Saturday, May 30, 2015

Tasting the New Tastes on The Upper West Side at the Old Junior High School

Last night, my wife and I got to go to "New Tastes On The Upper West Side", and event where all the local restaurants give samples away and compete for a vote to win best.... something.

We had a lot of fun, a lot of good food, and the band was great.

But what was weird for me is that it was held at my old Junior High school, William . O'Shea, I.S. 44 on 77th Street and Columbus Avenue:

It reminded me of playing football out there, going to eat at the Chinese restaurant across the Street and going to Jimmy's Dad's house for lunch and to watch some MTV when it was a new thing that showed "videos" of Music! What?

Thanks to my wonderful Mom for the idea and the tickets, and for watching Pike for us so we could go. THANKS MOM!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes

I feel silly right now because this short talk was absolutely life-altering for me.

I think ANYONE "looking" for their life's purpose can find it here.

I have been wandering around with a very vague idea about helping people, and being enthusiastic, and being an actor, blah, blah, blah, but this talk (since I was brave enough to participate)  really helped me focus on the person I WANT to be.

You see, I knew that I could just "choose" who and what I want to be in life, but this talk really brings it down to 5 sentences. Please watch it. I'm now going to find everything I can on Ada, Leipzig.

I know you're probably curious as to what I said, but I'm going to make you watch it instead!


The comments on the youtube page are pretty telling also- people trying t find the loophole, and being scared to CHOOSE what their purpose is.

Again. I loved it. Sharing RIGHT NOW.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I got some sad news today

There I was in LA, pushing my son Pike on the swings,
thinking about stupid stuff- career, money, and whether or not I 
looked "suspicious" in my camo shorts and hoodie.

That's when the text came in::

"They think they found Rachel's body, but her husband is going there to see"


My friend was on that train that derailed yesterday,
and she was reported missing.

I posted it on facebook, but I really just assumed she was lost
in a hospital or something. I didn't even think about her dying.

She has a loving husband,
and a two-year old.


That hit me, and I quickly felt a sharp, stuttered breath,
and a cough.

My eyes were suddenly wet.

I looked around at the other kids running and laughing 
in the park, and how many of them were with nannies, but
who would see their mommies later... 

and that Rachel's two year old won't ever see her again.


I quickly grabbed up Pike, held him close, left the park,
and texted my wife that I love her so very much.


May I suggest you do the same, for whoever you love,
because you never know when it's all over.

And I asked myself-  WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE NOW?

Now that this event has happened in my life, who do I want
to be in relation to it? 

What does my character do in my story now that
this has happened?

Today, I want to be someone who has been reminded how
precious life is, and that the people who you are travelling through it
with are precious too.

And to be someone who reminds others.

I hope this email did that for you.

Also, remember that if something ever happened to you, that
people care, and would be hurt deeply- even people who
you wouldn't think of.


Let Your Light So Shine Before Men,

- Bones

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Question: What is the Soul? ANSWERED!

What is the Soul?

In This video, Neale Donald Walsch discusses what the soul is, as defined by the Conversations With God teachings.

No matter what religion you are, you may find this answer very interesting.

I am an HUGE Fan of Neale Donald Walsch, and I hope you enjoy him as much as I do!

Watch It Here

Thursday, April 30, 2015

To the fathers and sons out there

In case you didn't know, I have an 8 month-old named Pike.

I don't know how you would NOT know that, unless you are just meeting me, because my Facebook has been loaded with baby pictures for exactly 8 months :-D

So, now that I have added "Father" to my titles, along with Actor, Author, and Entrepreneur, I have had some thoughts that I wanted to express:

I want you to know that if you EER feel your parents didn't love you, that you were WRONG.

And, if for some reason you think you lost their love, it is impossible- even if they just didn't know what to do with it, or how to express it, or how to be a loving person.

But those scenarios have nothing to do with you, or your ability to be loved.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

The Enemy Named Disappointment

Disappointment sucks.

It's just the worst, and the higher your expectations, and the more excited you are about something, the harder the fall of disappointment.

The more JOY you're investing, the more GRIEF from the disappointment.

Now, I've heard that "attachment to results is the main cause of suffering", but that's for another post.

For right now, here's what I wanted to tell you:

Get excited anyway.

Get joyous anyway.

You see, it's really easy to dampen your hopes, to play down your enthusiasm, and to mute your excitement just to protect yourself from the soul-crushing, rug-pulling, embarrassment of disappointment.

You get news about something great, but you STOP YOURSELF from getting too excited, or too hopeful, because it's possible that it might not work out the way you want it to.

So, you ROB YOURSELF of the joy instead... BEFORE disappointment gets it's chance.

And that means Disappointment has won. It has beaten you because you bring it along with you and do it's work for it.

And the worst part- is that sometimes, because youve muted your excitement so much, you actually bring about the unwanted results, and get disappointed.

And it grows in strength for the next time.

ow, about the "attachment to results" thing, this is kinda true.

Because there's a difference between getting excited, and hanging all of your hopes on a single, particular result.

I went with some friends to a Phish concert, after not having heard them live in a while, and the discussion came to what songs we wanted to hear.

One of my friends absolutely HAD to hear something, and was going to be disappointed if he didn't. Another really hoped they did NOT play something else. When it came to my turn, I really and sincerely couldn't be disappointed. I was just glad that I was going, and whatever they played would be great.... even Guelah Papyrus, which is my least favorite song.

But in truth, I haven't heard it in so long, I might actually enjoy it!

Anyway, this has not been one of my most fluid posts (kinda disappointed in it!), but you get the point.

The next time you feel yourself trying to avoid disappointment, remember that it means it has already won!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This Is Genius - And so are You!

This is Genius- a spoken word poem with a simply directed video tells a pretty cool story:

The question is how far should we take that? We do need some basic education that we can all agree with, but how much of it? And where can we start to divide the herd... and how?

What do YOU think?

This Is Genius - YouTube

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: