Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why Your Marathon Is Stealing Your Sexy

I know, I know, a Shocking title. But you won't read this unless I write it this way.

Too often people tell me that want to lose weight, so they get on the treadmill for two hours a day and other long-time non-effective strategies.

Muscle is sexy, and Marathoners don't have any. They look skinny, but flabby and UNsexy:
Whose Body would YOU rather have?

In my book "Half Assed Health", I talk about doing sprints instead, but people want to fight with me over it all the time. Well, maybe they won't fight with the research:

"One group performed four to six 30-second "sprints" while the other group did cardio for 30 to 60 minutes. The results were nothing short of amazing. Despite exercising for a fraction of the time, those in the sprint category burned more than twice as much body fat."

Here's where the article lives- On HUFFINGTON POST where a fan of my book sent it to me.

Friday, November 15, 2013

ROAR! This Katy Perry Burlesque Routine Makes Me Say MEOWWWWW

ROAR! This Katy Perry Burlesque Routine Makes Me Say MEOWWWWW!

Have you ever giggled and been turned on at the same time?

Well, my friend Amanda Trusty just did a tap dancing burlesque routine to Katy Perry's ROAR that will make you giggle in your pants... also, it makes my point from one of my books super-strong:

A little back story makes this video so much sweeter:

I met Amanda doing "In The Heights" as our choreographer, and no, she didn't like me very much, as I tend to be a little outspoken. There's a club I think for people who feel that way about me, and she jumped in with both feet. However, we eventually got to be buddies, and she confided in me a little bit about herself and about career as a dancer:

She wanted to get more work as a dancer and get more men in her life, and so for that, she wanted to get absolutely skinny.

I remember her coming back from an audition and being so upset that the director had chosen a bunch of "rail-thin teens" for the show, and feeling rejected by the whole industry.

But see, Amanda has that quality that is essential for success- COURAGE.

She knew that I had written a health book (Half-Assed Health: How To Look Good Naked WITHOUT Starving, Suffering, or Surgery), and a book on dating (Captain Kirk's Guide To Women) and wanted advice on losing weight and on being more confident in her dating life.

I gave her a recipe for breakfast, but that wasn't what was important. See, one night after our opening, we all went out to celebrate, and she was in a spectacular mood. She wore a great dress that showed off her body, her fantastic red hair, and her dazzling grey eyes.

But it was her attitude that night that made her absolutely stunning.

Now by that time, I think we were enemies again (I kept looking DOWN during that number!), but it didn't matter. She was in a great mood, I was also, and we had a bunch of fun together after sharing a shot of Jameson.

I told her at the end of the night that whatever she was BEING that night is the part of her that was irresistible.


That is the version of her you will see in this video, which also uses 3 features of a viral video as I outline in my YouTube Book (The YouTube Money Machine):
  1. A Popular song- Katy Perry's Roar
  2. A combination of Genres- Tap Dancing and Burlesque
  3. A Girl getting Naked for some reason!
I'm super proud of her, because as some people have mentioned, she is willing to stand there, not be a "rail-thin teen", dance and give us what is on her mind, show us her struggles, and reveal herself in several ways at once.

Showing us her COURAGE, showing us her ROAR, and making me


You GO Trusty!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Beautiful Day In Central Park- New York City Without A Day Job!

Beautiful Day In New York City - YouTube

I wanted to let you see what you're missing on a great fall day in New York City.

We are in Central Park, up on the hill at 104th street, and look at how great the trees look! You can even see the Empire State Building.

It was Saturday, but I could be out enjoying it any day of the week because I don't have a day job to tie me down.

What would YOU do without a day job?

Saturday, November 09, 2013

An actor walks into a deli at 2am

Right now, I'm at a deli in Brooklyn at 2am after being at a high energy Tony Robbins seminar all day.
Because I was booked to do a scene for a trailer for an indie film...

As an Indian deli owner.

The actual deli owner is Egyptian, and thought that I was too... "Ah-lan" he says (not in any way the correct spelling), and since I've encountered this before, I tell him I'm not Egyptian.

He is slightly disappointed.

But I've been practicing my Indian accent by watching some clips on YouTube, and I'm ready for my scene.
And am super tired.

And then after this shoot, which will probably go into the morning, I will go back to the next day of the seminar.

And the next morning, be up early for a kids show... In Brooklyn.

Someone asked me "Why the hell are you doing all of that?"

The answer is: Because I want to, and more importantly, I want to BE the person who does that.
Instead of being upset about the schedule, I'm grateful that I'm wanted so much!

Is there a better answer?

Friday, November 08, 2013

I UNLEASHED My POWER with Tony Robbins!

Last night I went to "Unleash The Power Within" seminar with Tony Robbins. It's actually all weekend, so I'm just writing this quick post and video to show you how excited I was at 1am to have walked on FIRE!!

One of the little tidbits I walked away with is that PROBLEMS and STORIES can become addictions if you get love and needs fulfilled from them. I took a lot of notes, and maybe I'll expand on it later.
For Now, I'll just say "YES!!!"

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Actor Audition Story: "Quick! Can you do an Indian accent"?

I got a text from a friend at 3pm asking if I could do an indian accent to be a deli owner.

Sure I can. I've been asked to do that before, and frankly, the guys at my local Subway were SURE I was bengali, and have taught me a few phrases. Good enough.

Apparently, my friend is doing a short film and the actors of indian decent that they saw weren't really able to do the scene to the director's liking, so they were kinda desperate, and they were about to cut the scene.

"Let me try my friend Bones" she said.

I got the text. I was there 1/2 hour later.

I looked at the scene for 15 minutes, they auditioned me, and they asked me to do the part in a few days. The entire process took about 45 minutes.

I started to think about what that meant as an actor.
It meant that they were happier to go with a guy who looked "kinda" indian who could do the scene rather than cutting  the scene entirely.
It meant that unless my friend KNEW WHO I WAS, they wouldn't have seen me,

It made me think about how often I am upset at Hollywood for not using Latino actors, or whatever, but maybe sometimes the few that they do see just aren't doing what the director wants, so they find someone else.

Who Knows?

The point is, I got the job!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Auditioning with Laura Valpey Rodriguez, too exciting to be quirky!

Auditioning with Laura Valpey Rodriguez, too exciting to be quirky!
Today I auditioned with my cute wife and boy was a lot of fun!
We went in and we were supposed to be very Wes Anderson but instead I think I was too enthusiastic...
When we talked about Christmas, doing Christmas we have to go all over Seattle to see so much of her family, whereas when we're in New York, it's all just my family for one night bang and its over.
Tomorrow I'm auditioning for two different things we'll see how they go; I am enthusiastic and have to remember to calm it down all the time.

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