Thursday, March 16, 2006

To The Publisher's Desk!

Well, todayI woke up to my phone ringing. My Literary Agent Mollie Glick said that she was putting together a "Submission List" of 5 or so publishers to "Check interest" for the Kirk book.

Is She Out Of Her Mind?

I wanted her to send it to 500, and get the job done. I understand that I am not a literary professional, but this whole world is WAITING for things. Anyway, I decided to acquiesce to her, and we are sending to to 12.... some compromise, huh?

I'll keep you posted!

To The Publisher's Desk!

Well, todayI woke up to my phone ringing. My Literary Agent Mollie Glick said that she was putting together a "Submission List" of 5 or so publishers to "Check interest" for the Kirk book.

Is She Out Of Her Mind?

I wanted her to send it to 500, and get the job done. I understand that I am not a literary professional, but this whole world is WAITING for things. Anyway, I decided to acquiesce to her, and we are sending to to 12.... some compromise, huh?

I'll keep you posted!

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