Saturday, July 07, 2007

Ok, so NOW I get it!

I went away last weekend to ORLANDO for our big "MASTERMIND" weekend, and I had a blast! Not only did I learn SO much, but I met with and partied with a whole big group of people!

And as you now, I like to party.

Here's a pic of me at the 70's party.

I figured I can go shirtless for a little while longer- I AM 35 now... Laura came with me, and I think she NOW understands why I am so excited. I have been writing my Star Trek Book, but I keep thinking about this business when I'm not writing.

Anyway, here's the plan:

1- Show them the DVD
2- Get them to an online event
3- Get them to a ABB or a local event.

Show them to do it too!

Friday, July 06, 2007

"Autobots- Roll Out!"

I took a break from writing my STAR TREK BOOK,

and saw the TRANSFORMERS movie that I had been waiting for for over a year.
I was giddy with antici.....pation as the previews started, and there was one for some J.J, Abrams movei. At first I thought it was Star Trek XI, but the release date was wrong.. I guess well find out what that is later.

As for TRANSFORMERS, I liked it. I didn't LOVE it. There was a ton of fanboy stuff "One shall stand, one shall fall", and "Autobots- Roll out!" were quotes that excited the hell out of me.

However, the script was pretty bad, in that they spent ENTIRELY TOO MUCH TIME with stupid stuff. Megatron was only in it for 20 minutes, and fights were all too close up, so you couldn't see what was happening. For a lot of the shots, it was just a jumble of metal, and no distinguishable movement.

I wish they didn't spend so much time "Looking for the glasses", as they didn't have what they needed on them anyway.

Overall, I would say it was better than Fantastic Four, but not as good as Live Free or Die Hard.

It wasn't the movie it could have been, but it wasn't Daredevil either.

"Autobots- Roll Out!"

I took a break from writing my STAR TREK BOOK,

and saw the TRANSFORMERS movie that I had been waiting for for over a year.
I was giddy with antici.....pation as the previews started, and there was one for some J.J, Abrams movei. At first I thought it was Star Trek XI, but the release date was wrong.. I guess well find out what that is later.

As for TRANSFORMERS, I liked it. I didn't LOVE it. There was a ton of fanboy stuff "One shall stand, one shall fall", and "Autobots- Roll out!" were quotes that excited the hell out of me.

However, the script was pretty bad, in that they spent ENTIRELY TOO MUCH TIME with stupid stuff. Megatron was only in it for 20 minutes, and fights were all too close up, so you couldn't see what was happening. For a lot of the shots, it was just a jumble of metal, and no distinguishable movement.

I wish they didn't spend so much time "Looking for the glasses", as they didn't have what they needed on them anyway.

Overall, I would say it was better than Fantastic Four, but not as good as Live Free or Die Hard.

It wasn't the movie it could have been, but it wasn't Daredevil either.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Joining the Procrasti Nation...

TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

Yesterday, instead of writing my Star Trek Book- WHICH IS COMING OUT IN FEBRUARY, I decided to make a joke:

I also spent time doing something to

But today- TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

I watched "The Gamesters of Triskelion", and it was SOOO good!!

Joining the Procrasti Nation...

TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

Yesterday, instead of writing my Star Trek Book- WHICH IS COMING OUT IN FEBRUARY, I decided to make a joke:

I also spent time doing something to

But today- TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

I watched "The Gamesters of Triskelion", and it was SOOO good!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm a member of the Procrasti-Nation

Dude, write your book- it's due soon!

I know, I know, but I am SOOO EXCITED about

Yes, you should be, but we have a BOOK DUE soon!

Ok- I'll tell you what, I'll work on,
and YOU work on

That won't work- we BOTH need the hands.


Ok, then how about you work on the book, and I'll just TELL everyone about


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In McClaine We Trust!!

We just came from seeing LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD- and...


John McClaine does it again- he takes a lickin', and keeps on tickin- despite being shot at, thrown out of cars, and just barely escaping explosions, he'll take you for a great ride.

We LAUGHED at some of the ways he escapes danger, or gets the bad guys, but we were laughing with SATISFACTION.

A great feeling.

So far, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD is winning "movie of the summer"- I may even like this one more than the third one.

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