Thursday, June 19, 2008

Heavy dude.....

So, more "The Secret" type of stuff, and I just wanted to put it up here:

So, how are you building YOUR reality?

Heavy dude.....

So, more "The Secret" type of stuff, and I just wanted to put it up here:

So, how are you building YOUR reality?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Are you a Bitter, Angry, Ugly Woman?

I've been walking around telling people that I'm going to write this book, and I just want to say that if I do, it'll be quite a shocker of a title.

Are you a Bitter, Angry, Ugly Woman?

I've been walking around telling people that I'm going to write this book, and I just want to say that if I do, it'll be quite a shocker of a title.

The Incredible HULK- A SMASH!!!!!!!


I am SO thrilled that HULK has been redeemed! The movie was quick-paced, and the storyline all made sense! Yes, that's important these days.
The action scenes were great, and you could actually SEE what was happening!

As a comic geek, I can say that this satisfied me. Instead of anger being his trigger, it's his heart-rate. I don't know why they made that change, but I am fine with it.

He does all of his powers- Leapng, smashing the ground, the clap- all VERY cool to see!


HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

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