Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Star Trek Trailer- Finally Here!!

Yes, I am SUPER-Excited!

And of course, he is making out with some woman. If you want to know his secrets, get the book that "Tells All"!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Although I've been a member for a few months, I've decided to put my energies towards building HUB, which stands for HUMANITY UNITES BRILLIANCE. This is a video taken at a live event in Canada:

This is MY story:

I decide to Change the World!

So, I decided to change the world- Actively. I always talk a good game, and I have ideas, buut this time, I'm putting my ACTION behind it:

So now I'm looking for who else wants to change the world- here's my story:

I decide to Change the World!

So, I decided to change the world- Actively. I always talk a good game, and I have ideas, buut this time, I'm putting my ACTION behind it:

So now I'm looking for who else wants to change the world- here's my story:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Get Your Ship Together"

As I say in "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women", a man must "Be Your Own Captain, and Get Your Ship Together"- well, it seems that the new Star Trek movie out summer of 2009 has it's ship:

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Is Barack Obama the World's BEST Network Marketer?

By the time John McCain and the crazies were grabbing at straws to slow down the MOMENTUM of Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Obama had already laid his foundation, had recruited his team, and initiated the best MLM campaign the world has ever seen...

From his own mouth, Barack Obama says that his campaign for the presidency started in living rooms, dens, and porches. He said that he was talking with people who wanted HELP, people who wanted a CHANGE.

He traveled all over the country, meeting new people, and finding those who would be willing to make calls for him, introduce friends to his ideas, and work towards the common goal of CHANGE for themselves, their friends, and their children.

At first, a friend of mine declared that she was working on the campaign on facebook, and and she got a lot of flack because he was so unknown, and was still running against Hillary- a well-known politician. She was a young white well-off woman, and her commitment at the time seemed, well... weird.

Slowly, more and more people were talking about his ideas and his campaign for change. I kept hearing about it on the news and other places, and after many exposures, I started to pay attention- but I really didn't care.

Then I saw a vision of the future with McCain winning:

Once I saw that video, the campaign seemed VERY important, and VERY urgent. I guess I hd to see what the alternative was for eme to really pay attention.

Once I heard the message Obama was preaching, the vision of the future he held, and the way he wanted to accomplish this, I was converted!

I wore buttons, made calls, and solicited friends and neighbors to take action and tell THEIR friends and neighbors about Barack Obama and the campaign for Change.

I even got into a few fights, and alienated a few people- but it was the FUTURE that I was working towards- whoever wasn't joining the campaign was fine with me- but would they at least VOTE for him?

Some still said no- they were too scared of "what might happen"

Can you imagine what kind of Network Marketing business you could have if you just got a few people around you who were willing to do all of those things for you and themselves? If you were filled with a vision of the future that you wanted, along with a vision that you didn't want?

We hear all the time that this business is about leadership, and getting people to do things they normally wouldn't for themselves. But Barack Obama was able to transfer his vision of a new America to people who were tired of the life as it was, and who wanted CHANGE.

There were almost 1/2 of the people in the country who didn't believe him, who called him every name in the book, but he kept on telling us his about his vision, and his idea of CHANGE. And he kept on describing that vision.

So- what about you? As you build your business, can you take away some lessons from Barack Obama? Can you make your business more about HOPE and INSPIRATION for many rather than about your bonus check? Can you transfer your vision of the future and the CHANGE versus the vision of a few extra dollars, and still living the same way?

Can you endure people calling you "terrorist", and questioning all of your friends and family members?

I think you can- and I think you can also bring about the CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

Barack Obama, MLM, and The United States of America...

A number of my "MLM Friends" were big McCain fans. A lot of them bought the line about Obama being a Socialist, and we all know that MLMers are all about Capitalism and free enterprise.

However, what they might not realize is that their precious Capitalistic MLM is froaght with many, many socialist features...

It's kind of like showing someone MLM, and them screaming "PYRAMID!!"- it just takes a little bit of knowledge to see the truth:

First of all, there's really no such thing as pure capitalism- where the best product at the best price wins, and if your company is providing that best product at the best price, your company will win. There are many other factors that go into buying, and most companies feel they have th best product at the best price, so who's to say? Moreover, any disruption in that model- marketing, slogans, sale prices, and referrals all disrupt pure capitalism.

In MLM, there are may different Juice comapnies, many different pill companies, and many services, all who claim to have the best product or service. More than that, they also claim to have the best compensation plan, and a compensation plan is one of the features that is pretty fungible; meaning that the $300 you make at one company is the same as the $300 at another.

However, every compensation plan is "weighted" differently between a new person and a "heavy hitter". Some people prefer a compensation plan that is geared towards the new person, so that they comp plan pays better at the "lower levels". And yet, you want something that still rewards the "heavy hitter", so that the ambition to grow is always rewarded. A comp plan can be weighted one way to ruin, and to the other way to ruin also. Balance between the two brings success.

In the U.S., after 4 years of George W. Bush and the new republican philosophy, the comp plan for the U.S. was too heavily weighted towards the "heavy hitters" at the top, and didn't allow the small guy or the new person to prosper. That's why the U.S.'s comp plan bottomed out, and we have the recession we're in now, which will be a depression very soon.

What many of the McCain people were scared of is that Obama was going to come in and "take away" from the upper levels, in some sort of unjust robin hood way, not realizing that the plan was weighted too much on the top already. It was time to BALANCE the comp plan by putting in better incentives at the lower levels.

In order to win, McCain's camp was calling this "Socialism", but they were just trying any and everything they could to win. There was no basis for this other than Obama saying "spread the wealth around".

Instead, Obama's plans are to BALANCE the U.S.'s comp plan, so that all of the participants can benefit instead of just the heavy hitter friends of Bush's.

MLM itself already has many socialist features:

You know how we all pay for the room at an opportunity meeting? That's a Socialist idea.
You know how we ALL benefit from the company doing ads and commercials? That's a SOCIALIST IDEA.
You know how we try to work together to lift up the whole company- that's a SOCIALIST IDEA!

If we were REALLY "cut-throat Capitalists", we'd be competing for each and every recruit, and tearing each other down to get the sign-ups. No one would EVER attend an opportunity meeting, because we'd all be trying to steal each other's guests. Do some people do that? Yes- does it work for them? Not in the long run.

But this is exactly what was happening in the U.S.- the guys at "the top" were ruining the market for everyone- including themselves.

So, precious Capitalistic Network Marketers, I hope the next time you hear someone screaming "Socialism" as a way to denegrate someone else, I hope you take the time to THINK about it, rather than just assume it's a negative. As wonderful as our capitalistic ideals are, they are just as impossible as pure communism, so the best way to run a government, and an MLM is to have BALANCE.

Next article: Why Barack Obama is the World's BEST Network Marketer...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Wins Election!! We celebrate!

This is what it was like outside of our place:

What an AMAZING night to be alive!!

And now... It's time to band together to bring equality to our GAY population too.
Arkansas, California- your fears will seem silly to you real soon.

Obama Wins Election!! We celebrate!

This is what it was like outside of our place:

What an AMAZING night to be alive!!

And now... It's time to band together to bring equality to our GAY population too.
Arkansas, California- your fears will seem silly to you real soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This is just plain frightening....

Ok, so a few days ago, I had an email conversation with a friend from High school, and I was convinced that she had lost her sanity. That somehow, she had been brainwashed with enough hate and fear, that she totally abandoned her moral center.

Here's a video that explains why she wrote some of what she wrote:

You can see the original conversation here. PLEASE comment!

This is just plain frightening....

Ok, so a few days ago, I had an email conversation with a friend from High school, and I was convinced that she had lost her sanity. That somehow, she had been brainwashed with enough hate and fear, that she totally abandoned her moral center.

Here's a video that explains why she wrote some of what she wrote:

You can see the original conversation here. PLEASE comment!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Zoe Saldana- Uhura-Worthy?

Well, we KNOW what a STUNNING communications officer Nichelle Nichols was as Uhura..

Does Zoe Saldana Keep up?

Yup- I think so, and I'm pretty sure the new Captain will think so too!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is this some crazy shit?

Ok, so I have a friend from High School, whom I now think has lost it.

I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:

and she sent me this email:
Be very careful with what you want to believe and what is truth...Out of his own mouth...Your e-mails are always signed "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men" so you are a professed Christian. Be careful with what you advocate because you are representing Christ to many.
In Christ's love,
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:

Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.

So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?

And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?

Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?

I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.

"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".

If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.

If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.

But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.

If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.

This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.

I still love you.

Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.

Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
I have a few comments for you as well; I guess since you felt at liberty to elaborate I will share in that right along with you. There's nothing wrong with a good debate between friends.

Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.

So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it? Yes, it is. Regardless of our opinions it is irrelevant as to what we think. You can think that the sky is green all day but it's blue, what you believe does not make it true, truth makes it true. Now, if you're going to attack my interpretation of truth don't bother old friend, I believe the bible is the inerrent word of God without exception. So, you can offer any excuse or reason or psychology you want but to me that's just words on a page, the only words that are alive are the one's in the bible. If I weren't totally convicted to that what's the point?

And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything? John, do you remember that time in school where you told everyone you were born in Denmark? That was so funny... What, you don't remember that? That's because you weren't born in Denmak and never "accidently" said you were. I never accidently said I was muslim at any point in my life, or of spanish decent or that I speak russian. There's so much evidence out there that he is muslim I find it incredible that anyone even thinks he's christian. Here's the crux of it, you are of spanish decent, you can live in china for 50 years and you'll be no less spanish an no more chinese regardless of what you say. He's muslim and masquerading as a christian, that does not make him christian. That's the secular perspective. The spiritual evidence is that christians don't kill babies nor promote laws that do, they don't promote abortion or laws that do and they certainly don't create and legislate the outright murder of a failed abortion that brings out a living viable baby who, if given care that any just born child received would live. There is no excuse in this world or the next that can possibly convince me otherwise; it is grotesque in the extreme and in my humble opinion Obama should be imprisoned for it and so should every doctor who participated in one. Finally, I ask that you keep this on task and not extrapolate this to the war or any war in the middle east. The US soldiers do not do this to them, these are the sons and daughters of the people next door, those you and I went to school with, friends, relatives and those we'll some day share a meal with during the holidays. Please don't make a baseless accusation against our government or military that we're doing something "illegal" over there and/or compare it to the murder of an unborn/just born infant here in the US. Let's face it John, there's no lawful order given that would support that and regardless of the training you or I would receive, if we were in the military would we do such an abominable thing. Do you think our sons and daughters of this country would. Of course not, regarless of what Katie Couric (a total idiot) would say!!!

Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.

I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff. Exactly what they said about Hitler. Enough said!!!

"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love". Truthfully there is not one drop of hypocracy of Christs love; just misinformation and false teachings. That does not make Christ imperfect but man pathetic!

If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you. My faith is not dictated by my politics but my politics are dictated by my faith. If we have to go out to the end result and vote for the "lesser evil" McCain wins by a long shot. Obama is walking, talking evil, he's the most liberal democrat in the history of the US, is caught in more lies than your standard lying politician, his vote does not agree with his words (see voting record on line) as he's voted opposite of vitually every point he's made in this campaign. If you want facts John that will talk you out of this turkey just look at his voting record; that may be enough to convince you he's so full of it he can't be trusted anyway. Not to mention, Obama get's 8 minutes free news reporting in favor of him versus the one minute to McCain. So, even with all the positive Obama gets that McCain doesn't get there's still this "giant fear" going on... That's because it's true and Obama did it himself, not because of the media who is decidingly liberal anyway. Also, his budget is what, 4 times the amount the republicans have and still this "sensationalism" continues to spread??? Come now John, open up and see this turkey for who and what he is.

If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him. Plan on it, nuff said!

But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are. John, he walks like, talks like, looks like and smells like a duck... He's a duck! Nobody dictates to me what to think, I know truth and regardless of my opinion that's what I follow, truth. I'm in a position as are you of having to choose the lesser evil here, not the one who will do the best but the one who will do the least damage and at least protect us and not tax us out of our homes. This muslim can not be trusted.

If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing. So is everything else the dems do. Pelosi is the equivlent of human garbage and Obama is her pony!!! I don't know what else to say other than this; the dems are wrong on just about every issue, most importantly taxes and security and the war.

This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love in the way you see fit is not really where my head is. Nothing I can do about that and I'm not trying to. Your quote is biblical, both Matthew and Mark. Maybe your head should be in what you're quoting. Just my opinion.

I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.

Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?

Is this some crazy shit?

Ok, so I have a friend from High School, whom I now think has lost it.

I'm into Obama, fine, and if someone is into McCain, that's fine, (although I wonder why).
Anyway, I sent out a thing about Obama, so she sent me this video back:

and she sent me this email:
Be very careful with what you want to believe and what is truth...Out of his own mouth...Your e-mails are always signed "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men" so you are a professed Christian. Be careful with what you advocate because you are representing Christ to many.
In Christ's love,
Well, I am incapable of keeping quiet, so then I emailed her back:

Wow- I actually thought this [video] was going to be compelling.

So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it?

And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything?

Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right?

I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things,
but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that
McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience
go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff.

"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country
that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love".

If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you.

If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him.

But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are.

If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-
you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing.

This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love
in the way you see fit is not really where my head is.

I still love you.

Now go get on facebook, and look at my ridiculous picture of me and
(someone else she knew) in 8th grade.

Naturally, she wrote me back, and went point for point:
I have a few comments for you as well; I guess since you felt at liberty to elaborate I will share in that right along with you. There's nothing wrong with a good debate between friends.

Wow- I actually thought this was going to be compelling.

So, then... Christ's love is the only one, right? And I guess you know
best how to represent it? Yes, it is. Regardless of our opinions it is irrelevant as to what we think. You can think that the sky is green all day but it's blue, what you believe does not make it true, truth makes it true. Now, if you're going to attack my interpretation of truth don't bother old friend, I believe the bible is the inerrent word of God without exception. So, you can offer any excuse or reason or psychology you want but to me that's just words on a page, the only words that are alive are the one's in the bible. If I weren't totally convicted to that what's the point?

And even if Obama WERE muslim (which he isn't), what does that have to
do with anything? John, do you remember that time in school where you told everyone you were born in Denmark? That was so funny... What, you don't remember that? That's because you weren't born in Denmak and never "accidently" said you were. I never accidently said I was muslim at any point in my life, or of spanish decent or that I speak russian. There's so much evidence out there that he is muslim I find it incredible that anyone even thinks he's christian. Here's the crux of it, you are of spanish decent, you can live in china for 50 years and you'll be no less spanish an no more chinese regardless of what you say. He's muslim and masquerading as a christian, that does not make him christian. That's the secular perspective. The spiritual evidence is that christians don't kill babies nor promote laws that do, they don't promote abortion or laws that do and they certainly don't create and legislate the outright murder of a failed abortion that brings out a living viable baby who, if given care that any just born child received would live. There is no excuse in this world or the next that can possibly convince me otherwise; it is grotesque in the extreme and in my humble opinion Obama should be imprisoned for it and so should every doctor who participated in one. Finally, I ask that you keep this on task and not extrapolate this to the war or any war in the middle east. The US soldiers do not do this to them, these are the sons and daughters of the people next door, those you and I went to school with, friends, relatives and those we'll some day share a meal with during the holidays. Please don't make a baseless accusation against our government or military that we're doing something "illegal" over there and/or compare it to the murder of an unborn/just born infant here in the US. Let's face it John, there's no lawful order given that would support that and regardless of the training you or I would receive, if we were in the military would we do such an abominable thing. Do you think our sons and daughters of this country would. Of course not, regarless of what Katie Couric (a total idiot) would say!!!

Oh yes- all the muslims are trying to kill us, right? Dear, dear John, yes they are... The Quo'ran commands it, did you ever read it or study it or compare it to any other religion or the christian faith? There are litterally hundreds of references to killing christians and any other "infidel" living. Read the rituals, learn about them, you may be suprised. In fact, if they don't kill us they can't get to heaven... but please, don't belive me, pick up a quo'ran and read it for yourself. If you don't and you make comments like that you're the one listening to conjecture and propaganda. It's everything they believe and in fact, they are rewarded for it... so it says in that book of theirs which, by the way, has far more in common with the "satanic bible" than any other book it can be compared to. Think that's extreme, ask any muslim about the "satanic verses", which were books written by mohammad, under the influence of demonic spirits that muslims admit he did. Additionally (and get this) mohammad writes that if he or any other profit speak the word of any other god or spirit they are to be killed and all writings destroyed... So, by writing the satanic verses he disqualified himself from being a profit anyway. It's a huge problem with the muslim/christian debate and used in virtually every publicized event between the two because the muslims can't explain it away. Thought you may want to know that.

I'm not in any way a democrat, and actually agree with the Republican
view on MOST things, but this time around, the imagined hysteria is way out of hand, and I
simply don't think that McCain and Palin have the right philosophy for the current times. I
can't with any good conscience go along with the fear mongering that's being put out there-
especially this kind of "secret muslim" stuff. Exactly what they said about Hitler. Enough said!!!

"Ooh- he slipped up and said he was muslim"- Frankly, I wish he were,
and we lived in a country that stands by it's ideals instead of an AMAZING hypocrisy of "Christs' love". Truthfully there is not one drop of hypocracy of Christs love; just misinformation and false teachings. That does not make Christ imperfect but man pathetic!

If you're under the impression that the repubs are the "Christian's party",
you don't have a religion, you have a dogma that's dictated to you. My faith is not dictated by my politics but my politics are dictated by my faith. If we have to go out to the end result and vote for the "lesser evil" McCain wins by a long shot. Obama is walking, talking evil, he's the most liberal democrat in the history of the US, is caught in more lies than your standard lying politician, his vote does not agree with his words (see voting record on line) as he's voted opposite of vitually every point he's made in this campaign. If you want facts John that will talk you out of this turkey just look at his voting record; that may be enough to convince you he's so full of it he can't be trusted anyway. Not to mention, Obama get's 8 minutes free news reporting in favor of him versus the one minute to McCain. So, even with all the positive Obama gets that McCain doesn't get there's still this "giant fear" going on... That's because it's true and Obama did it himself, not because of the media who is decidingly liberal anyway. Also, his budget is what, 4 times the amount the republicans have and still this "sensationalism" continues to spread??? Come now John, open up and see this turkey for who and what he is.

If you're for McCain because you think he's the best candidate, or you think
that his ideas about what to do with this country are correct, then
great- vote for him. Plan on it, nuff said!

But, if you've been told over and over that Obama is a secret terrorist muslim,
and that the "end of days" are upon us if Obama wins, I think you might want
to reconsider who you're listening to, and why they're telling you
what they are. John, he walks like, talks like, looks like and smells like a duck... He's a duck! Nobody dictates to me what to think, I know truth and regardless of my opinion that's what I follow, truth. I'm in a position as are you of having to choose the lesser evil here, not the one who will do the best but the one who will do the least damage and at least protect us and not tax us out of our homes. This muslim can not be trusted.

If you want fuel against the democrats, then look up the video of the
vote for Fannie Mae-you'll see all the democrats saying there was nothing wrong a few years ago-
THAT is compelling- THAT is real situation and REAL political wrongdoing. So is everything else the dems do. Pelosi is the equivlent of human garbage and Obama is her pony!!! I don't know what else to say other than this; the dems are wrong on just about every issue, most importantly taxes and security and the war.

This question of "secret Muslim" and whether or not you feel I'm
representing Christ's love in the way you see fit is not really where my head is. Nothing I can do about that and I'm not trying to. Your quote is biblical, both Matthew and Mark. Maybe your head should be in what you're quoting. Just my opinion.

I still love you. Still love you too, even though we can agree to disagree. Don't take this email the wrong way John, you elaborated based on my brief observation which I still stand behind; I simply answered.

Now, is it me, or has this chick lost it?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Captain Kirk Promotes LITERACY...

As we all know, the Captain is all about Reading and Literacy-
How else would he know MILTON so well?

Well, there's a Web Communication Specialist at a community college out in Arkansas who is known as "The Captain Kirk Celebrity Impersonator", and he used "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women" to promote Literacy:

What Great Posters!

Special Thanks to The Captain Kirk Celebrity Impersonator! Beam on over to his site:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tiger Woods, Dave Matthews, and .... Bones Rodriguez?

What do these three men have in common?

For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?

It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:

The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.

Tiger Woods, Dave Matthews, and .... Bones Rodriguez?

What do these three men have in common?

For the Ladies, the Gay men, and the even straight men-
If you haven't heard of it, where have you been?

It's the new diet sweeping the country, and yesterday
was a FIRST:

The Hot Man Diet- because Nothing Tastes as Good as a Hot Man Feels.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My solution for the Homeless

Google announced that they would fund some problem-solving solutions, so I submitted my proposal, and made this 30-second video:

What do you think?

My solution for the Homeless

Google announced that they would fund some problem-solving solutions, so I submitted my proposal, and made this 30-second video:

What do you think?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My First Stand-Up Gig at a club!

Well, this was a "bringer" show, and a bunch of friends cam e to watch, as did my mom, aunt and cousin- thanks to everyone who came and laughed!


My First Stand-Up Gig at a club!

Well, this was a "bringer" show, and a bunch of friends cam e to watch, as did my mom, aunt and cousin- thanks to everyone who came and laughed!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Get up, Stand up...

Today I did a MARATHON of stand-up gigs! Well, they were all open-mics, but hey- I performed!
I met up with my friend Jen Freidlander, who has been taking me around to the different "mics" (as they are called in "the biz"), and we hit FOUR different places tonight, performing at 3 of them.

Here is the one video that proves I performed tonight:

We also picked up a new friend along the way, Cameron Davis, a comic from Australia, who is visiting New York for the month. We started at 5pm, and finished at 1am!

Get up, Stand up...

Today I did a MARATHON of stand-up gigs! Well, they were all open-mics, but hey- I performed!
I met up with my friend Jen Freidlander, who has been taking me around to the different "mics" (as they are called in "the biz"), and we hit FOUR different places tonight, performing at 3 of them.

Here is the one video that proves I performed tonight:

We also picked up a new friend along the way, Cameron Davis, a comic from Australia, who is visiting New York for the month. We started at 5pm, and finished at 1am!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Cohoes Livin'...

So I went up to Cohoes New York to visit Laura. She's doing a run of "Noises Off" at the Cohoes Music Hall. This is how we spent our Labor day:

Cohoes Livin'...

So I went up to Cohoes New York to visit Laura. She's doing a run of "Noises Off" at the Cohoes Music Hall. This is how we spent our Labor day:

Friday, August 22, 2008

Russia and Georgia- What Captain Kirk Would Do...

If you've ever wondered how Captain Kirk would handle the situation between Russia and Georgia, here's your answer:

Captain Kirk's Guide To Women

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am a Kid Agin!

Thank GAWD for cable!
Thanks to Toon Disney, I get to watch one of my old favorites:
"Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends"
I loved it when I was 10, and I love watching it now:

It's better than watching either Spider-Man 2 or 3!!

I am a Kid Agin!

Thank GAWD for cable!
Thanks to Toon Disney, I get to watch one of my old favorites:
"Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends"
I loved it when I was 10, and I love watching it now:

It's better than watching either Spider-Man 2 or 3!!

Julius J.Carry a.k.a "Sho Nuff"- vs. Captain Kirk

One of the greatest-because-it's-awful movies of all time: "The Last Dragon"
Why was it great? An actor named Julius J.Carry III, who unfortunately passed away today. His performance as "Sho-Nuff- The Shogun of Harlem" is filled with powerful line delivery- Watch this:

He was the baddest mofo low down around this town.
However, is it enough to beat Captain Kirk's line delivery?

Sho Nuff, we'll miss you- thank you for your work; and now you have joined the other Captains in the sky...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Michael Phelps' 700,000 Friends- and ME!!

From the Baltimore Sun:,0,7126474.story

Phelps and his 700,000 friends

By Sam Sessa | Sun reporter
August 19, 2008

Yes, Michael Phelps has been called a rock star. But online - at least on Facebook - the Rodgers Forge swimmer is actually much bigger than that.

So many comments poured in yesterday, part of his fan profile site temporarily crashed, Facebook officials said.

By noon yesterday, the Olympic swimmer had more than 700,000 fans, from high schoolers to parents. That's second only to presidential candidate Barack Obama (1,344,000), and more than Coldplay (501,000) and Michael Jordan (108,000) combined.

His fans have posted more than 30,000 comments on his wall, including marriage proposals, generic compliments ("he's sooo amazinggg!!!") and jealous insults ("you suck"). Here are our top five posts that stuck out from all the rest:

•"I think you deserve a word named after you. Like if your day is going well, or you do something awesome, you say 'Hey thats Phelps.' Anyway keep it up man. Your a great inspiration." - Richard Shuping

•"Michael Phelps, you're so good Morgan Freeman narrates your life" - Anthony Pancochar

•"Totally regretting the fact that I gave up on swimming lessons when I was 10." - Lauren Sciacca

•"A bunch of us ... have taken the challenge to eat like you and work out for 5 hours (broken up throughout the day, of course) for a week to see if we could keep up. Doubt it could happen and it'll most likely go to our thighs." - Tomasi Akimeta

•"Fantastic. We are all proud of you, and are talking about you. But can you beat Captain Kirk?" - Bones Rodriguez

Yay!! That was ME!!

Michael Phelps' 700,000 Friends- and ME!!

From the Baltimore Sun:,0,7126474.story

Phelps and his 700,000 friends

By Sam Sessa | Sun reporter
August 19, 2008

Yes, Michael Phelps has been called a rock star. But online - at least on Facebook - the Rodgers Forge swimmer is actually much bigger than that.

So many comments poured in yesterday, part of his fan profile site temporarily crashed, Facebook officials said.

By noon yesterday, the Olympic swimmer had more than 700,000 fans, from high schoolers to parents. That's second only to presidential candidate Barack Obama (1,344,000), and more than Coldplay (501,000) and Michael Jordan (108,000) combined.

His fans have posted more than 30,000 comments on his wall, including marriage proposals, generic compliments ("he's sooo amazinggg!!!") and jealous insults ("you suck"). Here are our top five posts that stuck out from all the rest:

•"I think you deserve a word named after you. Like if your day is going well, or you do something awesome, you say 'Hey thats Phelps.' Anyway keep it up man. Your a great inspiration." - Richard Shuping

•"Michael Phelps, you're so good Morgan Freeman narrates your life" - Anthony Pancochar

•"Totally regretting the fact that I gave up on swimming lessons when I was 10." - Lauren Sciacca

•"A bunch of us ... have taken the challenge to eat like you and work out for 5 hours (broken up throughout the day, of course) for a week to see if we could keep up. Doubt it could happen and it'll most likely go to our thighs." - Tomasi Akimeta

•"Fantastic. We are all proud of you, and are talking about you. But can you beat Captain Kirk?" - Bones Rodriguez

Yay!! That was ME!!

Baltimore Knows the deal

I made a comment on Michael Phelps' Facebok yesterday,
and the Baltimore Sun saw it (read this story 'til the end):,0,7126474.story

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Michael Phelps vs. Captain Kirk

Now that Michael Phelps has become the winningest olympian ever, therefore boldly going where no man has gone before, he must be measured by the yardstick of human male achievement: Captain Kirk.

They BOTH have many things in common:

1- They both like to be topless.
2- They both have a strong kick, though Phelps' is swimming, Kirk's is flying-leg.
3- They both yell- Phelps at important moments; Kirk, whenever.
4- Assuming that other planets get NBC and are watching the Olympics, they are both now galaxy-class sex symbols.

However, while Michael Phelps broke the world record in swimming several times, Captain Kirk broke through the great barrier at the center of our galaxy, as well as broke through warp 10- despite it being a theoretical impossibility.

Has Michael Phelps traveled faster than light? No.
How about faster than possible? No.
Has he made out with a green chick? Maybe, but not on TV- it only counts if it's on TV.

So, nice try Michael FLOPS, but Captain Kirk remains the Casanova of the Cosmos, the Plasma-Powered Playboy, the Warp-Speed Womanizer.

Congratulations on your gold trinkets; I'm sure you've made your country proud!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The FREE System that Rocks my world!

I just want to reiterate again how impressed I am with the Spiderweb system.

The way it's set up is 100% FREE, and it includes all of this amazing stuff.
I use a personal domain name for it:


Because it just works better that way- don'tcha think?
While everyone is busy "Acting as if", I'm just doing my thing, enjoying life, and the system does the rest.

By the way, if you're reading this, you have nothing to lose by checking it out,
and EVERYTHING to gain.

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: