Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Creating Your Virtual Vending Machine

Just Follow Three Simple Steps To Creating Your Own "Virtual Vending Machine" That Pays You 24/7 On Complete Autopilot!!
Quick Overview

Follow These Steps To Create Your Autopilot Machine!
  • Step 1- Capture Page & Autoresponder
  • Step 2- Set Your Products & Income Streams
  • Step 3- Get Traffic
  • Step 4- Collect Cash

STEP 1- Capture Page
and Autoresponder
This is what people will see that will let them sign up for more, and it will email them more and more information FOR you- totally on autopilot.

Click Here and buy "Lead Lightning" ($7)

Get Lead Lightning and Set it up.

STEP 2- Products and
Income Stream

Click Here and Create a Clickbank Account (Free)

After creating an account, copy your affiliate ID

Proceed back to your LEAD LIGHTNING console (
and enter this URL into referral link "b":


Now your "Virtual Vending Machine" is set up, and your link will be:
"" whatever it says.

Without traffic, it's like having your vending machine in a basement somewhere nobody can see it. People MUST be able to see your machine to buy anything!

Click Here and create an account with Udimi

Buy traffic, knowing that you can expect a 20% optin rate,
and then about a sale per 100 optins at first.




The more upgrades you have, the more products are in your machine that can sell and make you money. Don't be cheap with your business- 


And if you choose not to, that's ok, because someone else in the system will get the money that you are passing up. So- your choice.

You have literally just seen an easy way to uild a machine that pays you if enough people see it.
If no one sees your machine, they can't buy.
If you only have one thing to buy, you can't get rich.
If you FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ABOVE, you will succeed.
ANything you leave out will increase your chances at FAILURE.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Amazing Charlottesville Video: "Race and Terror" – VICE News

Watching this video might make you a little uneasy...

I watched it after someone posted that "The time for complacency is over".

For some of us, there was never a time...

I had an audition for VICE TV a while ago, and I think I seemed to like life a little too much.

The interviewer here seems like she's just DESPERATE to get away from these people,and yet,

she knows that they are HOPING they will "convert" her to their cause.

Enjoy the video, and then CLICK HERE TO MAKE MONEY AND BE FREE.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

How To Buy $1000... For Only $50? (Yes, really)

This video is GOING VIRAL and being shared all over the world! It's not at all what you think... Keep an open mind, you are about to be very surprised. People who watch it to the end are saying it's one of the most important they have seen...

(Click Play- And Then Continue! Over 1,000 Shares!)

and don't forget to SHARE!

Monday, July 24, 2017

What To REALLY Do With Your Money (No, you haven't heard this before!)

We have all heard that we should "save" or that we should "Invest", and don't forget the ol' "Pay Yourself First" mantra.

But how many of us actually do any of those?

If you're like me, we like to BUY THINGS, right?
Well, this video is going viral on YouTube because it's different!

So, in that vein, watch this, share it, and then do what it says:

And Don't forget to SHARE!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

[VIRAL] FIYYAAAAA!! This 9-Year Old Buzzer is ON FIYAAAAA!!

I can admit that I'm a little jeaous of Chris Hardwick making a career out of nerd fandom.

But he also gets to give this girl the BEST NIGHT of her life- just about forever.

Also- she is pretty FA-MAZING:

And Don't forget to SHARE!!

With the talent search open to acts of all ages, "America's Got Talent" has brought the variety format back to the forefront of American culture by showcasing unique performers from across the country. The series is a true celebration of the American spirit, featuring a colorful array of singers, dancers, comedians, contortionists, impressionists, jugglers, magicians, ventriloquists and hopeful stars, all vying for their chance to win America's hearts and the $1 million prize.

Angelica Hale: 9-Year-Old Earns Golden Buzzer From Chris Hardwick - America's Got Talent 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

15 Habits That Poor People Do, That The Rich DO NOT!

I've started to get used to the negative comments when trying to help people learn new things, and I'm sure this will be no different.

But I always have hope! After my Over-1-Million-Views Video: "The ONE Thing That Rich People Buy That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not", I found this video by someone else. It's a GREAT perspective:


There are a ton of habits that make your poor. Personally, I agree with the sports thing. Who the hell has time to watch OTHER people do stuff when YOU could be out there living?

Anyway, if you found this valuable, and want to make a change, head over to to get started on your wealth creation goal.

Enjoy, and if you find yourself needing to cut back on some stuff- DO IT!!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

[Video] Forget Goal Setting- Try Tim Ferris' "Fear Setting"

I think this is a pretty good idea.
A lot of people have goals, but they are actually scared of achieving them.

For example, A lot of people want to make more money, and 
I teach people a simple way to make money by sharing viral videos on a blog.

But some people (usually the most desperate) don't follow through.
Maybe they should watch this video:

And don't forget to SHARE THIS!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: