Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cee Lo Green's "F**k You" Marketing Lesson...

Here is a brilliant song:
a crappy video with over 2 million views in 4 days- people are passing it around not only because of the lyrics, but because it's a damn fine song, sung with a wonderful voice with a fun, relateable message.

He also has some other great songs, with the same great voice, but with expensive, well-produced videos, without the same relateable message. They've been out for months, and gotten 2 thousand views.


The record company promises a "new video", and in my opinion, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. KEEP THIS ONE, and let other people play with it and continue passing it around.

Economy DESTROYED- what to do NOW...

Seriously you guys, our dollars are losing value as you read this.

As Neale Donald Walsch says "When everything changes, CHANGE EVERYTHING",
so I'm taking it upon myself to make some adjustments, and I hope you
are too. Here are some of the things on my list to change:

I'm learning new skills for the next "big thing" on MOBILE platforms:

I'm expanding to getting more checks from:

I'm moving towards the FUTURE of business with:

I'm updating my 1st ebook "No More Waiters"-

I'm re-writing the FREE STAR TREK BOOK:

Why? Well, it's not about gaining the actual money,
it's about building new skills and knowledge that
can be used later- if you're with me,
comment below. If not, then comment below.
(I have a guess who will be first)

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Thomas Jefferson the Psychic

Thomas Jefferson once said:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

Thursday, August 05, 2010

2 Videos, 4 Minutes of ART that make the Internet Worth it.

Let me make something clear- this is the ART to me. This is 21st century, popular art, and it is the HEIGHT of the accomplishments on the internet. Watch the first 2 minute clip, which is a news story. Then watch THE REMIX...

And the THE REMIX:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

You are a Porn Star.

Is it me, or are the women in porn getting insanely beautiful? I don't just mean sexy and hot- I mean beautiful. Tera Patrick may very well be one of the most stunning women to walk the Earth, and mixed-race women are very popular in porn. Complex just listed the top 50 prettiest porn stars, and I gotta say, these women are extremely gorgeous, and will give any Hollywood starlet a run for her money.

So, if porn is attracting the more attractive women, and Hollywood has few real actors, and basically just pretty people and quick-cuts, aren't they pretty much going to merge soon? I mean Jenna Jameson has done a few cross-over movies, and Sasha Grey did that Steven Soderbergh deal, right?

But I think it means more than that.

Here's the thing- if I'm picking who my fantasy women are going to be- or maybe just the "special 5" (those 5 people whom you can have sex with permission from your partner), then I'm going for the Porn star WAAAAY over the Hollywood Celebrity.

I have NO IDEA if the Hollywood celebrity is going to be any good; she may just SEEM like it, but then be a real disappointment. With the Porn Star, I've SEEN THEIR WORK. They have a resume and a "body of work" (so to speak) that shows off their talents. I could just take a quick look at BorrowMyPorn and I would even know what to ask for, what they may be into, or what "special moves" they have.

Lets say you've got a thing for Angelina Jolie. Well, she sure SEEMS sexy and fun, but you can go watch Angelina Valentine at work (Yes, the name is a little obvious), and actually see for yourself. The woman everyone wants now is Megan Fox- well, I'd trade her in for a Jessica Jaymes any day.

Paris Hilton is well-known for "being a celebrity" and has her own MTV show, but her oral sex skills are just as well-known online (c'mon, you've seen it). She's not a "porn star", but she has her blowjob technique out there for everyone to see, and got an amazing amount of publicity for it.

Which leads me to YOU.

Yes, YOU.

Internet dating is here to stay, and is on the rise. We post pictures of ourselves and friends; we try to look our best when we're looking for someone new or just meeting new people.

So why not show of our sexual exploits as well? I think we are ALL going to have sex videos soon, where we actually showcase our sexual talents, likes and dislikes- and it will HELP us come closer together.

That's right- I said it.

I think it will be a GOOD thing.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's probably already happening somewhere, but to a section of society that is probably deemed "deviant" so far.

Well, mark my words, get naked, and get your flipcam ready!

NY Water is FLAMMABLE???

Up in Candor NY, a man can LIGHT HIS WATER ON FIRE:

How are we ok with this? No one has investigated, because they would then of course find something wrong, and then the company would be liable for something, and then they'd get sued, and then more people would probably find that their water is flammable and toxic, and the company would lose more money.

I assume that's why no one official has looked into this.

But then we gotta ask ourselves if it's worth the profits to let a Vietnam Vet have FLAMMABLE toxic water. What happens in his neighborhood when there's a fire, and they call the fire department? They are going to have to hose from the same FLAMMABLE Water!

And who MAKES money from this story? The Bottled water companies.

In my mind the bottled water companies shouldn't even exist- there should be no need for them, and yet, I filter my water, and buy bottled water when I'm out- supporting their corrupt agenda.

And here's another from MSNBC:

This makes me crazy and sick- just like the water.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Genius Frakkin' Marketing

Ok, so "The Old Spice Guy" thing is working BIG TIME. However, FINALLY, a big company has realized that social media is a TWO-WAY conversation, and that just making ads that you post on facebook is not correct- in fact, it's WRONG.

I have been saying it for about two years now, but these guys are doing it BIG TIME, and were smart enough to engage celebrities with big followings.

So, now Old Spice has taken "The Old Spice Guy", and is doing what I wanted to do in Miami but multiplied it by a million- Observe GENIUS marketing, and then watch Alyssa Milano REALLY show them up:

This is where they misstep, and got lazy-
And now HERE's the Checkmate from her:

NOW I wanna see what they do next!!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: