Wednesday, November 01, 2017

How to make your cell phone pay YOU!

I am often talking about how to monetize everyday things, and someone askled me recently how to make money with their cell phone.
Here I show you three viable ways to pay off your bill for the YEAR!

My favorite is obviously the last one, SHARE THE NUMBER.
It;s because of it's simplicity that I like it so much.

You just SHARE THE NUMBER: 1-618-355-1121
and use the promo code: "friends"

Can YOU share a phone number? I thought so!

When I talk internet marketing, so many people get "confused", but that excuse is destroyed by this system that seems built for 80 year olds!

But I can't forget CIRCLE, which is a brilliant way to make a few extra dollars as a bonus for using the app! Wanna see my facebook testimonials!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Review of No More Waiters from Actress LION HEART!!

There are 2 kinds of actors...

Those who bring the check to the table,

and those who GET THE CHECK in the mail..

Which do YOU want to be?

Actress Deborah Leonhardt (LION HEART!!) Give you her story of how she

learned that it's easier to create the life you want when you have control over your own time and money:


Aside from learning how to be an Actor without a Day job, I aso teach people to be a PART-TIME BLOGGER, FULL-TIME FREEDOM person!

That means letting your blog make you money.... LIKE THIS ONE!

Can YOU just post a video and create income too?

Why not find out!

Today was a pretty great day as an actor in that I got paid for BOTH my running "I Love NY" Ad where I am ziplining through the Catskills, and my appearance on MADAM SECRETARY, where I say 2 words and get killed. :-D

It's a life!

Anyway, I cashed checks for $4700- not a bad actor day at all!

But, my online business is what gives me the FREEDOM to do that!

What do YOU want to do with your freedom?


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Failing Actors Probably Won't Read This Message

I kinda stopped spreading this message a while ago because I got tired.

Because most actors don't want to hear it, and I got tired of saying it.

But dammit, it needs repeating.

I am an actor, and have been without a day job for over 15 years. I have made over $400,000 acting and have 2 kids who get health insurance through SAG, and I just shot a commercial and a co-star.

But guess what?

I couldn't live on just my acting income.

And neither could you.

So what the hell am I talking about?

Well, let me ask you this- Don't you think it's easier to pursue an acting career if you get paid WITHOUT trading your time for money?

Duh, right?

So, that's what I have learned to do, and I teach others to do it too.
But a lot of people don't want to hear it.

It's simple, but so many other people would rather wait tables, and FAIL like 99% of actors out there... because then they have no one to blame.

It's just "bad luck", right?

I dont know why, but I made this video, and for those of you who want something different, here's your chance to prove it to yourself:

Like I said- NO day job in over 15 years now. I made this video years ago.

If you want to make a change, and create the life you SAY you want, this solution helped me. And I expect you to buy it.

Or, you can wait tables, wait to be discovered, and wait for a miracle.

I say, you take my advice, learn something NEW and go for it- you'll be glad you did!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: