Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This Group Of People Is Why Everything Sucks

Finally, and answer to "Why Does Everything Suck?"
It's funny that his conclusion isn't about a certain type of people, but how our economic system has chased them, and we have followed it down a hole of shit:

Craig Ferguson Why everything sucks - YouTube: ""
I think he has an excellent point- do you?

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Dear Daughter: I Hope You Have Awesome Sex- AMEN!!!

I can't possibly "like" this short essay enough to express how much I agree with this writer.
I'm not a daddy to a daughter, but I wish this for all the women of the world.

As someone who has sex with women (although lately, only one... which is great...great), I was always confused when someone would want to prevent a woman from their enjoyment of being with me.

I know, it sounds crazy egotistic, and I can even say that not all of them were that blown away (but most were), I sincerely don't know why even women would continue this backwards idea that women should be trying to prevent their own sharing of sex.
I get it that women can get pregnant, and they need to be more careful than men do, but really- when will we drop this whole "women as sexual property" thing? It's one of those ideas that no longer applies, but we keep perpetuating it. Anyway, this guy does a better job than I do:

Dear Daughter: I Hope You Have Awesome Sex — The Good Men Project:

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Better than Boobs- You Can Finally BE Jason Statham!

Don't be distracted by the Boobs (Did I just say that?), this video is a jaw-dropping
great use of a Go Pro Cam.

Y'know how First-Person Shooters make you feel like YOU'RE the hero in the video game?
This is the First-Person Action Movie you always wanted to star in... if you were Jason Statham:

Yes, I imagine this is a pretty Male-Oriented video, but I think even the ladies can appreciate this picture:

Here's the original:
Now This Is How You Use A Go Pro at

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

ENV2-Your Wait Is OVER (How To Make Money With Your Blog) - YouTube
When I first saw this video for the Empower Network, I was super skeptical, and downright negative on it. All of the ridiculous hype around it, and all of the "baddass" talk really turned me off, and I figured there were going to be "suckers" who jumped in until the hype passed, and everyone licked their wounds.

It took a year before I gave it a fair look, and when I did, I saw WHY people were so hyped about the Empower Network. The beginning idea is fantastic, and they just keep making it better, and better- making money for people who want to learn the system and the skills to properly market online.

If you've been on the sidelines, waiting and watching, I INSIST you click the button and get started, and see the system from the inside. It'll make all the difference.

ENV2-Your Wait Is OVER (How To Make Money With Your Blog) - YouTube: ""

It's just a matter of posting to your blog, and sharing it using the principles and tactics taught in the Empower Network products. The inner circle is weekly call that keeps you motivated, and gives you the teachings you need to market effectively online.

If you want to make money online with a blog, or make money online by blogging, then this system will teach you how to do it, while you do it!

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Funniest 6 second vines of 2013 SO FAR!

I saw this video because... well... the bikini.

But then I laughed SO OFTEN at the several 6-second videos, I had to share it.
There's some group of guys that have really taken advantage of the 6-second format, that as a performer, I was really inspired. ENJOY!

Greatest Vines 2013 — The Best 11 Minutes and 38 Seconds of Your Day - YouTube: ""

Would you like to be able to waste time like I do and make more money than you would at a job?

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All Women Get It, But Only Some Men Do... in 30 seconds?

This makes 2 fantastic points to me:
1- That women are traditionally taught to deny their desires
2- Men teach them that.

Yes, I'm a man, and I just think that when we stop this teaching, that we might actually have more of the kinds of women we say we want...
I mean, she's sexy as hell, isn't she?


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Chris Hayes' Tirade Against White Culture, and Why I Love It

So, before you get too far in this post, I want you to know that this is a SATIRE, but not in the "funny haha" way that many people think.

It is possibly the BEST way for people to see why the arguments made by the right wing shows like Bill O'Reilly are so baseless and ludicrous. If you find this video to be KER-AZY (and most people do), then realize that it's crazy no matter who they are talking about. Bravo Chris Hayes, you're my new Hero:

Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly w/ Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 2013 - YouTube:

Please Share this with everyone you have ever known.

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: