Showing posts with label Captain Kirk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain Kirk. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Joining the Procrasti Nation...

TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

Yesterday, instead of writing my Star Trek Book- WHICH IS COMING OUT IN FEBRUARY, I decided to make a joke:

I also spent time doing something to

But today- TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

I watched "The Gamesters of Triskelion", and it was SOOO good!!

Joining the Procrasti Nation...

TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

Yesterday, instead of writing my Star Trek Book- WHICH IS COMING OUT IN FEBRUARY, I decided to make a joke:

I also spent time doing something to

But today- TODAY Captain Kirk's Guide To Women gets far.

I watched "The Gamesters of Triskelion", and it was SOOO good!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm a member of the Procrasti-Nation

Dude, write your book- it's due soon!

I know, I know, but I am SOOO EXCITED about

Yes, you should be, but we have a BOOK DUE soon!

Ok- I'll tell you what, I'll work on,
and YOU work on

That won't work- we BOTH need the hands.


Ok, then how about you work on the book, and I'll just TELL everyone about


Monday, June 25, 2007

I am writing a book on Star Trek.

What does this have to do with you?

Well, what I learned about Internet marketing is being used here.

The way I got my Agent? Marketing.
The way we got to the publisher? Marketing.

I even maed a website because I learned how to make one before,
and I made it so people could sign up early. I learned it all from
working at home- how cool is that?

I NEVER thought that I would be able to transfer any of that knowledge,
but I'm using it for TREK!!!!!

You can keep learning and growing too- go for it!

Star-Trek Book- "WARP-SPEED AHEAD!!!"

I found out that my STAR TREK book is due a LOT sooner than I was originally told-

It was SUPPOSED to come out along with the new Star Trek Movie in December of 2008,
(and by the way, I REALLY want Shatner to be in it)
but APPARENTLY, they want it to come out 10 MONTHS Earlier- Valentines' Day, 2008!!!

So, I am gettin' cranking, and writing my Star Trek Book like Mad!!

Oh- wanna know all about it?

Well, here goes: "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women- How to Romance Any Woman In The Galaxy"

And here's the new webpage:
or just for short.

This is a made-up version of the cover:

Star-Trek Book- "WARP-SPEED AHEAD!!!"

I found out that my STAR TREK book is due a LOT sooner than I was originally told-

It was SUPPOSED to come out along with the new Star Trek Movie in December of 2008,
(and by the way, I REALLY want Shatner to be in it)
but APPARENTLY, they want it to come out 10 MONTHS Earlier- Valentines' Day, 2008!!!

So, I am gettin' cranking, and writing my Star Trek Book like Mad!!

Oh- wanna know all about it?

Well, here goes: "Captain Kirk's Guide To Women- How to Romance Any Woman In The Galaxy"

And here's the new webpage:
or just for short.

This is a made-up version of the cover:

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