Sunday, December 08, 2019

Forget "Affiliate Marketing"- Watch This

This may come as a shock to you.

I'm leaving affiliate marketing behind.

Yes, I love making money while I sleep,
and being free to do whatever each day,
and blah, blah, blah.

But the truth is that the internet is changing.

And so is the landscape.

I watched a webinar the other day from
a super-affiliate I know, and he was RIGHT.

I am always saying that it's a game of APPLIED KNOWLEDGE,
and that you have to GET the knowledge first.

This is one of those times when you should know
this is happening EARLIER than everyone else..

I want to be clear- it doesn't mean that
I am not going t use the internet.

It means that I am not wasting time or energy
on the areas that don't matter anymore.

That webinar really changed my perspective,
and it probably cut years off the learning curve.

I cant recommend it enough, and so here's the link:


P.S.- Some of you will never hear from me again.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Kaboom Traffic Review- REALLY Free Traffic? REALLY?

Kaboom traffic is a FREE TRAFFIC

site that WORKS!

hey what's happening you guys this is

bones Rodriguez John bones Rodriguez I'm

an actor author entrepreneur born and

raised here in New York City where I

lived my wife and two kids

the baby is napping right now just had

lunch wife is napping because you know

babies are tiring so I'm making this

video right now whether it's The

Bachelor turn off this light but it's

okay because I'm gonna shrink now and

tell you about an awesome new free

traffic yet profitable idea that John

had John Valley had he keeps coming up

with these awesome ideas so here it is

it's called kaboom traffic and if you go

to the link below I'm gonna tell you to

go to the link below cuz this is I am

telling you about this because part of

what's great about kaboom traffic is

that you get free traffic on the inside

banner ad traffic and the eyeballs are

people the targeted people who you want

to see your business opportunity how do

you know because they are also here to

promote their business opportunity and

the most likely people to buy your thing

are people who have bought the same

thing as your thing from other people

before so I have bought stuff from

kabooming just relaunched it was around

for a bit and it and it kind of it kind

of petered out but he came up with some

great ideas to keep it moving and so let

me show you where it is if you go to my

link which is kaboom traffic comm slash

friends you'll see right here there are

three banner ads right here and if you

click learn more then here are some

videos that teach about it the idea is

that when you go in there our banner ads

all over at the login which is actually

one of the most effective banner ad

things around but here's the customer

log and I'm gonna log in here and you

see they're more banner ads these ads

right here in the back office of the

thing that I am telling you about right

if you're curious you probably want

might wanna click well that's the thing

this is in front of people like me who

buy stuff like this and and if you're

watching this video probably like you so

here's what's awesome about

you can upgrade and on the videos will

show you the the the compensation plan

and how it works but here's the reason

I'm making this video is to tell you

that the old version I did very well

with I don't even know if it'll be here

but the old version I did well with

because not only do people see my ads

and end up on my list and buying some of

those things they also upgraded in here

and I got paid for that too so that's

why I'm making this video frankly

because it works for free members it

works for upgrade members and you get to

put two for free as it is so just by

putting your two banner ads in here you

can get targeted people looking at it

I just wanted to do a quick walk through

look here's the adding banners you can

add banners here right you make these

are mine and then you just add them

right here what's very cool and very

smart is that he put a banner resizer

here so that a link to it so you can put

whatever picture you want and you can

resize it to the right image size go

back you see the all the ads keep

changing all the ads keep it right

that's that's how it works

new contacts amount of referrals your

pages you can choose a bunch of

different capture pages here to use but

here is those tracking so you can track

your stats I mean this yourself and so

there's nothing here and there's ad

tracking so if you want to do put

something specific but here's what I

want you to know is every time I'm

clicking new banner ads keep showing up

right and now here's the thing that one

of the things is great in the kaboom

banner section you can add you can add

anything you want here so like let's put

this is step two com is like my main

that I'm sorry this is the primary URL

right and then these banners these are

the HTML that you can use from these

banners and some of these are generic

because they'll point people to your

specific business

so look at all these banners that are

here that you can just grab and use

anywhere promote this your primary

business whatever look at all these

banners that you can use all over the

web fantastic move too quickly you know

I get things quickly I just buy them

because they work most things work and

it's how to videos and there's a

Facebook group look already 2600 members

and this is my sponsor but look see this

thing right here make more money

well this is gonna take me to one of his

other businesses which I'm not going to

show you and if you go home when you log

in right here is also whoever you refer

right here is another way for them to

see your business so get in take a look

join for free there's nothing to lose a

chamber you get to put your banner ads

in front of people for free and if you

want to upgrade fantastic if you want to

join me in some other things fantastic

that's it it's not a scam how can it be

a scam it's free and then it tells you

the compensation plan plan I of course

upgraded all the way there are two

different upgrades and I upgrade to the

highest one because that's how things

work I've noticed that when I do that I

work harder and I make more money

because of that and because I make more


I have better results and because I have

better results I tell people about those

results and I make more money so that's

the thing always jump in with two feet

even if it's frightens especially if it

frightens you because then you'll work

harder to get that back it's my advice

to you especially here with the boom

traffic so click the link below from

kaboom traffic I'm sure pop-ups about to

show up around here somewhere and I

thought you soon

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Bitcoin Bonus Machine Review- Cash App System Sequel?

"Who Else Wants To Get Multiple $47 Payments and 'BONUS' Bitcoin- WITHOUT Games, Gimmicks or Gambling?"

Really quick- listen fast, let me tell you straight:


So when I hear about a new "Bitcoin opportunity",
I go running the other way.

Yes, I know- "Bitcoin is the future", and now it's a Presidential issue, so it'll probably go up in value and blah blah blah.

I already told you:

I'm not a gambler.

Robert Kiyosaki taught me that "buying and holding" should be called "buying and hoping" because most people buy something ad "hope" it will go up in value.

I don't believe in buy low and hope it goes high,
so I'm not getting bitcoin and hoping that I get rich.

Because that's gambling.

I like playing with

Playing with HOUSE MONEY is different.

Sometimes in a casino, they'll give you "Bonus" money to play with.

And if you're like me-

You'll take all the bonus money you can get, and that's not gambling at all.

Well- I found a way to get

There's an old saying that I really like and I say a lot:

Sometimes you just need to know whatever it is that you don't know so you can get what you want. Well, once I learned how to get this "Bonus Money", I went to work.

And I'm very happily getting as much as I can.

I made a website that acts like a machine that spits out this Bonus Money in Bitcoin.

I was doing it for myself, but then I figured out a way to let other people do it too, and you can even sell my machine too, and earn even more bonus bitcoin.

That's when I realized that more people want to know how, so I put everything I learned into a quick and simple course so anyone can follow along.

This is not MLM, not get rich quick, not friends and family
or home parties or where you have to "get people".

This is a course and system that works like a vending machine.

People walk by, and most people do nothing, but the right people will walk by it and choose to buy something now.

And you'll get bonus bitcoin.

The right people are people who have read a little Robert Kiyosaki,
maybe they have some bitcoin already, or an online business.

Your struggling broke cousin who thinks everything is a scam
is NOT the right person;
if you are that cousin, close this now.

Last year I made something called the Cash App System and that really took off- it went Viral online, and this is the next version.

The Bitcoin Bonus Machine is a way for you to get paid to collect free bonus bitcoin.

When you buy this course and system now, you'll be in a position to invest in your future and use that money for whatever you want.

I don't mean by the ups and downs of bitcoin- I already told you:

I'm not a gambler.

So- If YES, you're feeling excited right now, and what I said is making sense to you, 
and you have the money and don't need to know everything first, then click below to get your copy of this Bitcoin Bonus Machine.

By now, you've heard the story, you know it's legit, and you have the money- because if you don't, then this is NOT FOR YOU.

Once you click below and buy the course and system, you'll get instant access, and you'll be able to set up your machine and let it make money for you and get bonus bitcoin along the way.

That's not a guarantee of income, and there is work involved, just like if you have a vending machine there is work involved.

I already told you this isn't get rich quick or magic riches.

However, if you've said to yourself "All I need is an honest chance..." this could be your way to be ready for the future of money.

When you get the Bitcoin Bonus Machine now, you'll have access to Bonus Money, Bonus Bitcoin, and our facebook group to help you, as well as access to me.

I told you- I'm not a gambler,  but I LOVE the feeling of playing with HOUSE MONEY.

After 1 sale of the course, you'll be in profit and everything from then is like playing with house money!

You get all the rewards, and none of the risks.

If you feel the same way then by now this quick video made sense to you.
You will absolutely click below and get started right now.

Remember- you get 100% resell rights, and it obviously sells because whoever sent this to you bought it already.

That's why they are reselling it!

When you get this eCourse now, you'll finally understand how to have a cash-generating mobile money business and you can learn to generate income on demand!
Go for it right now the price has already gone up once, and I may just take this off the market if bitcoin becomes too controversial or illegal (until the regulators get a lot of it that is), or if the group gets too big.

I know this not only sounds too good to be true, but it sounds like a scam, and a BS marketing trick, so you can see my personal wall where people are genuinely glad they bought it:

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: