Monday, January 05, 2009

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

People who "float" tend to sink, but why?

After reading "TRIBES" by Seth Godin, I'm looking to change some sacred cows in the industry-

Let me "Float" an idea your way...

People usually "float" ideas around people they know, like and respect when they are presented with a new idea, or thinking about a decision.

But in MLM, that can be a disaster.

Usually, we tell our new guy that "YOU have to decide first, and THEN people will follow you". And that's definitely the way it works because it's true in leadership.

But most people aren't leaders.

And most people who see MLM for the first time don't know what to think of it yet. EVEN THE LEADERS.

So, they'll do what most people do-

They'll "FLOAT" an idea.

And it is usually met with scorn, ridicule, or they're told a bunch of misinformation from someone who thinks they know.

So, we ALWAYS tell them to "NOT tell anyone" until they're in, and have learned how to be bold, and LEAD.

But that RARELY works, because most people AREN'T leaders.

So, that's why we have the quit rate we do- people do what's normal, it doesn't work,
and they quit.

But there's another option rather than telling them not to say anything. I mean- we WANT high numbers, right? We WANT most people, don't we?

LET them "float" the idea.

Why not make the idea "Floatable" to begin with?

Why not have the "Float" built-in to the presentation?

I've been working with Jerry and Jessica Conti, and I think we've come up with the way to "Float" the idea of HUB for a new person, so that we can completely change the way MLM is done.

I want to find the MOST people, and let them HELP US find the leaders- that makes sense doesn't it?

What do you think?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good night Majel- and Thank you.

Well, today Majel Barrett-Roddenberry passed away. She wass the wife and partner of Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, and she played "number 1", Nurse Chapel, and Lwaxana Troi on Star Trek throughout the years.

The family is asking for donations (instead of flowers or cards) to be made to the CARE organization or Precious Paws:

Thank you Majel

This will expire, but right now, it's cool....

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

This will expire, but right now, it's cool....

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Star Trek Trailer- Finally Here!!

Yes, I am SUPER-Excited!

And of course, he is making out with some woman. If you want to know his secrets, get the book that "Tells All"!

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