Wednesday, February 08, 2017

I'm An Intolerant New York Liberal With A Closed Mind

Yeah, I'm an intolerant New York liberal who has lived
with different people from all over the world my entire life.

That's the problem with us intolerant liberals
who can't stand it when people don't think like us.

We spend just about all of our time with people
from all over the world who have different:

sexual orientation,
gender identities,
upbringing and

on how to create

a mutually respectful and beneficial society.

That's the problem with us intolerant liberals:

we are trying to create

a mutually respectful and beneficial society.

We just aren't understanding enough
of people who want to dominate and force
the world to comply with their teeny, tiny,
self-centered, self-involved desires to
be in charge, and force their will on other people.

If we intolerant liberals would just STOP
trying to create a mutually
respectful and beneficial society,

and be more open to people
who think only about their own
personal predicaments,
and their own selfish desire for gain,
then we might actually see that
their way is the one right way!

So I guess you're right;

Until I can open my intolerant liberal mind
to the people who DO NOT want
a mutually respectful and beneficial society...

I'm an intolerant liberal with a closed mind.


Tuesday, February 07, 2017

New York Actor Tries To GIVE AWAY MONEY, What Happens Next Might Break Your Heart...

There's a video on Youtube that seems like just another one of those "Subway Prank" videos.

And at first, that's what it was.

Bones Rodriguez is a high-energy, all-smiles fast-talking New Yorker who talks a lot with his hands, but as we talked, I watched him get serious.

He made this original subway prank video back in 2007 (before improv-everywhere made it a staple), pretending to be a rich guy, and begging people to TAKE his money:

"I was making money from this website, and I wanted to promote it. As a born-and-bred New Yorker, the panhandlers kinda all have the same pitch [to us]. I thought it would be funny to beg people the same way, but actually GIVE AWAY money instead."

Pretty clever, but  when you watch it (terrible quality- remember, this is 2007), there's something strange.

At 31 seconds in, there's a weird cut.

9 years later- people noticed.

While he was making a joke of giving away money, and the cynical straphangers were were actually refusing to take it...

He came upon a homeless couple.

"I was suddenly filled with this incredible guilt. I was throwing around some spare change for a joke, and here these people were actually counting coins together."

Bones says that he didn't want to embarrass them, so he just poured what he had into their hands, and then let it spill on the seat next to them.

"It looked like they were figuring out how much they had together... like trying to see how much they could eat with... I knew I had to keep the jar, but... seems stupid now. I probably should have just given them the jar."

Bones asked his friend (who was shooting on a hand-held DV tape camera!) to stop shooting, and they went and got some more change and started over.

After a little editing and dubbing magic, they released the video but absolutely no one took notice of the prank. 

Despite his not-too-shabby singing voice.

He laughs again: "Like every once every 6 months someone would comment on it, usually about the bad quality. It was too early; people weren't really doing videos like that yet."

The video is actually pretty funny because the cynical New Yorkers keep refusing to take the money- it seems like that was the whole joke of the video.

But then years later, College Humor posted a very similar video, and people started to notice the similarities.

"At first it pissed me off!" said Bones Rodriguez again, very animated, "I was like 'What the hell man, we did this already!' But then I remembered that I actually got to help some people that day, and I felt guilty for being petty."

Bones Rodriguez continues to perform in New York, and you have seen him in dozens of commercials.

He still makes money from, and like everyone else, he says he tries to give to beggars on the train, but sometimes he's pretty sure they're lying. 

"That couple was definitely not one of those."

Watch it below:
You can also learn to make money while you sleep by clicking below:

Monday, February 06, 2017

How To Buy $1,000 for Only $50- and Not Even Pay It!

I have been telling people about this technique for a number of years, and so I thought I would make a video out of it to give people the MAGIC SECRET to literally BUYING $1,000 for $50!

I think you should share it- don't you?
and of course, if you want more info like this, as well as a way to make money with an automated "Onlne Vending Machine", then

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Transcript Of The Black History Speech From Your POTUS 2017

Before you read this, I want you to know that upon my first reading, I was disappointed, and a little incredulous. Then I read it again, out loud to my wife, and when I was done, I started to cry from hopelessness.
Just like his speech to African Americans on the campaign, although it occasionally refers to Black History, it is entirely about him.

Please read this with more hope for the future than I have.

Speech On Black History Month From Your POTUS 2017

"Well this is Black History Month, so this is our little breakfast, our little get-together. 

Hi Lynn, how are you? Just a few notes. 

During this month, we honor the tremendous history of African-Americans throughout our country. Throughout the world, if you really think about it, right? And their story is one of unimaginable sacrifice, hard work, and faith in America. 

I’ve gotten a real glimpse—during the campaign, I’d go around with Ben to a lot of different places I wasn’t so familiar with. They’re incredible people. And I want to thank Ben Carson, who’s gonna be heading up HUD. That’s a big job. That’s a job that’s not only housing, but it’s mind and spirit. Right, Ben? And you understand, nobody’s gonna be better than Ben.

Last month, we celebrated the life of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., whose incredible example is unique in American history. You read all about Dr. Martin Luther King a week ago when somebody said I took the statue out of my office. It turned out that that was fake news. Fake news. 

The statue is cherished, it’s one of the favorite things in the—and we have some good ones. We have Lincoln, and we have Jefferson, and we have Dr. Martin Luther King. But they said the statue, the bust of Martin Luther King, was taken out of the office. And it was never even touched. So I think it was a disgrace, but that’s the way the press is.

Very unfortunate.

I am very proud now that we have a museum on the National Mall where people can learn about Reverend King, so many other things. Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I noticed. Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and millions more black Americans who made America what it is today. 

Big impact.

I’m proud to honor this heritage and will be honoring it more and more. The folks at the table in almost all cases have been great friends and supporters. Darrell—I met Darrell when he was defending me on television. And the people that were on the other side of the argument didn’t have a chance, right? 

And Paris has done an amazing job in a very hostile CNN community. He’s all by himself. You’ll have seven people, and Paris. And I’ll take Paris over the seven. But I don’t watch CNN, so I don’t get to see you as much as I used to. I don’t like watching fake news. But Fox has treated me very nice. 

Wherever Fox is, thank you.

We’re gonna need better schools and we need them soon. We need more jobs, we need better wages, a lot better wages. We’re gonna work very hard on the inner city. Ben is gonna be doing that, big league. 
That’s one of the big things that you’re gonna be looking at. 

We need safer communities and we’re going to do that with law enforcement.

We’re gonna make it safe.

We’re gonna make it much better than it is right now.

Right now it’s terrible, and I saw you talking about it the other night, Paris, on something else that was really—you did a fantastic job the other night on a very unrelated show.

I’m ready to do my part, and I will say this:

We’re gonna work together. This is a great group, this is a group that’s been so special to me. You really helped me a lot.

If you remember I wasn’t going to do well with the African-American community, and after they heard me speaking and talking about the inner city and lots of other things, we ended up getting—and I won’t go into details—but we ended up getting substantially more than other candidates who had run in the past years. 

And now we’re gonna take that to new levels.

I want to thank my television star over here—Omarosa’s actually a very nice person, nobody knows that. I don’t want to destroy her reputation but she’s a very good person, and she’s been helpful right from the beginning of the campaign, and I appreciate it. I really do. 

Very special."


My wife shook her head and then summarized it like this:

"Well, I gotta talk about the blacks, so... Here are some blacks who like me, also blacks have been in history. Now I'm gonna talk about inner cities, and crime, those are black people things, right? And oh- these other blacks like me too."

That's when I cried.

I cried because I was grateful that the mother of my mixed son understood. I know that she doesn't always, and that she doesn't even have to, but we've been married for ten years now, and at that moment I was sad for the world, but grateful for her..

So maybe all isn't lost.

Mike Pence also released a VERY purposeful tweet on Black History Month.

It is NOT about Black History Month- it is a not subtle message of White Supremacy, to the new Radical White:
Did you see what's happening yet?

"Blacks aren't worth of respect, everything is from us" is what this message is.

When it happened in Germany, we said "NEVER AGAIN", but now it's HERE, in the U.S.

NOW is Again.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

No Drinking, and No Drugs, But You Still Might Not Know Who You Wake Up To In The Morning!

We all know the feeling of doing some rather unhealthy things on a Friday night, and waking up with a different look on life, and looking at a different face in the morning.
If you don't know it... why not?
Well, some people do it all the time, and others not much at all- it might only take one time before they swear off of it.
But what if you could do something ON PURPOSE, that could slowly, over time completely change who you look at in the mirror?
You see, when you drink, or do drugs, you change the chemistry and "wiring" of your brain.
"This is drugs..... this is your brain on drugs", right?

But did you ALSO know that you can take certain sounds, ideas, images, and thoughts to do the OPPOSITE of ruining your life?
That you can actually "Re-wire" your brain FOR GOOD?
Under a microscope, you can actually SEE the differences- it's called "neuroplasticity"
It’s incredible.
Now, my friend John Assaraf got extremely interested in how to do this re-forming in the fastest, most reliable way possible.
That’s why he started a company called NeuroGym. Their goal is to create exercises that retrain your mind, strengthen your inner game, and equip you with new tools to get you past ANY challenges to your happiness and performance.
At first I was skeptical. "Rewire your brain to achieve more" sounds good, but I wanted to learn more.
If you want to build your biceps fast, weight lifting will get you there.

If you want to build your brain fast, it’s all about providing the learning experiences your brain needs. Depending on the area in which you want to change, NeuroGym has a free program tailored for 3 big challenges:.
Here are three options. You choose:
  1. Win The Game of Money
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Increase Confidence 

These are three trainings that I wanted to share because you can take advantage of the free trainings while they’re still available.
P.S. – I’m rooting for you. I want you to take advantage of what NeuroGym’s offering, because I know how important the "inner game" is to success in any area. Which training is for you? It’s a Choose Your Own Adventure moment. To learn more on all three, click here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

OMG- This Pixar Video Links ALL Of The Movies TOGETHER!!

Ok, you might have known a few of these,
and this infographic is a good starter, but I posted the VIDEO
which you must see:

But this video of ALL of the Disney Pixar Easter Eggs all joined together- going back in time... it is just fantastic:

You probably want to share this, right?

I figured!

You might also want to see how THIS video can change your life!

and of course: SHARE THIS!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Are Their Jobs Really Gone? Maybe Not.

I learned something about sales watching Trump this year.

He told people what they wanted to hear, and they bought it.

Knowing full well that the manual labor jobs of the past are
gone (because they are either being done by people for far less or
by machines for free), they bought the idea anyway:

"We'll bring those jobs back" he said... 

And they bought it.

"It wasn't the racism," they said, "It was the economy"
despite that the science clearly says it was the racism, they
believe that this was just about "bringing the jobs back"

Because that's what they wanted to believe,
and the facts don't matter.


There might be another set of facts.

The U.S. has moved into more of an intellectual economy,
where you don't need to create anything, but you can sell anything.

And selling is how you make money.

It's not the children who are forced to make the sneakers who make the money-
It's the people in the sales system.

And in the New economy,
if you are part of the sales system, then you make the money.

8 people now own as much wealth as half the world.

But it's not because they make something.

It's because they SELL something.

And while the coasts are full of people who work
for big companies in big buildings,

A lot of those "fly over" states are full of small business people
who know what it means to have to sell things for a living.

People who know to jump on an opportunity to make
a change in their lives for the better quickly.

There's a reason that most home business owners are
found throughout the country rather than in big cities.

It's where the action-takers live instead of the egg-heads.

There has been a huge spike in internet opportunities
to sell all sorts of things online, and systems that provide
most of the parts you need to make a living at home.

There has been a spike in millionaires that are not
coming out of silicon valley, or nerds behind a
wall of programming language.

Instead, these are simple, regular folks who are
using the computers that had put them out of a job...

To make much more money than they ever had before.

They have turned the tables, and let the computers
do the work, while they own the system.

and the owners get paid.

Hillary and the Democrats spent their time and energy on jobs bills
and education bills that would help the fly over states' future economy:

"We'll get higher education affordable for everyone so that you
can be prepared for the jobs of tomorrow" they said.

"We'll get training for you, so you can have the high-value jobs that
will be a part of the computer work force instead of leaving you
unskilled and uncompetitive on the world stage"

And the people hated them for it.

"We don't want your education" they said, because
they see how the game is even rigged against the
college graduates.

So, just like they are used to- they are pulling themselves
up by online bootstrap businesses in droves.

Some people decide to get started now before
the inspiration fades, or losing out on the opportunities.

They might choose something like a commission
system that deposits money into their paypal.

Others a more general program that teaches the basics
of making money online.

And what's surprising is that it's across all gender lines,
and even racial barriers to entry seem to fall away.

Tracey Walker is a single black mother
who has found amazing success after getting started
with and has gone on
to make six figures in her spare time.

John Ochs is a family man whose son needed
a radical medical procedure, and he was able to rise
above and create the income his family needed also

Tai Lopez, someone who was a self-proclaimed dead broke
loser began teaching people what he learned after reading
a book a day, and has helped transform people's lives
through his online mentorship program.

62 million Americans bought into the idea that this
"great businessman" was going to "bring the jobs back"
and save them.

But what they didn' realize is how many of them would
step up and save themselves by taking action now, and showing
that True American spirit.

Next up....

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: