Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

When You Have No Shot At The Audition, Do This!

My wife had just had a baby.

She was still in the hospital when I was asked to go to the callback for this commercial spot. I figured, why not? She was ok, and the baby was fine. It was the callback session, which means they were only going to see me once, but what the hell, right?

I knew I wasn't going to get it, so I did this:

So, maybe next time, you'll do the same thing.
and you'll feel that feeling:

I updated the No More Waiters package recently and added 2 HOURS of extra content!

Get it here-

And start living the NO DAY JOB ACTOR Life!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

5 Steps That Top Producers Use To Make Real Money

There is a real problem in MLM.

When someone joins, they are often told "It's not selling",
so they never think they need to learn some new skills.

In a way, it's true, but in another, it's not.

In most things, you have to learn something new to grow.
But in MLM and Network Marketing, often people join
in order to hopefully make money.

But there are some skills to learn, and here is a formula
that someone can learn to be successful and make REAL MONEY:


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams is Pagliacci

I thought of this the instant I heard about Robin Williams.
I had just come out of the operating room where my wife gave birth to our first child Pike.

I just wanted to share it. I hope you pass it on.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

"Get To It Already!" she said, so I said this.

"Get To It Already!" she said.

I was kinda of surprised.

See, I have been waiting for my wife to give birth to my first son

the past few days (he's an entire WEEK late!) and to get out of

the apartment, we went to whole foods.

While my wife was waddling among the aisles it's ok, she's adorable),

a woman pointed at me as she walked over and said:

"Hey! I know you- I just got your book!"

Well, I'll let the video tell you the rest of the story...

Are you a scammer? - YouTube

Friday, August 01, 2014

Survey Results= BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!

These survey results are great.

Thanks so much for answering, because now I have a better understanding of what you need,
and they gave me a GREAT IDEA!

 You can still fill out the survey here-

 But here's a video I made going through them:

Stay tuned for an EXCITING update!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Message To Actors

I say it ALL the time; "There are two kinds of actors..."
But this time, I say it while walking...

People are digging this video on facebook, and if you're interested, follow the link!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: