Saturday, August 10, 2013

All Women Get It, But Only Some Men Do... in 30 seconds?

This makes 2 fantastic points to me:
1- That women are traditionally taught to deny their desires
2- Men teach them that.

Yes, I'm a man, and I just think that when we stop this teaching, that we might actually have more of the kinds of women we say we want...
I mean, she's sexy as hell, isn't she?


'via Blog this'

Chris Hayes' Tirade Against White Culture, and Why I Love It

So, before you get too far in this post, I want you to know that this is a SATIRE, but not in the "funny haha" way that many people think.

It is possibly the BEST way for people to see why the arguments made by the right wing shows like Bill O'Reilly are so baseless and ludicrous. If you find this video to be KER-AZY (and most people do), then realize that it's crazy no matter who they are talking about. Bravo Chris Hayes, you're my new Hero:

Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly w/ Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 2013 - YouTube:

Please Share this with everyone you have ever known.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Guilt is not a currency

Guilt is not a currency.

It cannot be traded
It cannot be used to exchange for someone's feelings.

It cannot be given.

Guilt doesn't do anything if it doesn't cause some other action;
It's just a feeling.

No more valid and no more valuable than irritation, annoyance, or hunger.

It can be used to manipulate, but it really does nothing for the injured party.

It gives them nothing.

You cannot feel guilty enough to make it right, so why not see what you can do to make it right?
Or at least do something to abolish the feeling.

Some people think that if they feel guilty enough, that it excuses the wrongdoing.
"Oh, but I feel really guilty about it", so now everything is ok.

It is not.

You have to DO something to even the scales.

But what if you can't? What if what is done is done, and you can't change it, and guilt seems to be all you have left?

Well, I have a situation like that.

I had an aunt, actually my mother's aunt on her father's side who I called "Tia". In Spanish, "Tia" means aunt, but there's a little more to it. You can call someone a "Tia" if they take care of you.

Well, My Tia did a lot more than that.

She fed me, clothed me, rubbed my belly when it was sick, taught me spanish, cared for me, looked after me, helped my mother with me, held me, kissed me, laughed with me, laughed about me, and joyed in my being around.

She LOVED me.

She loved me pretty much as her own, since she had no children.

If anyone on this Earth missed the calling of motherhood, it was Tia.
Sometimes people wait for a situation that never comes.

She wasn't my actual mother though, so I didn't live with her.
She lived a whole 2 blocks away.

When I got old enough to start taking care of myself, I saw her less and less.
Two blocks seemed so far, and I was so busy with listening to music and getting my hair right.

I'd see her at family functions, and by the time I was a teenager, I was far too self-involved to reciprocate fully what she had given me for so much of my life.

I happened to be around the night before she died, and when I saw her in the hospital I was unprepared mentally or emotionally for what was happening. I hadn't really had anyone close to me die.

I retreated into an impatient adolescent cave.

Tubes coming out of her, and unable to speak, she tried to write something to me, which as I mentioned, I had no patience for. My mom told me that she was "trying to say goodbye", but I don't think I understood.

Don't get me wrong, I was 19 or so, and should have.
I should have seen what was happening.

I wish I had seen that the love I could always count on, the love I ignored for the past 10 years was going away, and it was going away unappreciated.

I said some sort of "Yeah, whatever" and gave her an obligatory kiss.

And that was it.

I lost her, and I can't possibly regret my actions more.

I wish I had visited more.
I wish I had laughed with her more
I wish I had shared with her more.
I wish I had given her more.

I wish I had said "Thank you for loving me".
Not just in that moment of goodbye, but with every day I had on Earth.

But i didn't feel it then.
I didn't feel it for years.
Maybe a decade.

Then it hit me; She was gone.

I remembered the way she held me, kissed me, soothed me, laughed with me, and loved me.
I realized that I had missed the chance to reflect it back. That I wouldn't ever get to stop by
and visit while she was sick... and she was sick for a long time.

I would visit later.
Later never came.

And all I was left with was guilt.
Guilt that I have carried around.

Guilt that I thought I couldn't do anything about.

But after feeling guilty about something totally unrelated, I realized that I could do something.
I realized that even though she was gone, that I could make sure it didn't happen again.
I realized that more than that, I could be the person who would remember the people who have loved me.

Because Love isn't just an emotion; Love is a verb.

I could choose to share my love, and give it like she did, being the kind of person who would make her proud, and let her know that she gave me the wish to be like her, and even if I come across someone who only takes, that I could still love them.

The guilt wasn't currency enough, so I am choosing to exchange it for love.

And LOVE is something you can give.

I'd appreciate it if you shared this post.
And if you don't, remember that your guilt doesn't help either :-)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Star Trek Would Kill Star Wars in a Fight

Believe it or not, this plainly obvious fight is done with the Next Generation version of Star Trek.
It's my belief that even TOS would kick Star Wars' ass, but check out these great pics:

Why Star Trek Would Kill Star Wars in a Fight - Comediva:

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Woman Has Sex with this guy? The Pundit Who Makes Coat-Hanger Abortion Jokes

Seriously? What kind of a jerk do you have to be to say something like this?
Well ladies, maybe it's time you voted for people who actually care about you...

Meet The Pundit Who Thinks Coat-Hanger Abortions Are Funny - The Daily Beast:

'via Blog this'

Half-Assed Health- How To Look Good Naked WITHOUT Starving, Suffering, Or Surgery!

Half-Assed Health- How To Look Good Naked WITHOUT Starving, Suffering, Or Surgery!

A lot of people think that in order to look good naked, and get in better shape, that you have to do complicated, difficult, "no pain no gain" workouts.

Not true.

A lot of people think that if you want to gain muscle and burn fat that you have to be at the gym for at least an hour, seven days a week, and sacrifice some sleep and eating foods you enjoy.

Not True.

So, why is it that every fitness guru who wants me to buy their DVDs and foods, and books, and TV programs, and workout gear, and exercise mats and balls, and dumbells and barbells tells me it's going to be hard?

So they can make more money from the suckers.

What if I told you that if you do the RIGHT stuff, for only 30 minutes a day, three times a week, that you'll look sexier than most, feel better than most, and still have a beer or three with your friends on the weekends?

Would you give it a try?

Most of the things you've succeeded at you've probably done half-assed and done a good enough job, right?

You can get SEXY Half-Assed too. Try me:

Does Getting Rich Make You An A$$hole?

A fascinating study... Apparently, people who get an advantage during Monopoly start to think they did something well to gain their wealth... they also turn into jerks:

Money on the Mind - YouTube:

I have to admit, we play Cashflow by Robert Kiyosaki, and I see this behavior often.

So it sounds pretty cut and dry, but I wonder if this isn't true no matter what game you play..
In football, basketball, parcheesi- there are some bad winners, and maybe money makes it more of a high-stakes game.

I've seen people playing poker who also get all over confident (I'm looking at you Rodriguez!)

Well, I plan on letting you know if I turn into a jerk!

'via Blog this'

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Day of The Zimmerman Verdict

This Post started out as a big long thing, but I changed it to the random thoughts that came in and out, along with some great articles... I just didn't want to forget how I felt today

I've been reading and hearing things like "I am sick", "Such a tragedy", "No Justice" after hearing the verdict of George Zimmerman and his killing of Trayvon Martin.

 I've also seen posts like "Trayvon wanted to live the 'Thug Life', so he got what he deserved", and "This case wouldn't even have been an issue if not for the race baiters"

 I've also seen people say things like "How you respond to the verdict is part of the problem", and "We pray that cooler heads prevail". In the abstract, it is a horrible tragedy that a 17 year-old boy can be stalked and killed because George Zimmerman thought he looked suspicious.

 But to some of us, it's FRIGHTENING.

It's not just something we'd like to change, or something we wish would change, we are personally FRIGHTENED by it.

 And so, when I see children starving to death in Africa with flies in their eyes, I think to myself "That's a tragedy, It makes me sick, there's no justice"... but it doesn't FRIGHTEN me. Yes, I think it's horrible, but I do not see MYSELF in danger because of it.

 It's very convenient for me to see starving people and feel bad about it. And YES, I think it's terrible, but I am not PERSONALLY in danger of starving to death while walking down the street.

So, when I read posts from people who care deeply- and I know they do- they just can't understand the PERSONAL DANGER that many of us feel.

The Zimmerman verdict (even though I understand the burden of proof requirement), made me question even having a child, because my child will look more like me than my wife, and I'll have to prepare him or her for these truths. 

Here's a good article- Eight talking points about the potentially fatal condition of being black Read more:
And now what reaction do I have? So, of course we should be able to dress however we want, but maybe Erkel's style should come in style, and we should all kick the ass of the next rapper I see wearing a hoodie and being thug.
 Justin Beiber and Miley can be as thugged out as they like without anyone suspecting them.

If you're blonde with big tits, people assume you're dumb
If you're sexy and your look arouses men, people think you're immoral
If you're poor or fat, people think you're lazy 

If you're black, people think you're dumb, immoral, and lazy.

Ok, so after a little bit of a cry, and two good conversations, I feel like we have to get on the other side of this. We have to get back to INSPIRATION and UNDERSTANDING.

 I just realized what time it is... I've been in the apartment all day; moping around, sad, and profoundly lonely. I have an interest in absolutely nothing today.

There's that "Profound loneliness" I sometimes forget is always lurking, waiting to remind me of itself, and I can't out run it today. I haven't left the apartment. I was about to, and realized I was wearing camouflage army shorts and a tank top, and I thought: "maybe I should change?".

I am reminded of the Central Park 5, and what it felt like to be looked at like one of them. I was their age, and suddenly we were ALL one of them. What's strange is that I assumed this would be the verdict, and I even understand that the "burden of proof" and blah, blah, blah, but somehow I feel like I have been devalued... AGAIN. and I'm light-skinned! 

However, all of that said, this is my favoprite article so far:

Also, (and I'm adding this the day after the above), This article is GREAT and really represents a lot of how I feel- especially the "Sight" section-

By the way, the reason America sees Black male youth as problematic is because back in slavery days, when a black male went through puberty, they stopped wanting to be slaves, and so that's when they started fighting back.... we have not lost that idea.

And if you say "Oh, but that was SOOOO long ago!", let me remind you that we all still think Heaven and God are in the sky, even though we clearly know that neither is.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Hypothetical Scenario That Made Me Question My Own Brain

In short- What would happen if the races in The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case were reversed?

The Political Freakshow • Race Reversal: A Hypothetical Scenario Of What...

Frankly, just the picture was a shock to me:

I instantly assumed the dark guy would be guilty, and I surprised myself at how angry I was at him for making "The rest of us look bad', and I always get mad when I see someone who looks like me committing a crime.

But here's the thing:

If I were really not prejudiced, or race conscious, then each criminal would be the same to me, whether they looked like me or not...


The Political Freakshow • Race Reversal: A Hypothetical Scenario Of What...

12-Year Old Explains Egyptian Revolution in Under 3 Minutes Fascinating!

Ok, so at first I was like "Why is THIS going Viral"? And then I watched it and was like "OH.... THAT'S why..."

12-Year Old Explains Egyptian Revolution in Under 3 Minutes - YouTube

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is a Murphathon?

You might be asking yourself: What is a Murphathon?

Well, this video will let you in on the details...

To Help Me Click:

Here's a way for you to TAKE ACTION and help me help Lauren Murphy:

Please sponsor me to help a friend who has suffered a terrible head trauma.
Learn more about her journey here-

Join SoHo Experiential for The Murphathon -- a night of entertainment & light exercise to benefit our injured colleague, Lauren Murphy. Enjoy complimentary food, drinks & music while participating in an auction and raffle for unique prizes.
In April 2013, one of our best and brightest members of the team, Lauren Murphy, was critically injured when she was struck by a car while jogging in Los Angeles. She underwent emergency medical care to save her life, but that was just the first hurdle of a long road to recovery. The Murphathon benefit event was created to help ease the financial burden for our injured co-worker and her family at this incredibly difficult time.

July 31st, 2013
6:30PM -- 9:30PM

The Mercedes Club
550 W. 54th St. (btw 10th & 11th Ave.)
NY, NY 10019
Easily accessible by the 1, N, Q, R, B, D, C and E Trains

To purchase tickets online, please visit:
Ticket price is $100 per person

To Sponsor Me Click:

Friday, June 28, 2013

“Does Grandpa Play with Barbies Too?”

I wrote this a while ago, and just found it on my hard drive... I thought I'd share it:

“Does Grandpa play with Barbies too?”

It was a cold, wintry day in an elementary school outside of Boston, and many of the children
were wet from the record-breaking snowfall. My group came in from New York, and we were doing a tour
of the Boston area for the week, driving around in a rented van, and staying at a VERY inexpensive motel.
I had no idea I was going to end the day choking down my tears.

We would do an assembly for kids, aged from kindergarten through high school age, and since we
did improvisation, the show was always different, fun, and exciting. I had been working with Freestyle
Repertory Theatre for a few months, and had become very close with my fellow performers. All of us we
just trying to chase the dream, and had found a little slice of it working with each other, making each other
and hundreds of kids laugh everyday. It was a silly, low-paying, acting gig- but hey- it was a full-time
acting gig!

We did “Improv games”, similar to what you might see on “Whose line is it anyway”, and one of
the games was called “Biography”; We would get a child from the audience, and give them a bell and a
horn. We’d act out scenes “from their lives”, and they would direct us with the bell and the horn. They
would “ding” if we were on the right track, and “honk” if we were not; we’d change according to their
It’s usually fun, and fantastical; the child would end up “directing” a scene between themselves
and a family member, mom, or dad, and they get a million dollar allowance. Or maybe they’d get their
talking dog and go save the president. Or maybe they’d rescue a princess, just in time to make it back to
school for the big test.

But on this day, we called up “Sally”.

Sally was an adorable little dirty-blonde haired girl, in red dress, that had a dark ring around the
hem because the snow had gotten to it. She came up in her white stockings and socks, without her shoes
because they were too wet to wear. She seemed to be quiet and shy, but I think something about the
promise of seeing a scene from her own life made her raise her hand and volunteer.

She came up and sat in the chair onstage, facing her school mates and all of the teachers. Often for
the shy ones, it takes a second for them to get over the idea of being in front of everyone, but she only
looked out there for a minute. She mostly paid attention to “Jamey”, the big boy who was explaining the
game to her:

“Ok Sally, Kelly here is going to play YOU in this scene, but I want you to pick who you want ME to play-
I can be a friend, a family member, or someone famous- anybody in the world- real or imaginary, dead or

“Um…. My grandpa who died”


Jamey was a little taken aback, but we realized that it was a wonderful suggestion, and he smiled
and said:

“Ok, Sally- Kelly will be you, and I’ll be your grandpa who died….. what was his name?”
Sally shrugged her shoulders and said:

“… Grandpa?...”

We all giggled, suddenly feeling protective of her, and my partner had to wipe her eyes a bit.

I was on the opposite side of the stage, watching all of this, and it was my job to sometimes help
the kids along with their decisions if they get stuck. I could feel my throat swell, and as I looked around, I
saw some of the teachers put their hands over their mouths, understanding that the moment although very
much fun, and kind of funny, had a sweetness that brought us all back to a time when adults were amazing,
interesting creatures.

As the scene began, Kelly came out with a camouflage military hat on :
“I’m Sally, and I like to yell orders to people in the army”
She began like this so she could be “honked” by Sally, therefore showing that Sally is NOT like that.
Sally looked over to me, wondering what she should do.

I said “Sally- is that like you?
“Then if it’s not like you, do you honk, or ding?”

She honked, and Kelly ran to the back for a different costume- the doctor:

“My name is Sally, and I am a doctor who operates on animals”
She tried again: “My name is Sally, and I like to play in my room with dolls”
Ding! Kelly was on the right track

“My favorites are my Pokemon”
Honk- try again Kelly
“My favorites are my Barbies”

And Sally sat up higher, realizing what power she had; that she was seeing her own life, as directed
by her.

Then Jamey came out with the grey-haired wig on:

“Hi Sally, it’s me- ‘Grandpa, Grandpa’!”
he looked over to us and we giggled, as he continued:
“I like to play with your Barbies too!’

Sally didn't move.

I decided to coach her a bit:
“Sally? If that’s right, then you “ding”, if it’s wrong, you want to “honk”...
Did your grandpa like to play with your Barbies too?”
She looked at me questioningly, shrugged her little shoulders and said:

“I don’t know…. I never met him”

That’s when it all became so clear.

Sally was depending on us to show her what her grandpa was like BEFORE he died; she wanted us to TEACH her about him, about her family. Her grandpa’s spirit is what she was looking for, and suddenly our grandpa scene went from being something just for entertainment to being extremely important and responsible work.

All of the adults in the room did their best to hide their instant tears, including us on stage.

Jamey, being a professional, quickly recovered, and engaged Kelly in a scene where Sally and her
grandpa had a wonderful time playing together, and going on an adventure. She also learned that whenever
Sally wanted to, she could use her imagination to play with her grandpa, and she can know that he loves her
very much, even if he can’t be with her now because he died.

When the scene was over, Sally bounded off the stage, happy and confident that her grandpa loved
her, the other kids applauded wildly for the great adventure scene with “Grandpa, Grandpa”, and the adults
all took very, very, deep breaths, and passed tissues to each other.

We continued with the shows, the tours, the many, many biography games, but none of us will
ever forget little Sally and her “Grandpa, who died”. It was a silly, low-paying job with long hours, but that
day, we were more than actors- we were an important part of a little girl’s growth.

I wonder if Sally still thinks of him?

We do.

Dedicated to every member of Freestyle Repertory Theatre, and every children's performers;
It can be a really rough, disrespected gig, but it's days like this that make it worth it, isn't it?

I'm proud of you!

Converting an indian to Christianity: Religion Relies on Ignorance

So, apparently, no one can tell if this is just brilliant acting, or seriously messed up kids.
Unfortunately, I think it's the latter:

The question becomes: How does ignorance play a part in Religion?
What if the answer is that Religion RELIES on ignorance? That Religion cannot exist without Ignorance?
My favorite moment is at 8:57 when Sara just makes a decision for them...

The Racism Experiment

So, I had heard about this experiment, and read about it in a lot of the Positive mental attitude books I read. You can see me read some of them here:  I often read about how beliefs can trigger certain behaviors in people, and in ourselves, and how your thoughts govern the way you live life.... this is a frightening example. WELL WORTH THE WHOLE THING. So, in what ways do you think YOUR beliefs are affecting the way you treat other people? What about the way you treat yourself? Here's a great video on the power of belief.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Lali and Sitar Give Me Love Cover

Ok, so these two recently came to visit NY with Lali's mom Sevannah. They stayed with us, and every once in a while I'd catch them singing together. I was like "Oh, you guys sound really good!" and then they'd giggle and we'd talk about something else. Sevannah is super proud of them as friends, people, and as singers, and this video just teared me up a bit... If I were in high school, I'd officially be in love. Check it out:

I am super proud of them, and hope you subscribe to their videos HERE

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Seriously, this is probably the cleverest poem ever, but definitely the cleverest thing I'll ever do.
If I could Write a Poem
It would be about Her.
I would write a poem with
The Best Hyperbole Ever.
The similies would be as shocking
as an electric chair of metaphors
I would personify her beckoning eyes
the Onomatopoeia would thunder and roar
With a little allitteration, it would win her heart
But I'd ruin the rhyme, end with a pun
and so I'm too scared to properly meet her.

And then there's this one:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yes, You Can Book Me For Either One!

This video is pretty much the story of my Acting Life...

So, book me as a Latino, African American, WHATEVER-

Just BOOK ME- You'll be right!

Friday, March 08, 2013

My Favorite Effect Of Make Up Sex

What is the Real Effect of Make Up Sex on a relationship?

I used to LOVE having Make Up Sex with my last girlfriend... thing is, she started finding ways to have fights with me all the time. Now that I think about it, that's sort of a compliment, isn't it?

Make Up Sex Effect

That was my main complaint about her- that we fought all the time. Little snippy things became full-blown arguments quickly.
But the Make Up Sex was really good... until even that got routine.

So maybe my wife has a point; maybe Make Up Sex DOES encourage fighting.

But damn... I mean...there's only one real way to find out....

 How Does This "Stay At Home Mom" Make More Money Than Her Husband? (CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT)

Have you had any good make up sex lately?

Even crazier- having a fight about whether or not to have Make Up Sex! I can't win!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Eric Worre Retires From MLM?

WOW! Eric Worre Retires from Network Marketing!

You heard the news: Eric Worre, the host of has announced his retirement from building in Network Marketing.
For some, this is a surprise, for others- we already knew the day was coming when “Eric Worre Retires”! Actually, it was years ago!
As a member of Eric Worre’s mlm group, I knew he had stopped building a few YEARS ago. He didn’t say it, but when the revenues from overshadowed his income from building an MLM business, we knew he was mentally gone.
And that was without any meetings, home parties, or being on the phone badgering his downline to get out and do something! LOL!

Are you paying attention?

He left Network Marketing because his BLOGGING BUSINESS was making him WAY more money.
So hey- Eric Worre retired from that- why not?
He’s providing more value for more people, so maybe now “Eric Worre retires” means that more people will be affected by his experience… but will he still have credibility? Will his trainings be full of fluff from “The Old Days”, or will it still be actionable and useful?

Will he actually teach people how HE'S making money now?
Not if he's telling them to buy 10 copies of his book and give it to their downline!

It’s part of the double-edged sword of being a generic trainer. So far, he’s done a great job!

Eric Worre Retires but still holds position…

I don’t believe that he has given up his position in his MLM company (that would be silly), but I think he’s seen the light- the days of cold calling, home parties, and 3-foot rule are over. He is proving it by showing that the real “BETTER WAY” is through finding a niche market and using the internet to blog, connect, and provide value that people pay for.
This is not the first time “Eric Worre Retires” has made news. When Eric Worre retired from Agel and moved to his final company, there was quite a shakeup, and people thought then that Eric Worre retired from Network Marketing, but he surprised everyone when he joined another solid, traditional company.

Eric Worre Retired, but will always support Network Marketers

So, even though he’s leaving the actual work of Network Marketing, he’ll be supporting Network Marketers by providing tips and advice on Does that mean he’s now become a “Shovel-Seller”, or is it just the safest and best way to truly be a help?
I guess only time will tell, but as his friend, admirer, and mentee, I say he’s got some guts!
And for the rest of us who want to make Network Marketing a Major Source of Income, your Final Opportunity Presentation is quite an eye opener!

However, if you'd rather actually do what he's been doing since Eric Worre Retired, go HERE

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sugar is Killing Us, You F*cking Moron.

Sugar is Killing Us.

I've upped the language here to make sure people get it.

I blog about health on occasion, and usually about how NOT to freak out over it, and yeah, I eat candy, and yeah, I drink soda too.

But Sugar is POISON, just like alcohol or cigarettes.

(I don't f*ck with cigarettes. Only F*cking Idiots do that.)

Today a new study came out in the New York Times today about how Sugar is killing us. If you bother to read it, it'll tell it like it is- there is NO DOUBT among the scientific community two things-

1- "Obesity doesn't cause diabetes: sugar does."

2- "It isn't simply overeating that can make you sick; it’s overeating SUGAR. We finally have the proof we need for a verdict: sugar is toxic."

Toxic means poisonous. Sugar is POISONOUS.

Sugar is killing us.

So Stop eating all the sugar, and stop SELLING all the sugar-laden crap to people and telling them it's healthy-


You can read more here- It's the Sugar, Folks - Or just share this headline, so that even if people don't read the study, they'll hear the message that...

Sugar is killing us.

Click- How does this Mom of three stay at home but make more money than her husband? 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coca-Cola Gets Honest- Finally!

Can you imagine a commercial where Coca-Cola gets honest?

I dunno who made this video, but I was just chatting on Facebook with someone who was APPALLED that Bloomberg passed a measure to prevent certain stores from selling LARGE quantities of soda. "Who does he think he is telling me what I can drink!" was the sentiment, and that "Government is becoming a NANNY STATE!" was the outrage he expressed.

I tried to explain that  the limit wasn't on what you can DRINK, just on what someone could SELL, and that I was all for it because I see Soda as POISON.
  The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Commercial - YouTube.

If you can imagine a world where Coca-Cola gets Honest, then you might see why someone might want to put a limit on profiting from POISONING... now Cigarettes are next! 

By the way, I definitely drink Coca-Cola, but only about one can a week... and usually with Rum (I'm Cuban)! :-D

 Make Money Just Blogging About What Interests You

Monday, February 25, 2013

Harlem Shake by SendOutCards

Many people know I am a fan of and a fan of these Harlem Shake videos.
Well, here is a Harlem Shake video from the production room over at SendOutCards and I think it's super-fun-

If you wanna know why I like SendOutCards so much, and how I earn a bunch of extra money using it, then check out THIS LINK

Friday, February 22, 2013

"Half-Assed is better than Whole"- Says the New York Times


That's right people, I've been vindicated by none other than the New York Times.
The article says that after a long study that a bunch of women worked out in groups- some at twice a week, some at four times, and some at six.

And at the end, the twice and four times a week groups got BETTER RESULTS than the 6 times a week women.

As I wrote about in Half-Assed Health- How To Look Good Naked WITHOUIT Starving, Suffering, or Surgery, 3 times a week is ideal, and you do NOT need to kill yourself doing it.

 When are you going to stop acting like it's so HARD to work out, when it's not-

You can LOOK GOOD NAKED within 90 days, from almost any point- and MY BOOK will help you do that without killing yourself over it. I only work out 3 times a week, and today I had 2 donuts, and 5 Munchkins... by myself!


3 Tips to Teach Your Child How to Read PENGUIN BOOKS!

3 Tips to Teach Your Child How to Read

by  | on February 22, 2013
How To Read
What Kind Of Penguin Are You?
One of my goals in writing “What Kind Of Penguin Are You?” was to make it understandable and repetitive enough to helps children learn how to read it on their own. The “OWL SURPRISE” is something kids pick up right away, and are excited about it.
Below are a few reading tips from Children Learning Reading that many find effective.
I hope you enjoy them, and use them in your Story Time!

3 Tips to Teach Children How to Read

Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with a wonderful source of entertainment when they read stories and rhymes. Children develop at different rates, and some children will develop reading skills quicker than other children; however, what’s important is that as the parent, you are keenly aware of your child’s maturity and reading level to provide them with appropriate books and activities to help them improve.
As parents, you are the most important teacher for your children. You will introduce your child to books and reading. Below we have some tips to help you teach your child to read.

Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #1

Teach your child alphabet letters and sounds at the same time. Studies have shown that children learn best when they are taught the letter names and letter sounds at the same time. In one study, 58 preschool children were randomly assigned to receive instructions in letter names and sounds, letter sound only, or numbers (control group). The results of this study are consistent with past research results in that it found children receiving letter name and sound instruction were most likely to learn the sounds of letters whose names included cues to their sounds. [1]
When teaching your child the letter sounds, have them slowly trace the letter, while saying the sound of the letter at the same time. For example, if you were teaching your child the letter “A”, you would say:
“The letter A makes the /A/ (ah) sound.”
Then have your child say the /A/ sound while tracing the letter with his or her index finger.

Teaching a Child How to Read Tip #2

When teaching your child to read, always emphasize with them that the proper reading order should be from left to right, and top to bottom. To adults, this may seem so basic that anyone should know it. However, our children are not born with the knowledge that printed text should be read from left to right and top to bottom, and this is why you’ll sometimes see children reading from right to left instead – because they were never explicitly taught to read from left to right. When teaching your child how to read, always emphasize this point with them.

Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #3

Teach final consonant blends first. Teaching words such “at” and “and” can lead your child directly to learning words that rhyme with these. For example, for “at”, you can have:
For “and”, you can have these rhyming words:
and so on…
You can start teaching blends once your child has learned the sounds of some consonants and short vowel sounds. You don’t need to wait until your child has mastered the sounds of all the letters before teaching blends.
Learning to read is a long process, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more.

>> Click here to for a simple, step-by-step program that can teach your children how to read, and watch a video of a 2 year old child reading

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Are you a SUPER Penguin?


OK-OK- Maybe 10,000 is a little much, but how's ONE THOUSAND?
Can we make it to 1,000 downloads
by MIDNIGHT 2/14/2013 ?
Enter your email below, and then continue..

"Help Me Super Penguin... You're My Only Hope!"

Yesterday I released my first book for children- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" for FREE and I plan to keep it that way until midnight on Valentine's Day, but I have a goal-

I want the book to get 1,000 FREE Downloads.

Why? Well, more people will see the book, and parents cruising Amazon for a book for their kids will see it, and enjoy it with their kids, and wouldn't that be awesome?

But I can't do it alone, and yesterday, my AWESOME FRIENDS have been passing along my webpage and sharing it, and making me feel fantastic- but I need it to go further if it's going to break out past my personal contacts and be seen over the Disney's and the Toy-inspired books.
So I figured out a plan- but I need help- From SUPER PENGUINS
When you share something on facebook, there's a little "Promote" button right under your post.:
I'm asking you to hit that "promote" button for me, and that would be SUPER!

It'll cost you $7. 

Yes- I know, I'm asking you to spend your money on MY promotion, and even though I don't get a cent out of any of this, I figure I should compensate you for the $7... here's what I figured out:

1- You OF COURSE get the Book- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" FREE at Amazon (click now)

2- Amazon will ask if you want to post that you downloaded the book, and you can click "Share"- (If you already did, just share that) When you post, just comment on it saying "I'm a SUPER PENGUIN!"

When I reach 1,000 downloads- I will add these bonuses for EVERYONE on the list:

3- I will send out 4 NEW PENGUINS that you can download as a .pdf, along with the bonuses I included in the first book- a coloring penguin and instructions for making a Paper Penguin Beak.

4- You will get VIP treatment at a show that I do with Freestyle Repertory Theatre in New York sometime.

4- You'll be on my list, and be the FIRST to learn about the next books I release!

All for hitting that $7 "promote" button, (of which I get 0- it all goes to Zuckerberg, but that's cool- he deserves it)

So- If you're down with that, and want to be a SUPER PENGUIN. please post THIS WEBPAGE and click "Promote".

Sunday, February 10, 2013

How To Make a Paper Penguin Beak For YOUR Children

A Paper Penguin Beak for Children

Now that you have a copy of "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?", your little one might want to show off their creativity. Why not  discover what kind of Penguin they see themselves as? You can start by printing out this coloring penguin, and having your child draw on it and color it in.

Then you might want to get more 3-D and create a Paper Penguin Beak that they can wear around the house and flap their wings and shuffle their feet. Children (and adults!) love playing with things they've made, just like something you've cooked tastes better because YOU did it. Let's give your kids that fun too!

This is a great craft to get them engaged, and remind them of the different kind of Penguins in the book. You can also teach them about other kinds of birds along the way. Thanks to EHow for these great instructions:

Things You'll Need For Your Paper Penguin Beak:

  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Instructions To Make a Paper Penguin Beak:

1. Fold one corner of a sheet of orange or yellow construction paper to the opposite side, matching up the edges evenly. You should have a triangular flap and about 2 inches of paper sticking out from the bottom on one side.

2. Cut off the 2 inches of paper that sticks out from the triangle. Unfold the triangle from bottom to top so that it looks like a diamond shape with a horizontal crease through the middle.

 Sponsored Link- How Does This 35-Year Old Mom Stay At Home With Her Children, But Make More Money Than Her Husband?

3. Put glue along two bottom edges of the diamond. Fold the triangle down along the crease again and press the edges together. Let the glue dry for a few minutes.

4. Fold the triangle in half from left to right. Crease well and unfold the paper. Make sure the crease forms a peak and the top edge of the triangle is still the folded edge.

5. Fold the top edge of the triangle down about 1/2 inch. Crease well. Punch a hole in both sides of the triangle under the small flap you just made.

6. Cut two pieces of string 1 foot long. Tie an end of one of the strings through the hole in one side of the triangle. Tie an end of the other piece of string through the other hole. Wear your construction paper penguin beak mask by placing the folded edge over your nose and tying the two pieces of string together behind your head

Now You Have a Paper Penguin Beak For Children!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Books for Children- "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?"

Books For Children- What Kind Of Penguin Are YouIf you're looking for books for children, "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" may be what you're looking for...

Written by a 12-year veteran of Performing for Kids, "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?" is one of the rare books for children that talks directly to the reader.

The question is asked so that your child may ask themselves who they want to be- but not "when they grow up", but Who They Want To Be RIGHT NOW, then you'll understand why this is one of the special books for children.

John "Bones" Rodriguez has been performing with Freestyle Repertory Theatre for the past 12 years, and they are the #1 Assembly group in the Tri-State area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

You may have seen their video about the shows they do in schools, but they have also been doing writing workshops, so they have EXTENSIVE experience entertaining and educating children.

Now that author John "Bones" Rodriguez has started writing Books for Children, he intends on writing several more to bring parents and their children to experience some joy together.

There will be a special LIMITED-TIME FREE OFFER for the bonus book- Get on the mailing list to get the offer:

We respect your email privacy

There are Many Books For Children- Why "What Kind Of Penguin Are YOU?"

As a performer, I often hear children talking about what they want to be "when they grow up" instead of what they want to be NOW. Many children don't know that they can choose what they want to be at ANY MOMENT, and the freedom and fun that comes with that CHOICE.

You can sign up now and get on the mailing list for future books for children from John "Bones" Rodriguez on his personal website.

SendOutCards? Here's What They Won't Tell You...

Is SendOutCards a Scam?SendOutCards- What They Won't Tell You...

There are a lot of people who have taken a look at SendOutCards and have asked if it's a scam, or if people are making any money.

According to them it's a great service, and easy to sell, so you might as well join. However, what you might not have heard is that just like everything else, it requires some work to build a SendOutCards business.

I first saw SendOutCards when someone gave me a random call and wanted to "Show me something"... I was suspicious, but I said sure.

Next thing I knew, I was making a greeting card for my wife over the web, and when I realized that the card was going to be sent through the REAL mail, I was like:


I just thought it was such a great way to make my wife or anyone else feel great- I mean, who gets cards anymore? I also saw what a great tool it would be for any business trying to get attention. But then they said I could make money by telling other people about it!


So then I called some friends who said they wanted to make some money and talked to them about it...

They weren't into it.

 I talked to some other people... They weren't into it either.

Then my sponsor asked me something: "Bones- did you TALK to them, or did you SHOW them? Isn't that how YOU saw it?" Well that changed everything!

SendOutCards- Show and Tell

Try SendOutCardsSHOWING people and having them send a card is the most effective way of helping people see what a no-brainer it can be- for the right person.

Here's your BEST way to Make Money with SendOutCards:

Have people who ALREADY HAVE A BUSINESS send a card on the system, and then ask if they'd like to join as a customer, or as a distributor.

And if you want to do it automatically, I use THIS SYSTEM to do it.

So now, I DO NOT "talk to people" about it, I SHOW them how it works, and let the system to the work.

I've made money with it, and it remains one of my favorite services on the web. I HIGHLY recommend you get started today, DO NOT TRY TO TALK PEOPLE INTO IT, and instead SHOW them how we can all make people feel great and make some money doing it!

SendOutCards is a great way to make people feel great, help businesses market, and to make money from home, even if it does take some work...

Sounds good to me- by now, you think so too, don't you?

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This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: