Thursday, March 02, 2017

Comedian Physically Attacked By Trump Supporter- Then makes awesome joke

This is how you know this guy is a professional.

He is doing a regular set, nothing so insightful or great... but then some lady

goes overboard against his Trump joke. Check him out:

This is probably the best thing to happen to this guy's career.

I love the family joke afterwards.

Remember- no matter what happens- stay professional!

Also- if you want to make money without getting drinks thrown at you:


Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Oh Snap! NEW Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Trailer- And THE END!!

Oh Snap!

Let's face it- the Guardians of The Galaxy movie was fun, and it looks like tis one will be too.

And do you see who that is at the end? SURPRISE!

And if you want to make sure you have enough money to see it in one of these new FANCY theatres, then check out THIS video:

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HOLY CRAP! The New "Kong: Skull Island" Trailer is INSANEAfter seeing that video, I changed just about everything I did: SEE IT HERE NOW

I am really excited for my DAD to see this.

I remember seeing the original King Kong (black and white) on TV, and my

dad telling me about how insane it was to see in the theaters when he was a kid.

There have been many remakes since then, but HOLY CRAP, this thing looks CRAZY:

I liked Peter Jackson's version a lot, and I hope the action in this one doesn't

over shadow the actual love story that it becomes.

 and of course, this is my FAVORITE video online:

Friday, February 24, 2017

Money Hack: How To BUY $1,000 For Only 50 Bucks?

After the success of "What Rich People Buy That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not", I made this one to further educate and inspire! Keep an open mind, you are about to be very surprised...
(Click Play- And Then Continue Below!)

Get The Full Transcript Below and Other Resources for Where To Buy Assets That ANYONE Can Afford:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

This is the way the world works, and we don't teach it to kids... should we?

I think this talk is not only necessary, but one that we can use to teach ADULTS the same things!

We teach people to AVOID mistakes, but the way to success is to OVERCOME them, and to LEARN from them. After you watch this video, click below to learn more!

If this video inspired you, then I hope you SHARE THIS NOW!

And you might REALLY like this one too:

After seeing that video, I changed just about everything I did:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

This "three gods riddle" is pretty damn hard; Can you figure it out?

Look, I consider myself a smart guy.

I like STAR TREK, and I went to The Bronx High School Of Science,

which is supposed to mean something about my mental capacity.

But my achilles heel? I have NO PATIENCE! So I watched it pretty much immediately:

There's another riddle that a lot of people wish they knew the answer to,
and it has to do with making money. After seeing that video, I changed
just about everything I did:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How To Be Successful WITHOUT Being a Sellout!

Listen, I HATE asking for help too, but I also know
that we are all struggling in important ways...

And I know this seems kind of crazy, but If you 
haven't seen this guy's TEDx TALK, you have to see this:

If you are serious about making it in life,
you have to get your mental game in order.

Mindset is HUGE, and what you'll find in successful
people (as opposed to non successful people), is mindset.

Jim Rohn says, "You're the average of the 5
people you surround yourself with."

What I want to share with you today is someone
who can help us all get to the next level.

Someone who's been dead broke and sleeping on a couch
in a mobile home, to hanging out with celebrities while driving
Lamborghinis and living the Beverly Hills.

Oh- and doing a TEDx TALK!

Some people think he's arrogant, or whatever, but that doesn't
bother me because I know I can learn from arrogant people, y'know?

I'm not about to let that get in my way!

Unlike most people who've been through a "rags to riches"
experience, this guy is willing to show you EXACTLY what he did.

If you want to "upgrade" your mental game and shift your
mindset to one rich with success, watch his free training now!


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