Thursday, April 03, 2014

The Kindness Virus- Spread The Love!

Look Out!

Don't look now, but there's a VIRUS going around...
and it just might change everything!

This is a short ebook I wrote originally for Kindle, but now it's available in PDF form, and all I'm asking for it is a "Share" with the new "Pay With A Post" app. Seriously a GREAT idea, and I figured what better ebook to start things with!

Help spread the Kindness Virus!

If you're the type of person who believes in KINDNESS,
then you have to SPREAD IT!

Thank You!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Netflix just made your FIREFLY DREAM come true!!!!


I know, I know. I don't even know what to say.

Apparently, after they are done with the AVENGERS, Whedon

is going to bring back a SEASON of FIREFLY.

That means ONE THIRD more Firefly content!

OMG, The Browncoats are going to be singing!!


Oh.... wait a sec. It was an April Fool's Joke.

Not funny.

But now, you know how I felt.-

Breaking: Netflix to Relaunch FIREFLY | the TV addict:

"How can I be happy?" Here's A Great Answer.

People often ask about happiness and how to create it.

That's a clue. Here's a great video on a source that few people think about:

"How can I be happy?" Narrated by Stephen Fry - That's Humanism! - YouTube: "

Doesn't THAT sound like a preferable way to create happiness in your life?

I agree!

Internet Traffic Formula- Live NOW

Very Simple:

Internet Traffic Formula

Has been gaining momentum all week, and I already got it.

Click the link above, and LEARN the stuff you're missing!

Two Legged Dog Defies The Laws Of Physics... and Love.

Two Legged Dog Defies The Laws Of Physics... and Love.

I don't get it.

Not only does this dog run around and play on only two legs... he seems HAPPY.

He is having fun, enjoying his day at the beach, and is being loved all on only two legs,

and it made me think about how little we actually need to be happy.

Maybe just watching this video will do it, but sharing might do more:

Two Legged Boxer Duncan Lou Who - First Trip to the Beach - YouTube: "

There's also a big web-traffic course launch today, but I had to post this wonderful video too.

Do me a favor, and share this, ok?

Monday, March 24, 2014

3 Things You Need

People wonder what I mean when I say that "I help people make money online".
They think it's some crazy scheme or scam...

Even some people who have bought things from me... ONLINE.

Dumb, right?

Well, in short, there are three things you need:

1- Something to sell. (Product or service)
2- A way to get people to see it (Traffic to your site)
3- A system that lets people buy it! (Website and Payment)

Finding #1 is pretty simple.
If you don't have anything to sell, try SELLING THIS.

#2 and #3? That's where the trick is.

So, I'm learning from one of the best people:

The thing a lot of people don't understand though, is that it's LEARNABLE.

and if it's LEARNABLE, then it's something you can learn to do, so it's not out of your reach.

I'm watching the video series, and if you wanna learn with me, click below:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Got A Nomad Charge Key!

I LOVE My Nomad ChargeKey!

The way it works, and the way they marketed it was genius! It seems pretty durable, and flexible, so I hope it'll last. It's super convenient with the little battery I got for my phone, and it can also hook up to any laptop:

Totally worth it, and obviously pretty cheap to make!

Get yours at RIGHT HERE

 So, Chloe- where's my free one?

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: