Thursday, June 04, 2015

Entreperformer Mike Has a New Book!

Michael Mingoia is another of the original members of the No More Waiters Mastermind Sessions, and he's doing some fantastic stuff with his music and singing coach business:

 His YouTube channel is heating up with content, and his lessons are informative,'and full of his laid-back personality.

 Like Tory Dube from yesterday's post, he's got a New Book coming out!

  But wait until you hear the story of how he learned to WALK AGAIN!

And here is his book:

  Sign up to get his book RIGHT HERE

 His website is great, his videos are fun, he has gigs he's playing, and now he's becoming an author! 

Not only all of that, but from what he learned in the mastermind sessions, he's made over $300 as an affiliate for No More Waiters!

 But if I'm being totally honest, this is my favorite video of his:

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Entreperformer Tory Dube is On Dr. Oz!!

Tory Dube is a Holistic Health Coach and all-around awesome woman whom I met doing a sketch comedy show for my friend Toni Vitale:

Tory and I connected on the whole "Self-Improvement" tip, and when I had an extra ticket for Tony Robbins last year, we went together:

After that, we vowed that we would "Raise our standard", and I promised to get "Entreperformers" off the ground and do closer work to help more people.

 When I started the MASTERMIND SESSIONS for No More Waiters, she jumped on board to be in the first group.

 She is also one of the more accomplished members;

She followed the directions, and got her website "" looking great, she has a book available, and she's working on creating more ASSETS for herself:

 She does Holistic Health coaching, and she was just on the Dr. Oz show!

  Whatever you think of him or whatever trouble he's in, you can't deny how adorable, confident, and RADIANT Tory is:

  Get her book, get coached by her, and BE HAPPIER!!  

 And if you'd like to get YOUR OWN BUSINESS moving forward, get the No More Waiters Mastermind Sessions; they'll give you access to me, and we can map out a personalized plan for you and your success!

 Here's what Tory Has To say about me: 

Part of my coaching includes getting a blog and a website- if you have neither, click below to get started!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

How To Quit Your Day Job Forever

Yesterday, I was pushing my baby Pike in the stroller, and a man commented on how many fathers he's seen lately who seem to not have jobs...

"Don't all of you guys WORK?"

And I told him that I haven't had a day job in about 13 years.

When he asked how that was possible, I pointed him to my book on Amazon,
but I figured that since you guys are MY PEOPLE, I'd let you have it for free:

All you need to do is SHARE IT, and you'll get it for free!

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