Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Webinar to CRUSH 2015

The End Of 2014 "Quit Your Day Job" WEBINAR!

Ok, so I had a GREAT Idea a little while ago,
and I turned it into "No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business Without A Day Job".

But recently, I held a Mastermind where I took people through three sessions of HOW-TO make websites that pay, and we had a blast. These guys really learned their stuff, and have INCOME-GENERATING SITES. I decided that other people deserved the chance to do that too. So, I'm doing a webinar:


Make sure to get your spot!

You are going to hear stuff you have NEVER heard before, and it will take your 2015 to NEW LEVELS!!

Amazing Baby Beatboxes Like Justin Timberlake!

Baby BeatBoxes!

So, I consider myself a pretty good Beat Boxer, and I decided to give my kid a lesson. I never expected this:

And so, just like that, my baby is a Street Legend.

I am probably the luckiest guy in the world because I get to spend all day and night hanging out with my wife and baby, all because I found a simple three-step system for making money from the internet, which we all know is the future. I'm glad I learned how to use the computer to make money before the computer replaced me!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Prince Proves It Again- ANOTHERLOVE Video

You can count on Prince for some hurtful love songs.

Although this is apparently a cover, I was unaware of the original, but this sounds so much like Prince; The ballad part takes a turn and hits the angry part of a breakup.
Just enjoy, and share it:

I got heavily into Prince in College, probably because of all of his insights on sex. Afterwards he kinda stopped all of that after losing his baby, and becoming more and more Jehovah's Witnessed.

Religion does that.

But maybe he's back now.

I'm just glad that I can spend all day at home and listen to the new stuff!


HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: