself.

Like I didn't "Earn it" as a reward yet.

Sounds crazy, right?

Well, that was just taking the quiz!

But after, I got some videos about learning visualization, and emotional anchoring, and projecting your desires etc- standard new-agey stuff, but I found that I didn't feel WORTHY of the effort to do it!!!

Fortunately, I changed my mind, and decided to go for it.

If you know what I mean, or know an actor (or any other perso) like that, maybe you want to share my story, and tell them to take the quiz too.


and if you feel confident comment below!

Oh- and remember- if you saw yourself from the outside, you;d probably think you were pretty damn cool.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Intolerant Liberals- By Tucker Fitzgerald

I recently read an article on Medium that I thought was so good, I had to make a video of it so more people would read it/hear it. 

Sometimes I just run with an idea.

Even though it is sometimes futile, I think a true open-minded conservative will understand this video, and the distinctions the writer is making between the grievances of both sides:

The article itself is here: INTOLERANT LIBERALS

I get into it with a lot of people on facebook, since I am friends with a lot of "Home business" people, who are a lot of middle America.

They often just repeat the memes that they hear without thinking about them, and the conservative mems are far better than the liberal ones because they are less smart. They travel better. 

While liberals are busy being clever, the conservatives go for the "gut reaction", and even when they make no sense, hit the spot they are intended to.

This article is also brainy, but by making the video, I hope that more people will see/read how good it is.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

I'm An Intolerant New York Liberal With A Closed Mind

Yeah, I'm an intolerant New York liberal who has lived
with different people from all over the world my entire life.

That's the problem with us intolerant liberals
who can't stand it when people don't think like us.

We spend just about all of our time with people
from all over the world who have different:

sexual orientation,
gender identities,
upbringing and

on how to create

a mutually respectful and beneficial society.

That's the problem with us intolerant liberals:

we are trying to create

a mutually respectful and beneficial society.

We just aren't understanding enough
of people who want to dominate and force
the world to comply with their teeny, tiny,
self-centered, self-involved desires to
be in charge, and force their will on other people.

If we intolerant liberals would just STOP
trying to create a mutually
respectful and beneficial society,

and be more open to people
who think only about their own
personal predicaments,
and their own selfish desire for gain,
then we might actually see that
their way is the one right way!

So I guess you're right;

Until I can open my intolerant liberal mind
to the people who DO NOT want
a mutually respectful and beneficial society...

I'm an intolerant liberal with a closed mind.


Tuesday, February 07, 2017

New York Actor Tries To GIVE AWAY MONEY, What Happens Next Might Break Your Heart...

There's a video on Youtube that seems like just another one of those "Subway Prank" videos.

And at first, that's what it was.

Bones Rodriguez is a high-energy, all-smiles fast-talking New Yorker who talks a lot with his hands, but as we talked, I watched him get serious.

He made this original subway prank video back in 2007 (before improv-everywhere made it a staple), pretending to be a rich guy, and begging people to TAKE his money:

"I was making money from this website, and I wanted to promote it. As a born-and-bred New Yorker, the panhandlers kinda all have the same pitch [to us]. I thought it would be funny to beg people the same way, but actually GIVE AWAY money instead."

Pretty clever, but  when you watch it (terrible quality- remember, this is 2007), there's something strange.

At 31 seconds in, there's a weird cut.

9 years later- people noticed.

While he was making a joke of giving away money, and the cynical straphangers were were actually refusing to take it...

He came upon a homeless couple.

"I was suddenly filled with this incredible guilt. I was throwing around some spare change for a joke, and here these people were actually counting coins together."

Bones says that he didn't want to embarrass them, so he just poured what he had into their hands, and then let it spill on the seat next to them.

"It looked like they were figuring out how much they had together... like trying to see how much they could eat with... I knew I had to keep the jar, but... seems stupid now. I probably should have just given them the jar."

Bones asked his friend (who was shooting on a hand-held DV tape camera!) to stop shooting, and they went and got some more change and started over.

After a little editing and dubbing magic, they released the video but absolutely no one took notice of the prank. 

Despite his not-too-shabby singing voice.

He laughs again: "Like every once every 6 months someone would comment on it, usually about the bad quality. It was too early; people weren't really doing videos like that yet."

The video is actually pretty funny because the cynical New Yorkers keep refusing to take the money- it seems like that was the whole joke of the video.

But then years later, College Humor posted a very similar video, and people started to notice the similarities.

"At first it pissed me off!" said Bones Rodriguez again, very animated, "I was like 'What the hell man, we did this already!' But then I remembered that I actually got to help some people that day, and I felt guilty for being petty."

Bones Rodriguez continues to perform in New York, and you have seen him in dozens of commercials.

He still makes money from, and like everyone else, he says he tries to give to beggars on the train, but sometimes he's pretty sure they're lying. 

"That couple was definitely not one of those."

Watch it below:
You can also learn to make money while you sleep by clicking below:

Monday, February 06, 2017

How To Buy $1,000 for Only $50- and Not Even Pay It!

I have been telling people about this technique for a number of years, and so I thought I would make a video out of it to give people the MAGIC SECRET to literally BUYING $1,000 for $50!

I think you should share it- don't you?
and of course, if you want more info like this, as well as a way to make money with an automated "Onlne Vending Machine", then

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: