Friday, March 08, 2013

My Favorite Effect Of Make Up Sex

What is the Real Effect of Make Up Sex on a relationship?

I used to LOVE having Make Up Sex with my last girlfriend... thing is, she started finding ways to have fights with me all the time. Now that I think about it, that's sort of a compliment, isn't it?

Make Up Sex Effect

That was my main complaint about her- that we fought all the time. Little snippy things became full-blown arguments quickly.
But the Make Up Sex was really good... until even that got routine.

So maybe my wife has a point; maybe Make Up Sex DOES encourage fighting.

But damn... I mean...there's only one real way to find out....

 How Does This "Stay At Home Mom" Make More Money Than Her Husband? (CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT)

Have you had any good make up sex lately?

Even crazier- having a fight about whether or not to have Make Up Sex! I can't win!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Eric Worre Retires From MLM?

WOW! Eric Worre Retires from Network Marketing!

You heard the news: Eric Worre, the host of has announced his retirement from building in Network Marketing.
For some, this is a surprise, for others- we already knew the day was coming when “Eric Worre Retires”! Actually, it was years ago!
As a member of Eric Worre’s mlm group, I knew he had stopped building a few YEARS ago. He didn’t say it, but when the revenues from overshadowed his income from building an MLM business, we knew he was mentally gone.
And that was without any meetings, home parties, or being on the phone badgering his downline to get out and do something! LOL!

Are you paying attention?

He left Network Marketing because his BLOGGING BUSINESS was making him WAY more money.
So hey- Eric Worre retired from that- why not?
He’s providing more value for more people, so maybe now “Eric Worre retires” means that more people will be affected by his experience… but will he still have credibility? Will his trainings be full of fluff from “The Old Days”, or will it still be actionable and useful?

Will he actually teach people how HE'S making money now?
Not if he's telling them to buy 10 copies of his book and give it to their downline!

It’s part of the double-edged sword of being a generic trainer. So far, he’s done a great job!

Eric Worre Retires but still holds position…

I don’t believe that he has given up his position in his MLM company (that would be silly), but I think he’s seen the light- the days of cold calling, home parties, and 3-foot rule are over. He is proving it by showing that the real “BETTER WAY” is through finding a niche market and using the internet to blog, connect, and provide value that people pay for.
This is not the first time “Eric Worre Retires” has made news. When Eric Worre retired from Agel and moved to his final company, there was quite a shakeup, and people thought then that Eric Worre retired from Network Marketing, but he surprised everyone when he joined another solid, traditional company.

Eric Worre Retired, but will always support Network Marketers

So, even though he’s leaving the actual work of Network Marketing, he’ll be supporting Network Marketers by providing tips and advice on Does that mean he’s now become a “Shovel-Seller”, or is it just the safest and best way to truly be a help?
I guess only time will tell, but as his friend, admirer, and mentee, I say he’s got some guts!
And for the rest of us who want to make Network Marketing a Major Source of Income, your Final Opportunity Presentation is quite an eye opener!

However, if you'd rather actually do what he's been doing since Eric Worre Retired, go HERE

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sugar is Killing Us, You F*cking Moron.

Sugar is Killing Us.

I've upped the language here to make sure people get it.

I blog about health on occasion, and usually about how NOT to freak out over it, and yeah, I eat candy, and yeah, I drink soda too.

But Sugar is POISON, just like alcohol or cigarettes.

(I don't f*ck with cigarettes. Only F*cking Idiots do that.)

Today a new study came out in the New York Times today about how Sugar is killing us. If you bother to read it, it'll tell it like it is- there is NO DOUBT among the scientific community two things-

1- "Obesity doesn't cause diabetes: sugar does."

2- "It isn't simply overeating that can make you sick; it’s overeating SUGAR. We finally have the proof we need for a verdict: sugar is toxic."

Toxic means poisonous. Sugar is POISONOUS.

Sugar is killing us.

So Stop eating all the sugar, and stop SELLING all the sugar-laden crap to people and telling them it's healthy-


You can read more here- It's the Sugar, Folks - Or just share this headline, so that even if people don't read the study, they'll hear the message that...

Sugar is killing us.

Click- How does this Mom of three stay at home but make more money than her husband? 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coca-Cola Gets Honest- Finally!

Can you imagine a commercial where Coca-Cola gets honest?

I dunno who made this video, but I was just chatting on Facebook with someone who was APPALLED that Bloomberg passed a measure to prevent certain stores from selling LARGE quantities of soda. "Who does he think he is telling me what I can drink!" was the sentiment, and that "Government is becoming a NANNY STATE!" was the outrage he expressed.

I tried to explain that  the limit wasn't on what you can DRINK, just on what someone could SELL, and that I was all for it because I see Soda as POISON.
  The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Commercial - YouTube.

If you can imagine a world where Coca-Cola gets Honest, then you might see why someone might want to put a limit on profiting from POISONING... now Cigarettes are next! 

By the way, I definitely drink Coca-Cola, but only about one can a week... and usually with Rum (I'm Cuban)! :-D

 Make Money Just Blogging About What Interests You

Monday, February 25, 2013

Harlem Shake by SendOutCards

Many people know I am a fan of and a fan of these Harlem Shake videos.
Well, here is a Harlem Shake video from the production room over at SendOutCards and I think it's super-fun-

If you wanna know why I like SendOutCards so much, and how I earn a bunch of extra money using it, then check out THIS LINK

Friday, February 22, 2013

"Half-Assed is better than Whole"- Says the New York Times


That's right people, I've been vindicated by none other than the New York Times.
The article says that after a long study that a bunch of women worked out in groups- some at twice a week, some at four times, and some at six.

And at the end, the twice and four times a week groups got BETTER RESULTS than the 6 times a week women.

As I wrote about in Half-Assed Health- How To Look Good Naked WITHOUIT Starving, Suffering, or Surgery, 3 times a week is ideal, and you do NOT need to kill yourself doing it.

 When are you going to stop acting like it's so HARD to work out, when it's not-

You can LOOK GOOD NAKED within 90 days, from almost any point- and MY BOOK will help you do that without killing yourself over it. I only work out 3 times a week, and today I had 2 donuts, and 5 Munchkins... by myself!


3 Tips to Teach Your Child How to Read PENGUIN BOOKS!

3 Tips to Teach Your Child How to Read

by  | on February 22, 2013
How To Read
What Kind Of Penguin Are You?
One of my goals in writing “What Kind Of Penguin Are You?” was to make it understandable and repetitive enough to helps children learn how to read it on their own. The “OWL SURPRISE” is something kids pick up right away, and are excited about it.
Below are a few reading tips from Children Learning Reading that many find effective.
I hope you enjoy them, and use them in your Story Time!

3 Tips to Teach Children How to Read

Learning to read at a young age is important for the development of the child. It helps them develop a better understand of their surroundings, allows them to gather information from printed materials, and provides them with a wonderful source of entertainment when they read stories and rhymes. Children develop at different rates, and some children will develop reading skills quicker than other children; however, what’s important is that as the parent, you are keenly aware of your child’s maturity and reading level to provide them with appropriate books and activities to help them improve.
As parents, you are the most important teacher for your children. You will introduce your child to books and reading. Below we have some tips to help you teach your child to read.

Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #1

Teach your child alphabet letters and sounds at the same time. Studies have shown that children learn best when they are taught the letter names and letter sounds at the same time. In one study, 58 preschool children were randomly assigned to receive instructions in letter names and sounds, letter sound only, or numbers (control group). The results of this study are consistent with past research results in that it found children receiving letter name and sound instruction were most likely to learn the sounds of letters whose names included cues to their sounds. [1]
When teaching your child the letter sounds, have them slowly trace the letter, while saying the sound of the letter at the same time. For example, if you were teaching your child the letter “A”, you would say:
“The letter A makes the /A/ (ah) sound.”
Then have your child say the /A/ sound while tracing the letter with his or her index finger.

Teaching a Child How to Read Tip #2

When teaching your child to read, always emphasize with them that the proper reading order should be from left to right, and top to bottom. To adults, this may seem so basic that anyone should know it. However, our children are not born with the knowledge that printed text should be read from left to right and top to bottom, and this is why you’ll sometimes see children reading from right to left instead – because they were never explicitly taught to read from left to right. When teaching your child how to read, always emphasize this point with them.

Teach Your Child How to Read Tip #3

Teach final consonant blends first. Teaching words such “at” and “and” can lead your child directly to learning words that rhyme with these. For example, for “at”, you can have:
For “and”, you can have these rhyming words:
and so on…
You can start teaching blends once your child has learned the sounds of some consonants and short vowel sounds. You don’t need to wait until your child has mastered the sounds of all the letters before teaching blends.
Learning to read is a long process, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more.

>> Click here to for a simple, step-by-step program that can teach your children how to read, and watch a video of a 2 year old child reading

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